List of convict passengers
Abraham, Richard | Farron, John | Knox, Alexander | Robinson, George |
Adams, Charles | Feeney, James | Ladd, James | Rose, Thomas |
Adolph, John | Fenton, Samuel | Lawrence, Henry | Rourke, Peter |
Alder, Thomas | Ferry, John | Leary, James | Rowlands, William |
Anderson, George | Fleming, James Coats | Lee, Charles | Rutter, Charles |
Anderson, James | Flynn, John | Lee, William | Ryan, Thomas |
Anderson, Samuel | Forrest, Thomas | Leonard, Charles | Scott, John |
Arlott, Joseph | Frost, Charles | Lewis, George | Shepherd, James |
Ashurst, William | Gardner, Samuel | Livings, George | Shields, Joseph |
Atherton, John | Garnett, Edward | Lloyd, John | Shires, Charles |
Atkinson, John | Gill, William | Lloyd, Thomas | Simpson, Francis Stephen |
Avery, John | Gittins, John | Müller, William | Simpson, Thomas |
Baker, Henry | Godwin, Edmund | Mackenzie, John | Slaney, William |
Barber, John Carr | Goodwin, Samuel | Magill, James | Smith, Charles |
Barratt, Anthony | Gorton, John | Malone, Anthony | Smith, Charles |
Beck, Henry | Gough, William | Malyson, James | Smith, Fortunatus |
Bell, John | Graham, James | Marks, Edward | Smith, George |
Benbow, George | Gray, William | Marshall, John | Smith, George |
Bence, Alfred | Greaves, Samuel | Martin, James | Smith, George |
Berry, John | Green, Henry | Martin, John | Smith, Jacob |
Black, Thomas | Green, John Henry | Martin, John | Smith, James |
Boon, William | Greenhalgh, James | Matthews, Thomas | Smith, John |
Booth, Alfred | Greenhill, Albert | May, James | Smith, John |
Bradshaw, George | Grove, William | McCabe, John | Smith, John |
Bridger, Alfred | Gwynne, Henry | McDonald, George | Smith, John Peter |
Brown, Charles | Haggins, John | McEwan, William | Smith, Thomas |
Brown, George | Hale, George | McGuiness, Edward | Smith, Thomas |
Brown, James | Hall, John | McKissock, John | Stafford, John |
Brown, Joseph | Hall, John | McKnight, Alexander | Standeven, James |
Brown, William | Hall, John James | McLaughlin, Bernard | Stevens, Robert |
Brown, William | Hall, William | McSweeny, John | Steward, Robert |
Brown, William | Hamilton, George | Mellor, James | Still, John |
Bryan, Patrick | Hands, Michael | Miller, John Charles | Styles, Benjamin |
Buckle, Richard | Harris, Tom | Mills, Samuel | Sullivan, John |
Burke, Michael | Harrison, Edmund | Minshull, Paul | Summers, George |
Burness, Peter | Hart, Edward | Mitchell, George | Suttie, David |
Burnham, John | Hawkins, John | Moore, Charles | Sykes, Isaac |
Burns, John | Hawksley, James | Moore, John | Taylor, George |
Butler, Frederick | Hick, Francis | Morrison, Robert | Taylor, James |
Butler, Graham | Hollman, Alfred | Mowatt, James | Taylor, Thomas |
Bygrave, Thomas | Holloway, Thomas | Munday, William | Taylor, William |
Cameron, Hugh | Hughes, George | Murphy, James | Tennant, Jeffrey |
Cameron, James | Humphreys, Alexander | Murray, Alfred | Thompson, Edward |
Carr, James | Ibbotson, Joseph | Nadin, Peter | Thompson, George |
Carruthers, James | Isott, Joseph | Napp, Charles | Thomson, James |
Cartwright, Samuel | James, John | Needham, George | Thurgood, Isaac |
Challinor, John | James, Thomas | Newman, John | Tidswell, Edward |
Charlesworth, Edward | Jeffery, Charles | Nicholas, John | Tilbrook, Charles |
Clarke, William | Jeffery, John Wm. | Nicholson, William | Turner, Thomas |
Clements, Noah | Jenkins, Peter | Norman, Daniel | Vernon, Walter |
Clifford, William | Johnson, Francis | O'Connell, Maurice | Wallace, David |
Cole, William | Johnson, John | Oldham, Joshua | Warrell, John |
Colgan, Patrick | Johnson, Robert | Osborn, George | Watts, John |
Commons, John | Johnson, Thomas | Owen, John | Webb, Joseph |
Connell, William | Johnson, Thomas | Pain, John | Wells, John |
Cook, Edwin | Johnson, William | Parker, Edward | West, George |
Cooper, Charles | Jones, Ishmael | Parker, George | Western, Richard |
Coullie, John | Jones, James | Pearson, George | Weston, John |
Coulston, William | Jones, John | Perry, Thomas | Whalley, John |
Coxon, James | Jones, William | Phillips, James | White, William |
Cramp, William | Joy, Thomas | Picken, John | Whiting, William |
Crawford, John | Joyce, Thomas | Powell, George | Wignall, Samuel |
Crowley, Samuel | Kain, Thomas | Preist, James | Williams, Daniel |
Dale, John | Kearns, James | Preston, Thomas | Williams, Ewan |
Darnbrough, John | Kelly, James | Price, James | Williams, John |
Davies, Benjamin | Kelly, John | Price, Thomas | Williams, John |
Davis, William | Kelly, William | Prim, Eli | Williams, John |
Davison, John | Kemp, George | Raftree, James | Wilson, Charles |
Devereux, Patrick | Kennedy, John | Rankin, James | Wilson, William |
Dixon, James | Kenny, John | Rayne, William Nichol | Woodward, Thomas |
Dobbin, Patrick | Kenny, Luke | Redshaw, Thomas | Woodward, Thomas |
Doherty, Thomas | King, James | Reeves, George | Yam, Emanuel |
Douglas, James | King, John | Reilly, James | Yeo, John |
Dwyer, Dennis | Kingston, John | Rhodes, George | |
Earp, William | Kipling, Joseph | Ridsdale, William | |
Edwards, Thomas | Kitchen, Frederick | Roberts, George | |
Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Clara (2) is 301 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.
- The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/19, pp.1-31
- Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.376-377, 396