List of convict passengers
??, Christmas | Dawson, Thomas | Kent, William King | Reardon, John |
Adams, Humphrey | Dean, Soloman | Kilby, Isaac | Redman, William |
Adams, Thomas | Denning, Mark | Kilpatrick, William | Robinson, George |
Alexander, George | Dickman, Thomas | Kirby, James | Robinson, Joseph |
Andrew, John | Dickman, William | Knights, Stephen | Robinson, Thomas |
Andrews, Matthias | Donnelley, William | Latus, Thomas | Rodgers, William |
Ashley, William | Douglas, William | Lawrence, James | Roe, Charles |
Ashton, David | Drew, Anthony | Lawrence, Joseph | Rogers, John |
Ayris, Henry | Dudley, Henry | Lawrence, Thomas | Rogers, William |
Baker, George | Duffin, James | Lawson, Daniel | Rogerson, Jonathan |
Baker, William | Dunphy, Martin | Lee, Arthur | Rolfe, Henry |
Balam, John | Durrant, Thomas | Lee, James | Ross, William |
Ball, Philip | Easterbrook, Samuel | Lee, Samuel | Rust, William |
Balston, Eli | Edwards, John | Lee, William | Ryan, Michael |
Barber, John | Evans, John | Lees, Henry | Ryder, Thomas |
Barnes, Joseph | Ewins, George | Lewis, William | Sale, Abraham |
Beaumont, Charles | Faulkner, John | Light, John | Saunders, Charles |
Beautiman, John | Fenlon, Peter | Limbrick, John | Savage, James |
Bettany, Mark | Fisher, William | Limbrick, Richard | Shaw, Peter |
Bishop, David | Forster, Joseph | Lorriman, Benjamin | Shearsmith, George |
Bland, William | Francis, Ephraim | Low, George | Shore, George |
Bond, Henry | Francis, William | Lowden, William | Shrimpton, William |
Bond, William | Freeny, John | Luscombe, Robert | Simpson, Samuel |
Boor, George | Frost, Arthur | Macdonald, Duncan | Simpson, William |
Breckenridge, Thomas | Gallocher, John | Macdonald, James | Skeates, Daniel |
Breward, William | Gardiner, William | Manning, Thomas | Skilton, Richard |
Brock, Henry | Gardner, John | Marks, Robert | Smee, Thomas |
Brodrib, Aquilla | Garwood, William | Marriott, George | Smith, Charles |
Bryan, John | Gibson, Samuel | Marshall, John | Smith, George |
Bryan, Stephen | Gilliver, James | Martin, Abraham | Smith, John |
Bryant, William | Goodman, John | Matthews, Charles | Smith, William |
Bull, Thomas | Gould, Robert | McCrory, James | Spooner, William |
Burns, Patrick | Green, James | McCuilkin, James | Statham, Thomas |
Bush, William | Gregson, John | McCullum, Gilbert | Stiles, Robert |
Butler, William | Grimes, William | McIntosh, Donald | Stimpson, Robert |
Butters, John | Gunn, John | McPeak, Thomas | Stocton, William |
Cable, Jonas | Gurney, Henry | Merry, Herman | Sutton, William |
Cannell, Robert | Halford, Frederick | Messiter, Thomas | Swannell, William |
Cannon, Thomas | Hall, George | Milton, James | Taylor, Enoch |
Carter, James | Hammond, John | Moore, John | Taylor, William |
Cashmore, John | Hammond, Richard | Moore, Richard | Terrington, Samuel |
Casson, John | Harris, William | Moore, William | Thomas, John |
Catchpole, Matthew | Harris, William | Morgan, Charles | Tipper, William Rea |
Chandler, Thomas | Harvey, Robert | Morgan, Thomas | Titmas, George |
Chapman, Henry | Hawtin, William | Mulraney, Michael | Todman, Edmund |
Claridge, James | Heard, John | Murray, John | Tout, Robert |
Claridge, John | Heathcote, Thomas | Nadin, Thomas | Townsend, Henry |
Clarke, Charles | Henry, Hugh | Naish, George | Unsworth, Thomas |
Clarke, Richard | Hepburn, Thomas | Nisbet, Thomas | Vanstone, James |
Cockrane, Marriatt | Herring, Thomas | Norris, Richard | Walker, Andrew |
Cole, Charles | Hibbert, Robert | O'Neill, Terence | Walker, Thomas |
Coleman, John | Hitchen, John | Oldroyd, Samuel | Wallis, Thomas |
Collett, George | Hoare, Edward | Osborne, James | Walton, William |
Colson, John | Hodgkiss, John | Oyston, Adam | Watson, William |
Cooke, Robert | Holman, John | Parker, Thomas | Weaver, James |
Cookson, William | Howarth, Jonathan | Peach, Thomas | Welsford, Robert |
Cooper, John | Hull, Ralph | Peck, Stephen | West, John |
Cotes, Edward | Humphreys, George | Pegg, Charles | Wheatley, Frederick |
Cotton, William | Hunt, John | Perry, John | Whitehouse, John |
Cox, John | Isles, George | Phillips, William | Whitney, John |
Cox, William | Jealous, Robert | Pickering, Henry | Wiggins, George |
Crick, William | Jones, Charles | Pinkett, Amos | Wiggins, James |
Croker, William | Jones, David | Plyer, Jacob | Wild, Richard |
Crump, Arthur | Jones, George | Pratley, Joseph | Wilkinson, John |
Curchin, William | Jones, John | Pratt, Charles (the younger) | Wilkinson, Thomas |
Dale, John | Jones, John | Preece, Luke | Wilson, Joseph |
Dale, Thomas | Jones, Owen | Price, William | Witherington, John |
Dare, Henry | Kaye, John | Prior, John | Young, William |
Davies, William | Keeffe, David | Pritchard, John | |
Davis, Charles | Kelly, Thomas | Purdew, Arthur | |
Davison, Christopher | Kelly, William | Ratigan, Patrick | |
Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Eden I (1) is 281 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.
- The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/10, pp.363-375
- Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.362-363, 390