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Details for the convict Mary Butler (1790)

Convict Name:Mary Butler
Trial Place:Middlesex Gaol Delivery
Trial Date:12 December 1787
Sentence:7 years
Arrival Details
Ship:Lady Juliana
Arrival Year:1790
Claim Mary Butler as yours

Researchers who have claimed this convict

There are currently 8 researchers who have claimed Mary Butler

  • Researcher (1957)
  • Researcher (Mervyn Holmes-Holding)
  • Researcher (3025)
  • Researcher (Brett Pierce)
  • Researcher (9179)
  • Researcher (Ross Gammon)
  • Researcher (15086)
  • Researcher (Simon Waters)
Claimed convict


Mary Butler aged 14 years was tried for assault and stealing and was convicted at Middlesex GD England 10 September 1787 with a sentence of 7 years transportation. After an exceptionally long voyage she arrived 6 June 1790to Port Jackson NSW per 'Lady Juliana' from Plymouth 29 July 1789. She was later transferred to Norfolk Island. From convict indents her birth year is estimated at about 1773 and her birthplace almost certainly England. On Norfolk Island she had a son with convict William Saltmarsh convict Älexander' 1788. The son was also named William Saltmarsh. She may have married another convict James Jordan ("Queen"1791) there for they had children together born Norfolk Island and James accepted her son William Saltmarsh as his as later records will show. It is most likely Mary Butler died sometime before 1812 when the family were relocated to Tasmania then and Mary does not appear on ship passenger lists or at any time afterwards.
Submitted by Researcher (1957) on 29 November 2014

Disclaimer: The information has not been verified by Claim a Convict. As this information is contributed, it is the responsibility of those who use the data to verify its accuracy.

Research notes

There are currently no research notes attached to this convict.


  • Ryan, R. J. (1982). The Second Fleet Convicts, A comprehensive listing of convicts who sailed in HMS Guardian, Lady Juliana, Neptune, Scarborough and Surprise. Australian Documents Library, Sydney : , p.13

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