Researchers who have claimed this convict
There is currently one researcher who has claimed John Franklin
There are currently no biographies attached to this convict. Research notes
Johns grandson married into Biffin family. Louisa firstly then her sister jane. Their child mary louisa married william veness, their child eileen louie married Kenward Starr. I am their child
Submitted by Researcher (11059) on 3 June 2019
He was sentenced for life for offences against the crown. He was working at Denham Court lower Minto near Campbelltown.
Submitted by Researcher (11059) on 3 June 2019
Disclaimer: The information has not been verified by Claim a Convict. As this information is contributed, it is the responsibility of those who use the data to verify its accuracy. Sources
- The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/2, p.249