View map of all Hawkesbury cemeteries
Cattai, Lone Grave of William Daley on "Rose Farm"
Cattai, Robert's Family Cemetery on "Bridge Farm"
Central Macdonald, General Cemetery on the Macdonald River
Central MacDonald, St Jude's Cemetery
Colo, Lone Grave of
Charles Whatley
Ebenezer, Ebenezer Cemetery
Greengrove, Lone Grave of John Donovan
Greengrove, St Peter's Cemetery
Hornsby, The Old Man's Valley Cemetery
Higher Macdonald, Biggers Family Cemetery
Kurrajong, Comleroy Road Cemetery
Kurrajong, St Gregory's Catholic Cemetery
Kurrajong Heights, St David's Cemetery
Kurrajong Heights, St James Cemetery
Leets Vale, Chaseling Family Cemetery
Lower Portland, Brown's Cemetery
Lower Portland, General Cemetery
Lower Portland, Half Moon Farm Cemetery
Lower Portland, Turnbull Family Cemetery
McGraths Hill, McGraths Hill Cemetery
Maroota, Lone Grave of Thomas McFarlane
Mooney Mooney, Lone Grave of Frances Peat
Mount Tootie, Lone Grave of Frederick Ashwell
North Richmond, St Phillips Cemetery
North Richmond, Bell Family Vault on "Nepean Stud Farm"
Pitt Town, Pitt Town Cemetery
Pitt Town, Scots Church Churchyard
Pitt Town, St James Churchyard
Richmond, Richmond Presbyterian Cemetery NEW
Richmond, Richmond War Cemetery
Rouse Hill, Lone Grave of unknown
Rouse Hill, Rouse Hill Cemetery
Sackville Reach, St Thomas Cemetery
Sackville North, Sackville Cemetery
Spencer, Holy Trinity Cemetery
St Albans, Bailey's Family Cemetery on "The Glen"
St Albans, Lone Grave of John Anthony Fernance
St Albans, Lone Grave of Susannah and Joseph Fernance
St Albans, Walters Family Cemetery
Upper Colo, Gosper Family Cemetery on "Mount Ward"
Upper Colo, Upper Colo Cemetery
Upper Mangrove Creek, St Thomas Cemetery
Upper Macdonald, Bailey's Family Cemetery on "Clyde Farm"
Wilberforce, Hawkesbury Pioneer Village Cemetery
Wilberforce, St Johns Churchyard (Howorth Grave)
Wilberforce, Wilberforce Cemetery
Windsor, St. Matthews Anglican Cemetery PARTIAL
Windsor, Windsor Catholic Cemetery
Windsor, Windsor Presbyterian Cemetery
Wisemans Ferry, Lone Grave of unknown
...still cannot find who you are looking for? Then why not have a look in the following register of names.
Register of Individuals without Surviving Headstones
Cemeteries yet to be transcribed:
Bar Island, Bar Island Cemetery
Books Ferry, St. Joseph's Catholic Cemetery
Brooklyn, Brooklyn Cemetery
Castlereagh, Castlereagh General Cemetery
Castlereagh, McCarthys Cemetery
Castlereagh, Castlereagh Methodist Cemetery
Ebenezer, Ebenezer Cemetery
Kurrajong, Kurrajong Cemetery
Kurrajong Heights, Lone Grave of James Sherwood
Laughtondale, Laughtondale Cemetery
Londonderry, Londonderry Cemetery
Lower Macdonald, Lone Grave of Sylvester Butler
Marsden Park, Clydesdale Cemetery
Pitt Town, Old Cemetery
Richmond, Richmond Catholic Cemetery
Richmond, Richmond Lawn Cemetery
Richmond, St. Peter's Cemetery
Riverstone, Riverstone General Cemetery
Sackville, Aboriginal Mission Station Cemetery
Sackville North, Everingham Family Cemetery on "Knight's Retreat"
Sackville North, Sackville North Methodist Cemetery
St. Albans, New General Cemetery
St. Albans, Old General Cemetery
Upper Macdonald, Our Lady of Loretto Catholic Cemetery
Wilberforce, Wilberforce Cemetery
Wisemans Ferry, Butler tomb
Wisemans Ferry, Wisemans Ferry Cemetery
...and any additional cemeteries/memorials located in
the Hawkesbury that are not listed above.
:: Search Hawkesbury Cemetery Register
The Hawkesbury Cemetery Register represents the results
of an ongoing voluntary project to transcribe, photograph and map the cemeteries,
graves, memorials and monuments within the Hawkesbury Region of New
South Wales, Australia, and then to provide that information online.
Information on War Memorials etc., can be found in the Memorials,
Monuments & Plaques Register
Anyone who would like to help contribute additional information to the project
are free to do so, and where additional information has been provided (BDM
records etc.), credit will be given.
If you are aware of any small grave sites within the
region, we would be most appreciated if you could let us know the details
so that we may help conserve this part of our history by providing this
online resource.
You can contact the Cemetery Register Team via email
through our online enquiry form.

Some useful cemetery conservation links
Are you the owner of private property that
includes a cemetery?
Don't wait for the survey team to find you, register
online now and help preserve Hawkesbury's heritage |
Additional information may also be found in the Hawkesbury on the Net Church Registers and Lists Register.
Further Information
Southern Highlands
Cemetery Register
Miscellaneous NSW Cemetery Register