Cemetery Register Cemetery Register Hawkesbury on the Net


Chaseling Family Cemetery - Leets Vale
Cemetery Details
Address:  Chaseling Road (South)
 Leets Vale
 New South Wales, Australia
Location:   Located on private property 2.6km down Chaseling Road from the intersection of Bicentenary Road, located on the left hand side of the road approximately 20m from the roadside, adjacent to 558 Chaseling Road.
Denomination:  Not applicable
Responsible Authority:  (private owner)
Number of Graves:  5
Names Recorded:  9
Period of Use:  1848 - 1915


Chaseling, Edith Ann
Chaseling, James
Chaseling, John Thomas Charles
Chaseling, Louisa
Chaseling, Mary
Chaseling, Mary Jane
Chaseling, Matthew James
Chaseling, Nellie
Chaseling, Sheldrick Wesley (Wessie) Gordon

Map of cemetery:

Research undertaken has shown at least one additional person buried at the cemetery according to family history research, where no headstone exist today. Information includes :
  • Emily Ann CHASELING born 1863 died 1865 aged 2 years - 3rd child of Matthew James and Mary Chaseling. Source(s): "Cornstalks 1988: A Genealogy" by Valerie Ross (Sydney: Valross P/L, 1987) page 568; "Chaseling Family Cemetery at Leets Vale" (date / author unknown) copy held at Hawkesbury City Library

Also known as "Chaseling Cemetery, Leets Vale" and "Australia Farm Private Cemetery, Leets Vale"

Above: Cemetery is marked out with surveyors pegs at the boundaries. This peg was located at the top right corner of the cemetery.


Above: View of the headstones showing position in relation to neighbouring property (558 Chaseling Road).

Above: Cemetery is located in bushland off Chaseling Road (approximately 20 metres), next door to 558 Chaseling Road and before "Rosehill Farm" . Access for the cemetery survey was gained from the driveway of 558 Chaseling Road.

Also refer to references of this family in: 

  • "Hawkesbury Pioneer Register Vol. 2" by the Hawkesbury Family History Group. (Published 2001) p. 44 & 46. Copy held at Hawkesbury City Library at RL929.39442 NIC
  • "Hawkesbury Pioneer Register Vol. 1" by the Hawkesbury Family History Group, copy held at Hawkesbury City Library at RL929.39442 NIC. (Published 1994) p. 28.
  • Also check index references in both volumes listed above.
Credits: Transcriptions and photography by Jonathan Auld and Michelle Nichols - January 2005.

Special thanks to Coralie Hird for her assistance with additional photographs and information on this cemetery.


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