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Details for the ship Marquis of Wellington (1815)

Ship Name:Marquis of Wellington  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1801
Size (tons):653
Voyage Details
Master:George Betham
Surgeon:Thomas Leighton
Sailed:1 September 1814
Arrived:27 January 1815
Route:Madeira, Rio
Days Travel:148
Convicts Landed:198 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Abrey, WilliamEvans, RichardJones, ThomasPrintz, Harman L.
Adams, PeterFarrol, GamaleonJones, ThomasProdger, David
Allen, JohnFazakerly, WilliamJones, ThomasRead, James
Bankin, RichardFerdinando, LewisJones, WilliamRetford, Thomas
Barber, JohnField, JohnKemp, ThomasRitchie, David
Bates, EdmundFlanagan, TeranceKemp, ThomasRoke, Andrew
Beazley, BarzillaFowler, SamuelKingsbury, JamesScott, James
Bentick, JohnFranks, EdwardKingsbury, ThomasServant, John
Bishop, JohnFrench, HenryLadd, JosephShaw, Joseph (the younger)
Blake, JamesFretwell, JohnLaing, AlexanderShea, John
Blenheim, JohnFuller, HenryLayton, JamesSheedy, Patrick
Boreham, JohnGardner, EdwardLee, BenjaminSheridan, Thomas
Botegelessky, JosephGardner, JohnLeech, JohnSimons, James
Boulton, CharlesGates, JamesLevy, AbrahamSleigh, Francis
Boyce, JamesGatto, VicenzoLewis, SamuelSmith, Benjamin
Boynes, JohnGoff, JohnLinnechin, JohnSmith, Hartley
Bradshaw, ThomasGothard, JohnLong, AshSmith, Thomas
Brown, JohnGreatley, WilliamLuck, WilliamSmith, Thomas
Brown, RichardGreaves, JamesLyford, JamesSmith, William
Brown, WilliamGreentree, HenryLyons, SamuelSolomons, Moses
Bryant, Michael WilliamGreentree, WilliamMacCarty, JohnSolomons, Solomon
Bulwinckle, Henry F.Hall, JamesMadden, JohnSpittle, Thomas
Burrell, JosephHancock, GeorgeMaresca, JosephStandige, James
Buss, JamesHand, GeorgeMatthews, CharlesStevenson, William
Butcher, WilliamHarding, CharlesMignott, AndreSweet, John
Butler, WilliamHare, JamesMilbank, JosephSymmonds, John
Button, CharlesHargreaves, JamesMillar, LudowickTawell, John
Carter, JamesHarris, SamuelMillard, ThomasTaylor, Hugh
Casey, DanielHarrison, EdwardMillard, WilliamTaylor, Joseph
Cassady, JamesHarvey, JohnMoffatt, ThomasThatcher, George
Chenhalls, EdwardHarwood, EdwardMolloy, JosephThornton, Henry
Clements, RobertHiggs, JohnMoore, JohnTribe, George
Collins, WilliamHill, ThomasMoore, RobertTurner, Thomas
Condell, WilliamHodgson, JamesMorgan, AlexanderTwinger, Henry
Cowane, ThomasHolliday, JosephMorris, JohnTwycross, Richard
Cox, BenjaminHopkins, LlewelinMorrison, JohnWaters, Thomas
Crane, ThomasHorner, WilliamMoses, MosesWelch, James
Crane, WilliamHoward, JamesNightingale, JohnWhite, Edmund
Crisp, RichardHowlett, MatthewNoble, RobertWilkins, Thomas
Cunningham, Jas BrownHuckle, RichardNotley, JohnWilliams, George
Dale, JohnJarvis, ThomasOatley, JamesWilliams, James
Day, JosephJellard, WilliamOram, ThomasWilliams, Joseph
Dearing, JamesJenkins, WilliamOsborne, JohnWilliams, Thomas
Dickens, ThomasJohnson, JamesParker, WilliamWindeed, Joseph
Dogherty, MichaelJohnson, RobertPearson, JohnWithall, Thomas
Donaldson, HughJohnson, WilliamPennall, JohnWoods, Thomas
Dorsett, JamesJohnson, WilliamPerts, HenryWoolfe, Henry
Eastham, GeorgeJones, BenjaminPlomer, Peter WilliamWoolley, James
Elliott, WilliamJones, JohnPope, SamuelWorrell, William
Elliss, ThomasJones, RichardPrice, WilliamWyatt, Joseph

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Marquis of Wellington is 200 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/2, pp.165-174
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.340-341, 382

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