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Details for the ship Marquis of Hastings (4) (1839)

Ship Name:Marquis of Hastings (4)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1819
Size (tons):452
Voyage Details
Master:Henry I. Naylor
Surgeon:Edward Jeffrey
Sailed:17 March 1839
Arrived:23 July 1839
Days Travel:128
Convicts Landed:233 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Adams, AbelDudderidge, JohnKitchenham, WilliamRooney, Terence
Alison, BenjaminDunsmore, JosephKnowles, JohnRyan, William
Allam, WilliamEarle, WilliamLanglois, JosephRymer, Thomas
Allenby, ThomasEason, CharlesLarter, HenrySaunders, Thomas Seager
Andrews, SamuelEdwards, GeorgeLawson, FrederickSaunders, William
Archer, SamuelEdwards, JosephLeese, EnochScamell, John
Ash, WilliamEmery, GeorgeLeitch, JohnScholes, William
Ashton, WilliamErroll, JamesLewis, DavidShaw, William
Atkin, JohnEvans, JohnLittle, WilliamShedden, John
Attwood, CharlesEvison, GeorgeLockett, JohnSherlock, William
Baber, JohnFagan, JamesLong, WilliamSinclair, Daniel
Bailey, ThomasFennell, JohnLove, SamuelSkates, Joel
Baker, Thomas SmithFerrier, WilliamLynn, JamesSlaney, Daniel
Barber, WilliamFinnegan, PatrickMacrow, ThomasSlater, Richard
Beckett, EdwinFisher, HenryMadden, DennisSlatter, James
Bell, WilliamFisher, WilliamMaffey, OsborneSmith, James
Bertram, John WilliamFlint, WilliamMajor, RobertSmith, John
Blair, JamesFournelle, FrancoisMaldree, George WashingtonSmith, John
Blewitt, JohnFowler, JamesMallory, NormanSmith, John
Bonner, JosephFreeman, ThomasMarshall, WilliamSmith, William
Boulter, WillamGadbury, WilliamMartin, BenjminSolomon, Robert
Brown, JohnGillespie, JohnMather, WilliamSpicer, John
Brown, NeilGlasspoole, GeorgeMaxfield, FrancisSteel, George
Brown, WilliamGleeson, WilliamMayes, JamesStewart, John
Buggey, BenjaminGood, LeviMcAllister, JohnStrickley, John
Bundock, Frederick DawsonGooding, JohnMcKerracher, JamesSullivan, John
Burt, JosephGrantham, JohnMcLeod, AlexanderSurmans, Henry
Butcher, WilliamGregory, WilliamMcManus, PatrickSutherland, Thomas
Butt, JohnGridley, JohnMcMullin, JohnSutton, Josiah
Carless, JohnGriffiths, EdwardMcNulty, John JamesSwainsbury, William
Chandler, SamuelHagen, JosephMellors, WilliamSymonds, Henry
Chapman, GeorgeHallam, JamesMillward, DanielTait, Alexander
Chun, ThomasHamel, JosephMilne, JohnTallan, James
Clarke, JohnHarris, WilliamMitchell, JohnTaylor, John
Clarke, StevenHarvey, JohnMonaghan, MichaelTaylor, Thomas
Clayton, WilliamHayward, CharlesMoore, EdwardThompson, John
Cocker, JohnHayward, ThomasMorgan, GeorgeTidy, Peter
Cocking, JohnHead, ThomasMuir, DanielTindall, Henry
Coe, WilliamHiggins, ThomasMulloy, MichaelTough, Tom
Connell, JohnHills, WilliamMurray, RobertTrott, Charles
Conolly, GeorgeHodson, ThomasNewington, FrancisTurner, James
Conolly, JeremiahHoe, WilliamNorton, JamesTurner, John
Conway, JohnHolland, EdwardNunn, BenjaminTurner, Joseph
Cook, John ChisholmHolland, ThomasO'Hare, RogerUpjohn, Elijah
Cooley, GeorgeHook, WilliamOakford, JohnValentine, Benjamin
Cornish, JohnHowes, JohnOliver, ThomasVallance, Hugh
Cowan, WilliamHunt, Charles FrederickOlley, GeorgeVan Camp, Garret
Cox, JohnHunt, EdwardOsborn, RobertVennell, George
Crabtree, MosesHursley, WilliamPare, IsidoreVernon, John
Craig, JamesHutchin, JohnPerkins, JohnWaggoner, James
Crockett, JosephIronmonger, WilliamPink, JohnWait, Benjamin
Davis, JohnJackson, JohnPrevost, IgnaceWaite, Jacob
Deeley, ThomasJohnson, JosephPridmore, John (the younger)Waldron, George
Dellow, ThomasJones, PeterRadford, WilliamWatkins, Francis
Develin, PeterJones, ThomasRapp, JamesWest, Amos
Dillon, CharlesJones, WilliamRea, BenjaminWilliams, Frederick
Dixon, JohnJones, WilliamRead, JohnWilliamson, Mark
Dodd, JamesJude, WilliamReid, DanielWilson, George
Dodd, JohnKidner, CharlesRickey, JohnWoolley, Hardy
Drury, CharlesKirk, JosephRobertson, JohnWright, John

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Marquis of Hastings (4) is 240 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/12, pp.1-11
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.364-365, 391

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