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Details for the ship Atlas III (1816)

Ship Name:Atlas III  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1812
Size (tons):501
Voyage Details
Master:Walter Meriton
Surgeon:Patrick Hill
Sailed:23 January 1816
Arrived:22 July 1816
Days Travel:181
Convicts Landed:187 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Addy, JohnEldridge, Charles HenryKay, JonasRimmer, William
Alder, JamesEllem, John (the younger)Kemp, JamesRoberts, Daniel
Andrews, JeremiahElliott, WilliamKirkby, WilliamRoberts, James Dighton
Ansell, JamesFaulkner, WilliamLarge, JohnRoberts, John
Ashton, WilliamFisher, Frederick George JamesLaw, ThomasRoberts, John
Ashworth, JohnFitzpatrick, JamesLegg, JamesRossett, William
Aspinall, AbelFleck, CharlesLeopard, WilliamRudge, Edward
Back, JosephFogarty, JohnLewis, WilliamSaunders, Richard
Bailey, HenryFord, CharlesLister, WilliamScattergood, William
Bailey, JohnFox, RobertLittlewood, WilliamSells, William
Baker, StephenFranklin, JohnLove, JohnShaw, Robert
Baker, WilliamFrost, WilliamLuffman, JohnSilvester, John
Baldwin, RichardGarcia, WilliamLyon, ThomasSimons, Solomon
Beavan, JohnGardner, MatthewMacNight, John (Senior)Sims, Daniel
Beazley, WilliamGoff, PeterMarsh, JamesSmith, Joseph
Beckenham, ThomasGow, JohnMartin, EdmundSmith, Thomas
Belchamber, RichardGreaves, JosephMcCarthy, CallighanStacey, James
Bishop, JohnGreaves, ThomasMcCormick, JohnStuart, James
Blount, HumphreyHaley, DennisMcDonald, CharlesSummers, Thomas
Botton, JamesHall, RobertMcDonnel, AlexanderSutherland, Alexander
Brandon, JamesHamilton, JobMcIntyre, JohnSwift, Owen
Brennan, JohnHammond, Robert GoodwinMcKenzee, CharlesThomas, David
Bright, ThomasHankey, JamesMcMahon, BryanTopping, Henry
Broom, GeorgeHanna, RobertMcNeil, JohnTownsend, William
Brown, CharlesHarrington, WilliamMilcow, ConstantineTrewin, William
Brown, JohnHart, HenryMillard, SamuelTull, James
Burbidge, RobertHayes, HenryMiller, GeorgeTulley, James
Burrells, JohnHays, DenysMiller, JosephTulloch, James
Callaghan, CorneliusHeeland, GeorgeMontgomery, EphraimTurner, Francis
Campbell, PatrickHenson, WilliamMoores, JohnTurner, Thomas
Catterall, RobertHewett, JamesMorris, PeterTurner, Wallace
Cawell, WilliamHewitt, William JamesNeal, JohnTyler, Edward
Chalton, JamesHiggins, SamuelNewstead, WilliamVarnham, William
Chapman, WilliamHodges, GeorgeO'Neil, WilliamVarnil, John
Chestoe, WilliamHodges, JosephOdish, ThomasWaley, Charles
Chittenden, ThomasHolmes, JohnParker, JohnWallis, William
Church, JohnHooper, ThomasPeatfield, JohnWalter, John
Clark, CharlesHoran, JamesPeebles, HanceWebb, Edward
Collins, RichardHornblow, SamuelPerryman, JamesWells, Thomas
Cribb, JamesHoulding, WilliamPollard, RobertWelsh, Michael
Crowder, WilliamHowell, PeterPotter, JohnWhittaker, Edward
Cumming, AlexanderHunt, JosephPowell, GeorgeWilliams, Daniel
Curtis, JosephIggulden, JamesPrice, JohnWilliams, James
Davies, JohnJackson, George FenwickRandall, JohnWilliams, William
Dawes, BenjaminJames, JamesRankine, RobertWood, Thomas
Dole, ThomasJohnson, WilliamRatnett, WilliamYearsley, John
Donovan, LewisJones, JohnRees, David
Douglass, JohnJones, WilliamRice, John
Dusmond, TimothyJordan, CharlesRichards, Richard

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Atlas III is 193 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/2, pp.245-251
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.340-341, 382

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