Hawkesbury Family
History Group Meeting News
Meeting held 2nd Wednesday of the month at 10am in the Tebbutt Room, Windsor Library Find us on Facebook www.facebook.com/HawkesburyFHG FOR YOUR INFORMATIONShow & Tell 12 DecemberThe final meeting for the year will be a Show & Tell meeting. Bring along an item of interest to share with the group. In the past people have brought along jewellery, photographs, Christening gowns, books etc. Following the meeting there will be a Christmas get-together so bring a plate to celebrate. Note there is no meeting in January – the next meeting will be 13 February 2013. Official Restoration Launch of Howe House Friday 16 NovemberThis Friday, 16 November, will see the Official Restoration Launch of Howe House in Thompson Square. Official proceedings will start at 10.30am at the Hawkesbury Regional Museum followed by a tour of the House and light morning tea. RSVP on (02) 45604444 or email rsvp@hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au Access to the house is by tour only, there will be two tours per day over the weekend 17 and 18 November. State Records closure - Saturday 1 DecemberState Records website will be down and the reading room at Kingswood will be closed on Saturday 1 December 2012 as Endeavour Energy is re-tensioning high voltage cables in O'Connell Street. This will involve cutting power to the Western Sydney Records Centre for the day. Due to the power outage the reading room will be closed. Web services will also be unavailable.
Hairy Mancestors for MovemberTo promote Movember (to create funding for Men's Health) Inside History publishers have established the Hairy Mancestors Facebook page www.facebook.com/HairyMancestors. You are invited to add photos of your ancestors with moustaches and for every picture, 50c will be donated to Movember and there are some great prizes. There are some great pictures to look at...
Australian Government Discussion Paper on ANZAC Day 2015 - Centenary CommemorationsApril 2015 marks a momentous occasion in Australian History - the centenary of the ANZAC landings on the Gallipoli Peninsula in Turkey. Gallipoli has special significance to many Australians. For families of those men who fought at Gallipoli and in the many other battles and campaigns of the First World War, the upcoming commemorations are particularly poignant. The Mayor of Hawkesbury, Councillor Kim Ford explained that the Governments of Australia, New Zealand and Turkey have been working at length on arrangements for the centenary commemorations. "There is already considerable public interest in attending the centenary services at Gallipoli in 2015. As the Anzac Commemorative Site at Gallipoli has a limited capacity, the Australian Government has decided that the fairest and most equitable process to allocate attendance passes to the 2015 Dawn Service would be through a ballot," added the Mayor. To inform the Government on how the ballot process could work, the Australian Government has developed a discussion paper and survey, and is asking Australians to put forward their views. This is available at the Gallipoli 2015 website and public forums will also be held in locations across Australia. The Consultation period will end on 30 November, 2012. To access the discussion paper and survey and for further information go to the Gallipoli 2015 website at www.gallipoli2015.dva.gov.au SURFING THE INTERNET...SITES FOR FAMILY HISTORIANSMembers with internet access should check out the following interesting sites. The Library has free access to the internet, contact 4560 4460 for bookings at Windsor & 4578 2002 for Richmond bookings. If you have your own laptop we also have free wireless. The password is available from the Information Desk.
~ Let us know of sites, that you have tried with (or without) success ~
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