List of convict passengers
Abrahams, Joseph | Fairbrother, Luke | Kennedy, William | Robinson, Richard |
Allen, Joseph | Farish, David (Junior) | Kimberley, Charles | Rose, Joseph |
Allen, William | Farraway, Henry | Kirkman, Matthew | Ross, John |
Andrew, William | Fearne, Thomas | Knott, Robert | Rothwell, Thomas |
Ardley, William | Ford, John | Knowles, Thomas | Rudd, John |
Armitage, James | Ford, Thomas | Lawence, John | Rushforth, Constantine |
Armstrong, Richard | Foulds, James | Levett, William | Russell, George |
Badcock, James | Fowler, Henry | Lewis, Edward | Rutherford, James |
Bailey, Thomas | Fowler, William | Little, John | Scott, William |
Bannister, Ralph | Fowler, William | Lloyd, William | Shannon, William |
Barratt, Samuel | Fox, Michael | Lloyd, William | Shaw, James |
Bate, Thomas | French, John | Loftus, Thomas | Sheen, James |
Beard, Richard | Furby, Thomas | Lumley, Joseph | Shepherd, Henry |
Bedford, Richard | Gamble, Samuel | MacLauchlan, John | Siddall, Joseph |
Bedwell, John | Garland, William | Maddon, John | Simmons, Edmund |
Belcher, Henry | Gibb, Andrew | Makin, Archibald | Skinner, Francis |
Bennison, Abraham | Gibbons, Peter | Marshea, Benjamin | Smith, John |
Benton, Joseph | Gibbs, George | Massey, George | Smith, John |
Bertram, George | Giles, Robert | Mather, James | Smith, John |
Bloor, John | Gillies, Alexander | Matthews, George | Smith, William |
Boyd, Alexander (Junior) | Goodwin, Edward | McCosker, Hugh | Smith, William |
Bradbury, Thomas | Goodyear, John | McKay, Duncan | Smith, William |
Bramley, William | Gordon, James | McKay, William | Smith, William |
Bromley, James | Gore, Michael | McQueen, John | Souter, James |
Brooks, James | Grant, John | Mead, William | Spradbrow, George |
Broom, Thomas | Green, William | Middleton, David | Steel, William |
Brown, Isaac | Greenwood, Charles | Miller, Thomas | Stephenson, Edward |
Brown, John | Griffith, William | Monds, James | Stewart, Daniel |
Brown, Thomas | Haggin, John | Moon, Frederick | Stobart, John |
Brown, William | Haley, John | Morris, Charles | Swallow, William |
Bunney, John | Hardman, Thomas | Munns, Henry | Tayler, James |
Burbage, Joseph | Harmer, John | Murphy, John | Taylor, George |
Burns, James | Harris, James | Murrell, Thomas | Taylor, William |
Byfield, William | Harris, William | Nelson, James | Temple, George |
Cairnes, William | Harrison, James | Nichols, John | Tennant, Richard |
Callaghan, Richard | Harrowsmith, William | Nichols, Joseph | Thomas, John |
Campbell, Luke | Hassall, Thomas | Nightingale, Richard | Thomas, Thomas |
Carrington, Thomas | Hattersley, George | North, George | Thompson, Hugh |
Cartwright, James | Havens, James | Norton, Patrick | Thorpe, Henry |
Castle, William | Hayman, John | Nuttall, Charles | Timothy, Richard |
Cavendar, Thomas | Henry, Lewis | Nuttall, John | Todd, John |
Cayton, William | Hester, John | O'Hara, Peter | Toms, Edmond |
Clapham, Iverson | Heys, William | Owen, Herbert | Townend, John |
Clarke, John | Hibbert, Thomas | Owen, Samuel | Turner, George |
Clifton, John | Hibblewaite, John | Pain, George | Tute, Samuel |
Clough, John (the younger) | Hill, Francis | Palliser, George | Underhill, Thomas |
Cocklin, George | Hinds, Jonathan | Parker, John | Vickery, James |
Collier, William | Hinton, Joseph | Patchett, James | Villiers, George |
Collins, Edward | Hodgson, Henry | Paten, Henry | Wakely, John |
Constable, William | Howard, John | Patrick, Daniel | Walker, Edward |
Cooke, John | Howarth, Joseph | Perkins, John | Walker, John |
Cooper, John | Huckle, Samuel | Perry, William | Wantling, George |
Cracknell, George | Hudson, Robert | Petty, William | Wareing, John |
Cragg, David Robinson | Hughes, Henry | Pollen, Peter | Welling, Edmund George |
Crocket, George | Hull, James | Poucher, Richard | Wetton, Thomas |
Cross, Robert | Hurst, George | Pounder, George | Wharton, Thomas |
Crossland, William | Hutchings, John | Power, James | White, William |
Danby, John | Ibbotson, John | Powley, William | Whitehead, Thomas |
Davies, James | Jackson, James | Precious, William | Whittle, John |
Davies, John | Jackson, John | Price, James | Whyte, Andrew |
Davies, Richard | James, George | Price, William | Williams, John |
Day, Thomas | James, William | Prior, James | Williams, John |
Dean, John | Jenks, William | Proctor, Robert | Wilmott, Henry |
Dennis, Charles | Jervis, George | Rainford, John | Wilson, Benjamin James |
Donald, Alexander | Johnson, John | Redding, Charles | Wilson, Richard |
Drage, Samuel | Johnson, William | Rees, David | Wilson, William |
Draper, James | Jolly, Leonard | Revill, Charles | Womersley, John |
Drinkwater, Thomas | Jones, Henry | Richards, Henry | Wood, Henry |
Duce, Thomas | Jones, Stephen | Richardson, William | Worthington, George |
Dunnett, William | Jones, Thomas | Riley, Connor | Wright, James |
Edwards, William | Jones, Thomas | Roberts, Charles | Wright, John |
Edwards, William | Jones, William | Roberts, James | |
Egglestone, William | Keegan, John | Roberts, William | |
Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Exmouth is 290 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.
- Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.350-351, 387
- The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/8, pp.22-39