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Details for the convict William Smaley (1846)

Convict Name:William Smaley
Trial Place:Central Criminal Court
Trial Date:2 February 1846
Sentence:10 years
Arrival Details
Ship:John Calvin (1)
Arrival Year:1846
Claim William Smaley as yours

Researchers who have claimed this convict

There are currently 2 researchers who have claimed William Smaley

  • Researcher (4669)
  • Researcher (Leona Rogers)
Claimed convict


William is actually William Smale. He married Elizabeth Hughes. They had two sons William and John who lived in Whitechapel London, which is where I live today. Williams wife Elizabeth put on Williams wedding certificate that her husband died and basically as soon as he was stolen from our shores she was widowed. She went on to marry again. Williams son William married Sophia they went on to have James who then married another Elizabeth and they had 1 child who was my great grandmother, then she married Albert and they had my nanny Lilie and she married Arthur and then my mum was born. I have grown up with them trying to find William. For years it really upset my nanny Lilie that we couldn't find him. We knew James grandfather was taken away but having the internet. And the fact there are name Errors. It is now easy to find our families loved ones. Poor Elizabeth eventually married again but he was a bareknuckle boxer who drank and wasn't very nice to her so I was told. Well this convict is claimed with LOVE god bless his soul.
Submitted by Researcher (4669) on 11 December 2016
William's Son Also William lived in Paradise Row E2. The famous song on mother kellys doorstep was written about his street. William Smaley has a
name error. His name is Smale. He is the husband of Elizabeth Hughes. 4th Great Grandfather. William left 4 children behind in London.
Submitted by Researcher (Leona Rogers) on 16 July 2024

Disclaimer: The information has not been verified by Claim a Convict. As this information is contributed, it is the responsibility of those who use the data to verify its accuracy.

Research notes

There are currently no research notes attached to this convict.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/15, p.72

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