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Details for the ship Lord Lyndoch (1) (1831)

Ship Name:Lord Lyndoch (1)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1815
Size (tons):638
Voyage Details
Master:John H. Luscombe
Surgeon:Gilbert King
Sailed:25 July 1831
Arrived:18 November 1831
Days Travel:116
Convicts Landed:266 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Abrahams, EdwardDobson, IsaacJones, JohnRoberts, Thomas
Acton, JohnDooley, JamesJones, ThomasRobinson, George
Allard, William (the younger)Doyle, JohnJones, WilliamRobinson, James
Allen, EdwardDudley, JohnJourdan, JamesRobinson, John
Almond, MosesEckersley, JohnKay, EdwardRobinson, Richard
Andrews, WilliamEdson, RichardKeeble, ThomasRoots, William
Armstrong, CharlesEdwards, SamuelKenyon, PeterRose, George
Arnold, ThomasEllis, Gustavus Adolphus FrederickKnight, CharlesRowlinson, Joseph
Arnot, DanielEmanuel, ManleyKoesell, RichardRutland, Henry
Ashwood, SamuelEvans, JohnLatimer, RobertSadler, Luke
Baker, SamuelFerrie, RobertLawrence, JosephSallis, Thomas
Banks, WilliamField, GeorgeLeach, JamesSandford, George
Banks, WilliamFinnie, PatrickLees, BenjaminSawyer, William
Bardell, WilliamFoggan, RobertLiddy, ThomasScarfe, John
Bassett, JohnFord, WilliamLiley, ThomasScattergood, William
Bayley, WilliamForster, PeterLilley, WilliamScott, Joseph
Bell, ThomasFowler, WilliamLovett, JamesShearstone, William
Belsey, EdwardGavin, JamesLowe, JohnSherwin, John
Bennett, JamesGeddes, RobertLyons, LewisShone, James
Bennett, ThomasGilfillan, JamesMarriott, JamesSinclair, Allan
Bingham, GeorgeGoddard, JamesMartin, MurdochSley, John
Blackwood, JohnGrant, JohnMason, WilliamSmart, Henry
Blake, EdwardGreen, WilliamMcCarthy, FlorenceSmith, Henry
Boulton, JohnGreenalgh, JohnMcCoy, JamesSmith, John
Bradley, JohnGriffiths, WilliamMcKechnie, JamesSpencer, John
Brain, CharlesGrigg, ThomasMcLauchlan, RobertStagg, Henry
Brandon, ThomasGroombridge, RichardMiles, ThomasStephenson, William
Brannigan, ThomasGrout, WilliamMiller, ThomasStirling, James
Briscoe, JohnHaines, EdwinMillward, SamuelStone, John
Brogden, WilliamHall, SamuelMoore, WilliamSummers, William
Brompton, JohnHall, WilliamMorris, JohnSutton, Joseph
Brooke, ThomasHancock, WilliamMurdoch, JamesSwilesbrick, John
Brooks, GeorgeHarbert, JohnMurtagh, William EdwardTaylor, Daniel
Brown, GeorgeHarris, JamesMyers, LewisTaylor, John
Brown, JohnHarris, JohnNicholson, JohnTaylor, John
Brown, JohnHathaway, RobertOakley, JohnThompson, Emanuel
Brown, JohnHawes, JamesOram, JamesThompson, James
Bruce, RobertHawker, JamesOwens, ThomasThorley, Charles
Budd, JamesHawkins, WilliamOxer, JohnThraves, John
Butterworth, ThomasHaynes, JamesParker, JamesTomlins, Thomas
Cairns, HenryHayward, WilliamParker, ThomasTomlinson, Christopher
Calvert, JohnHazel, ThomasParsons, GeorgeTonnar, John
Campbell, RobertHiggins, WalterPass, DanielTravis, William
Christmas, CharlesHiggott, GilbertPattison, RobertTurner, John
Clark, JamesHill, JosephPeach, ThomasWalker, James
Clarke, WilliamHilton, IsaacPearce, ThomasWalker, James
Clines, JohnHodges, JamesPearson, JosephWalker, Joseph
Cocker, IsaacHook, WilliamPease, Thomas CumminsWall, John
Comb, JosephHooker, GeorgePeever, HenryWalmsley, Richard
Connor, JohnHorsefall, EliPegler, RobertWarden, George
Courd, JohnHoulder, GeorgePhillips, ThomasWare, Thomas
Coy, FrancisHoward, WilliamPinfold, CharlesWarrender, Thomas
Crabb, CharlesHowell, JohnPoole, NathanielWatkins, David
Cragg, JohnHowsell, WilliamPorter, PhilipWebb, William
Crawford, JosephHowson, JarvisPotter, JosephWells, William
Crompton, EllisHumphreys, JohnRagan, CharlesWest, Joseph
Crompton, WilliamHusband, ThomasRamage, ThomasWestwood, John
Croney, GeorgeHyde, WilliamRea, JohnWickens, William
Dakin, TimothyJarman, SamuelReadon, JohnWiggins, Joseph
Dangerfield, WilliamJay, RichardReynolds, GeorgeWilliams, James
Darley, WilliamJennings, JoshuaRhodes, George FrancisWilson, William
Davis, HenryJohnson, JamesRichards, HenryWoodhouse, Francis
Davis, JohnJohnson, JohnRichards, JohnWoodward, John
Dawson, JohnJohnson, WilliamRichardson, IsaacWoolley, Joseph
Death, AbrahamJohnston, JamesRichardson, SimeonYeardley, Robert
Dent, SamuelJones, James WilliamsonRingrose, Samuel
Dobbs, SamuelJones, JohnRoberts, Charles

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Lord Lyndoch (1) is 266 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/8, pp.143-156
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.360-361, 387

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