List of convict passengers
Abram, James | Fortune, William | Jones, William | Senior, George |
Ackroyd, William | Foster, Thomas | Judge, David | Serby, George |
Ahern, Cornelius | Fox, William | Kay, Thomas | Shaw, Charles |
Allen, Frederick | Freeman, Thomas | Keeler, Robert | Shaw, Richard |
Archer, James | French, John | Keirle, Isaac | Shepherd, David |
Ashby, Edward | Fry, James | Kelshaw, Michael | Silcock, Joseph |
Badkin, Joseph | Fulton, James | Kennedy, Thomas | Simcox, Samuel |
Banbury, Joseph | Gage, Robert | Ladd, William | Simpson, Arthur |
Barry, Patrick | Galvin, Hugh | Lawrence, Oswald | Simpson, John |
Bartlett, William | Gilbert, Charles | Lawson, John | Sims, John |
Basleigh, James | Gilchrist, George | Lee, George | Sincup, Thomas |
Beaumont, George | Godden, Thomas | Long, William | Smart, Charles |
Belbin, William | Godfrey, Francis | Lovell, David | Smith, Abraham |
Bishop, Edward | Goulden, Patrick | MacAnally, Andrew | Smith, John |
Blackford, Walter | Gower, Thomas | Macdonald, Benjamin | Smyth, William Gray |
Bollen, James | Graham, Robert | Maloy, William | Speedy, Thomas |
Bowe, Edward | Green, Thomas | Mapes, Leonard | Stott, Mark |
Bowman, James | Green, William | Marshall, William | Stoyle, Thomas |
Boyle, James | Griffiths, Henry | McDonald, Alexander | Sutcliffe, Thomas |
Brewer, George | Griggs, Henry | McDonnell, John | Target, William |
Bridges, James | Haberfield, George | McDonnell, Thomas | Taylor, George |
Brookes, Joseph | Haggerty, Thomas | McIntosh, Charles | Taylor, William |
Brooks, Henry | Hall, James | McIntyre, John | Teed, William |
Brooks, Joseph | Hall, Matthew | McNolty, John | Theobald, William |
Brown, John | Hammill, William | Mills, David | Thomas, Thomas |
Brown, Thomas | Hancock, Charles | Milner, James | Thompson, Alfred |
Bryant, John | Hardacker, Joseph | Mitchell, George | Thompson, John |
Buckland, Silvanus | Harding, John | Mitchell, John | Thompson, John |
Burden, George | Hardwick, Samuel | Morris, William | Tomkin, John |
Burton, Alfred | Harrington, Daniel | Newman, Richard | Trask, Samuel |
Burton, Robert | Harrison, Thomas | North, John | Trew, George |
Castles, George | Harrison, William | O'Brian, Daniel | Turner, William |
Chandler, John | Hearn, John | O'Donnal, John | Wait, Adam |
Clapham, Michael | Henderson, John | Ormsby, Joseph | Walker, Levi |
Clarke, William | Hern, James | Oxford, Charles | Wallis, William |
Clegg, Thomas | Hickson, William | Parry, John | Walton, Joseph |
Clements, James | Hoddy, William | Pascoe, Edward | Washington, John |
Cliff, Samuel | Hodson, John | Pattison, William | Webb, James |
Connelly, James | Holland, George | Payne, James | Webb, John |
Conolly, Michael | Horner, Thomas | Pearce, George | Weeks, Henry |
Curry, Samuel | How, Thomas | Pearcey, John | Wells, George |
Davey, Francis | Howie, John | Prosser, William | Went, James |
Davies, William | Hoyland, William | Puxley, Timothy | Westaway, Robert |
Davis, Job | Hoyle, George | Pyott, George Black | White, Thomas |
Davis, William | Huggins, James | Quin, James | Wilkinson, James |
Deverell, James | Hunt, James | Rhodes, William | Wilkinson, Martin |
Donovan, Michael | Huntley, James | Rice, Peter | Wilks, John Oliver |
Durkin, Dennis | Hurst, Edwin Thomas | Richards, Joseph | Williams, Henry |
Earp, William | Isaac, Henry | Richards, Richard | Williams, James |
Eaton, Benjamin | Jankinson, Thomas | Richardson, George | Williams, John |
Eddie, John | Jennings, Patrick | Riddell, Joseph Hadley | Williams, John |
Edmunds, Robert | Jervis, William | Roberts, Joseph | Wilson, David |
Emmerton, John | Jessup, Charles | Roberts, Samuel | Wilson, James |
Evans, Thomas | Johnson, Henry | Robertson, John | Winterbottom, Ammon |
Feast, Henry | Johnson, William | Robson, Robert | Worrall, Joseph |
Felton, George | Johnstone, John | Rowley, Thomas | York, Samuel |
Fidler, William | Jones, George | Royden, Thomas | Young, John |
Fitt, James | Jones, John | Rudd, William | Young, Thomas George |
Forrest, James | Jones, Thomas | Scott, Archibald | |
Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Dudbrook is 235 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.
- The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/17, pp.559-585
- Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.374-375, 396