Lists Register Hawkesbury on the Net


Hawkesbury 1901 Census: Surname [E]
List Register Details
Source:  State Records NSW: CGS 685, [2/8430-76] Fiche 1007-1211
List Type:  Population
Dates Covered:  1901


Sub-District Ward Township or Village LOCALITY

Name of Street, Road, Gully, &c. In Towns state No. of House.

 Name of Householder No. of House-
holder's Schedule
Total Number of Persons in each Schedule Number of Chinese and Aborigines included in two previous columns Remarks
Chinese Aborigines
First name Surname M. F. M. F. M. F.
Pitt Town & Bottoms Pitt Town Pitt Town Robert Eagar 43 1 1
Pitt Town Common & Nelson Vineyard Vineyard Upper Dural John Thomas Eagle 149 2 2
Webbs Creek Lower Portland James I Eales 92 1 2
Riverstone Cumberland Riverstone Riverstone H S East 70 1 3
Riverstone Cumberland Riverstone Riverstone W J East 91 5 2
Riverstone Cumberland Riverstone Riverstone G Easter 204 1 0
Borough of Windsor North Windsor North St N  Easterbrook 83 4 4
Municipality of Richmond Richmond Richmond March St Henry Easton?? 107 3 1 or Gunton
Municipality of Richmond Richmond Richmond Francis St Abraham Eather 6 4 8
Borough of Windsor South Windsor Dight St C Eather 430 1 2
Municipality of Richmond Richmond Richmond Francis St George Eather 4 2 3
Colo & District Central Colo John Wellsey Eather 14 5 4
Borough of Windsor Central Windsor George Street M  Eather 181 2 1
Borough of Windsor South Windsor Macquarie St T   Eather 396 5 2 Same building
Borough of Windsor South Windsor Macquarie St T   Eather 397 1 2 Same building
North Kurrajong The Slopes Walter Eather 398 2 2
Municipality of Richmond Richmond Richmond East Market St Wm Eather 237 5 4
North Kurrajong Comleroy Road Henry Edmunds 238 1 3
Pitt Town Common & Nelson Vineyard Vineyard Kenthurst William H Edmunds 94 4 5
Pitt Town Common & Nelson Vineyard Vineyard Kenthurst Charles Edwards 90 2 3
Riverstone Cumberland Riverstone Riverstone J Edwards 71 1 2
Wilberforce Common Howes Creek James Edwards 75 4 4
Municipality of Richmond Richmond Richmond Francis St John  Edwards 28 1 1
Ham Common Cumberland County Yarramundi & Clarendon Clarendon Mary Edwards 111 1 1
North Kurrajong North Richmond William Edwards 112 3 4
Ham Common Cumberland County Yarramundi & Clarendon Copeland St William  Edwards 48 0 0 Left district & took schedule
Pitt Town & Bottoms Pitt Town Caddie Creek Robert Eggleton 89 1 2
Municipality of Richmond Richmond Richmond Windsor Street Robt Eggleton 105 1 3
Municipality of Richmond Richmond Richmond March St Elizh Elliott 129 1 1
Borough of Windsor South Windsor Mileham St J Elliott 427 2 3
Municipality of Richmond Richmond Richmond March St Thos Erwin 145 4 4
Lower Portland Sackville Lower Portland Andrew Everingham 4 3 2
Pitt Town Common & Nelson Vineyard Vineyard Windsor Rd Chas   Everingham 3 2 0
Pitt Town Common & Nelson Vineyard Vineyard Windsor Rd Chas H Everingham 2 2 4
North Kurrajong Lilburndale Graham Everingham 3 8 2 8 2
Bells Line & Wheeny Mt Lagoon L   Everingham 99 1 3
Lower Portland Sackville Maroota Robt Everingham 68 2 2
Webbs Creek Lower Portland Stephen Everingham 94 1 0
North Kurrajong Central Colo Thomas Everingham 95 2 2
Riverstone Cumberland Riverstone Riverstone E Everyham 135 4 5
Riverstone Cumberland Riverstone Riverstone R Everyham 236 1 0
Borough of Windsor Central Windsor George Street S Ewing 154 4 1
Municipality of Richmond Richmond Richmond March St Anne Ezzy 143 2 1
South Kurrajong South Kurrajong B A Ezzy 93 4 1
South Kurrajong South Kurrajong C Ezzy 99 6 5
North Kurrajong North Richmond Edgar Ezzy 100 2 1
South Kurrajong South Kurrajong J R Ezzy 77 4 4
Municipality of Richmond Richmond Richmond Windsor Street Joseph Ezzy 69 0 0 uninhabited
North Kurrajong North Richmond Joseph Ezzy 70 3 5
South Kurrajong South Kurrajong M Ezzy 80 2 1
South Kurrajong South Kurrajong M S Ezzy 100 1 3
South Kurrajong South Kurrajong R  Ezzy 76 1 0
South Kurrajong South Kurrajong W J Ezzy 92 4 6


Credits: Published with permission from State Records NSW. Transcribed by Kristine Wood - May & June 2005, Michelle Nichols and Jonathan Auld - July 2005.


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