Hawkesbury Family
History Group Meeting News
Meeting held 2nd Wednesday of the month at 10am in the Tebbutt Room, Windsor Library Find us on Facebook www.facebook.com/HawkesburyFHG FOR YOUR INFORMATIONFAMILY HISTORY CLASSESThe Hawkesbury Library will be holding the following family history classes at the Hawkesbury Central Library. Classes are suitable for beginners or persons wanting a refresher course. ADVANCED STRATEGIES FOR FAMILY HISTORY ~ Tuesday 14 May 6.30-8.30pm All classes $10 each ~ bookings essential ~ T: 4560 4466 E: history@hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au LIBRARY SURVEY RE COLLECTIONSJust a reminder the library is conducting a short survey to gain feedback on our collections. The survey is available via the special survey button on Council’s web page http://www.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au/ If you are unable to access the internet, printed copies are available around the library, or phone 45604460 EVENTSHawkesbury Regional Museum - 5th Anniversary CelebrationsTo celebrate the museum's Fifth Anniversary on Saturday 25 - Sunday 26 May there will be a weekend of talks, activities for kids, things to eat and drink, and the opening of a new exhibition. The new exhibition is titled "From underwear to hardware: Hordern Brothers, Windsor 1962 - 1998." Don't forget that Howe House in Thompson Square has undergone extensive conservation and renovations over the past few years and now has newly installed exhibits. Phone the Museum to find out about Tour times 4560 4655. LOVE THE HAWKESBURY? MODELS NEEDED FOR PHOTOGRAPHYFirstly ...all sorts of real people…families with young children, families with teenage children, grandparents with grandchildren, keen bushwalkers, people who enjoy the outdoors, people who enjoy food, social people... Cultural Services are looking for local Hawkesbury people to be in photographs that promote activities in the Hawkesbury region over the next few months. If you are interested in being involved, being in some photos and having a Hawkesbury experience please contact Jennifer by email: photography@silversalt.com ** In your email please advise your name and contact details (phone and email) plus the names and ages of all people in your family/group along with your availability and a recent photo/s (doesn't have to be professional).** REUNIONSMarch Family Reunion to be held in Gundaroo on 18 May 2013 to celebrate the 175th Anniversary of the arrival in Sydney of Thomas James MARCH & Charlotte Thomeson nee PLUMMER on 18 May 1838. In the mid 1840s they marched to Gundaroo. It is believed descendants lived in this area. Other names connected include Noyes, Kershaw, Hildred, Goodwin, Wilson, Gurnett & Taylor. More info : Julie Watt marchfamilyreunion2012@gmail.com ![]() NEW LIBRARY CATALOGUECheck out the new Library Catalogue http://catalogue.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au/amlibweb/ SURFING THE INTERNET...SITES FOR FAMILY HISTORIANSMembers with internet access should check out the following interesting sites. The Library has free access to the internet, contact 4560 4460 for bookings at Windsor & 4578 2002 for Richmond bookings. If you have your own laptop we also have free wireless. The password is available from the Information Desk.
~ Let us know of sites, that you have tried with (or without) success ~
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