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Details for the convict Catherine Mongan (1836)

Convict Name:Catherine Mongan
Trial Place:Roscommon
Trial Date:23 June 1835
Sentence:7 years
Notes:[Crime: Larceny]
Arrival Details
Ship:Thomas Harrison
Arrival Year:1836
Claim Catherine Mongan as yours

Researchers who have claimed this convict

There is currently one researcher who has claimed Catherine Mongan

  • Researcher (Laura Angela)
Claimed convict


Catherine was transported on the convict ship "Thomas Harrison" departed Cork on 19 February 1836 and arrived at Port Jackson (Sydney Australia) on 9 June 1836 with 112 female prisoners, 29 children and 11 free women, wives of prisoners and 24 children Picked up in Limerick, convicted of stealing some clothes at Roscommon she gave her name as Catherine Mongan/Mangham, but when she married to Thomas Doyle on 3 Dec 1846 in NSW Australia, her name was Ward. From then her name became Catherine (Kate) Ward. Her convict papers proved names to be Mongon, Mangham and Doyle, her age changed from 1815 -1817, but always born at Tuam Galway.
Submitted by Researcher (Laura Angela) on 9 October 2020

Disclaimer: The information has not been verified by Claim a Convict. As this information is contributed, it is the responsibility of those who use the data to verify its accuracy.

Research notes

There are currently no research notes attached to this convict.


  • State Records NSW (SRNSW) : NRS 1156, [4/7078], 1836, Thomas Harrison, p.5

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