List of convict passengers
Alder, John | Davenport, William | Jones, John | Roberts, Evan |
Alderson, Samuel | Davies, Ishmael | Jones, John | Roberts, Henry |
Aldridge, George | Dawkins, Richard | Jones, Thomas | Roby, James |
Allen, Thomas | Day, Thomas | Jordison, George | Rodwell, Richard |
Allens, William | Delany, John | Kedge, Joseph | Roebuck, Joseph |
Alty, William | Dennis, James | Kelly, Michael | Rookwood, George |
Anderson, James | Dickerson, John | Kelly, Thomas | Roscoe, John |
Anglis, William | Dipper, James | Kenny, Hugh | Rutley, Thomas |
Arter, James | Disley, John | Kenyon, John | Sanders, Alexander |
Atherstone, Thomas | Doherty, William | Kerswell, . John | Sandwell, Edward |
Atkinson, James | Drake, Cornelius | Kilburn, John | Savage, Alfred |
Atkinson, William | Draper, John | King, George | Sayer, William |
Badcock, Thomas Priddis | Drysdale, George | Kingston, John | Seddon, Thomas |
Baker, Daniel | Duff, Alexander | Kirby, William | Shaw, Alfred |
Baldwin, Charles | Duncan, Peter | Knight, George | Shields, Robert |
Ball, George | Dutton, Alfred | Lander, Archibald | Simmons, James |
Banks, Thomas | Duxberry, Thomas | Langdon, Martin | Simpson, George Thomas |
Barber, Benjamin | Eales, Thomas | Lawrence, Griffith | Sims, John |
Barber, George | Eden, Joseph | Laythorpe, John | Slee, Samuel |
Barbour, Robert | Edwards, Thomas | Leary, Peter | Smith, Edward |
Barnes, Edmund | Edwin, John | Levy, Samuel | Smith, George |
Barrell, Samuel | Elliot, Robert | Lindsey, John | Smith, John |
Barrie, James | Elliott, George | Loader, William | Smith, Thomas |
Basfordfield, William Samuel | Ellis, George | Lowe, Richard | Smith, Thomas |
Bates, William | Emblen, Richard | Lucassie, George | Stanton, Michael |
Beard, Richard | Evans, David | Maloy, Charles | State, George |
Bell, Henry | Fisher, Samuel | Maxwell, Walter | Steed, William |
Bembridge, John | Fitzsimmons, James | McCormick, Benjamin | Stephenson, Robert |
Bennett, Peter | Francis, John | McDiarmid, John | Stevens, John |
Bennett, Thomas | Franklin, John | McFarlane, Daniel | Taylor, John |
Bennett, William | Franklin, William | McFarlane, James | Taylor, John |
Berry, Samuel | Freak, Benjamin | McGichans, John | Teasdale, Henry |
Beswick, Richard | Freebody, Thomas | McKinlay, James | Thomas, William |
Bickerton, William | Gandfield, John | McLean, John | Thomas, William |
Binstead, John | Gandfield, Thomas | McMahon, Michael | Thompson, James |
Black, Thomas | Garside, James | McTague, John | Thompson, John |
Blanchfield, James | Gibbons, Michael | Mead, Thomas | Thorp, Williamson |
Boardman, James | Giblin, Hugh | Mears, William | Thorpe, Thomas |
Boardmore, Henry | Gillespie, James | Merritt, Henry | Tritton, Thomas |
Bone, Stephen | Givan, John | Mitchell, James | Turner, Samuel |
Bramwell, William | Given, George | Mix, William | Turtonshaw, Joseph |
Branden, John | Goodwin, George | Molyneux, David | Tuttiett, Henry |
Briffett, Thomas | Goss, Thomas Luscombe | Moors, John | Tymm, Samuel |
Britton, George | Graham, Zachariah | Morris, John | Vaughan, Richard |
Brockley, John | Grant, Andrew | Morrison, James | Wallas, George |
Brown, George | Grant, William | Morsley, Samuel | Ward, John |
Brown, Henry | Green, John | Munro, James | Ward, Patrick |
Brown, Henry | Griffiths, James | Musk, Robert | Ward, Thomas |
Brown, James | Hackett, William | Nelson, Henry | Warren, George |
Brown, John | Haddock, Joseph | Newbold, John | Warren, Joseph |
Brown, William | Hadley, Thomas | Nott, William | Watson, George |
Burgess, James | Hall, William Samuel | Oppy, Henry | Watson, William |
Bush, James | Hamilton, Peter | Osborne, John | Watson, William |
Butcher, Jesse | Hanbury, Edward | Owen, William | Watts, Isaac |
Butler, Thomas | Harding, Charles | Pace, Thomas | Webb, Charles |
Butterworth, William | Harmer, John | Padden, John | Webb, George |
Cameron, William | Hatfield, Henry | Pain, Joseph | Webbe, James |
Campbell, John | Hesketh, Robert | Palmer, John Saint Clements | Weise, Frederick |
Campbell, William | Hill, James | Palmer, Oliver | Welham, William |
Carroll, Henry | Howell, William | Parker, Samuel | Wells, Charles |
Chellingworth, Thomas | Hughes, Alexander | Parsons, George | West, Thomas |
Clarke, Hugh | Hughes, John | Parsons, James | White, John |
Coleman, Thomas | Humphreys, Edward | Paul, Logan | White, William |
Collis, Samuel | Humphrys, John | Phillips, Charles | Wildfire, Richard |
Conder, Andrew | Hyatt, John | Plowman, Samuel | Wilkinson, William |
Coombes, Thomas | Irvine, Joseph | Porter, William | Williams, David |
Cricks, Charles | Jamieson, Daniel | Powell, John | Williams, Henry |
Cropper, John | Jarrett, Leonard | Powell, Rees | Williams, Henry |
Crossland, John | Jealous, William | Pye, Richard | Williams, John |
Crutchley, John | Jeans, Frederick | Quayle, John | Williamson, John |
Cunningham, Thomas | Johnson, John | Quin, Wiliam | Willicomb, William |
Curtis, Thomas | Jones, Henry | Raeburn, William James | Wilson, George |
Curtis, William | Jones, John | Read, James | Wilson, Thomas |
Dampier., Joseph | Jones, John | Reynolds, George | Wilson, William |
Davenport, William | Jones, John | Richards, William | Wood, George |
Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Cornwall is 300 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.
- The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/17, pp.29-70
- Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.370-371, 394