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Details for the convict Daniel McCarthy (1828)

Convict Name:Daniel McCarthy
Trial Place:Middlesex Gaol Delivery
Trial Date:1828
Notes:Source of information: Convict Records of Australia website SLQLD
Arrival Details
Ship:Marquis of Huntley (2)
Arrival Year:1828
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Researchers who have claimed this convict

There are currently 2 researchers who have claimed Daniel McCarthy

  • Researcher (Brian & Toni )
  • Researcher (Ian Finlay)
Claimed convict


There are currently no biographies attached to this convict.

Research notes

Daniel was convicted at Middlesex Gaol Delivery on 10 January 1828 and sentenced to life transportation, he arrived Sydney aboard Marquis of Hastings on 12 October 1828.
Submitted by Researcher (Brian & Toni ) on 7 July 2014
Daniel McCarthy was murdered by John Hunt (Lord Melville 1830) on 20 October 1839. Source; Sydney Gazette NSW Advertiser 12 March 1840 page 2 and The Australian 8 February 1840 page 2 and others
Submitted by Researcher (Brian & Toni ) on 7 July 2014

Disclaimer: The information has not been verified by Claim a Convict. As this information is contributed, it is the responsibility of those who use the data to verify its accuracy.

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