List of convict passengers
Abbott, William | Duffey, Owen | Lees, Samuel | Rowe, Henry |
Allen, William | Duffy, Patrick | Leeson, Henry | Rushton, Abraham |
Anderson, James | Eburne, Thomas | Leonard, John | Sanders, John |
Anderson, James | Eckersley, William | Lewingstone, Henry | Saunders, George |
Aniger, George | Edmonds, William | Lockley, Joseph | Saville, George |
Aston, Charles | Edwards, John | Lockwood, William George | Simpson, Alfred |
Baldwin, Joseph | Egerton, Lewis | Love, Charles | Sindon, Tylden |
Barlow, Charles Franklin | Elliott, Charles | Loveridge, John | Small, James |
Barrett, Joseph | Evans, John | Maloney, William | Smart, Samuel |
Bennett, George | Fallon, Francis | Mann, Joseph | Smith, George |
Blunt, John | Farebrother, Thomas | Martin, John | Smith, James |
Boallen, James | Farren, James | Massey, Joseph | Smith, John |
Bolton, Henry | Feeney, Michael | Mawdesley, William | Smith, William |
Booth, William | Fitzgerald, John | Maynard, Edward | Smith, William |
Boulton, Richard | Fletcher, Samuel | McAvoy, Peter | Spain, Michael |
Bozward, William | Foster, James | McDonald, Charles | Speller, John |
Bradley, Patrick | Foster, William | McDonald, George | Spencer, George |
Brehant, Peter | France, William | McDonald, James | Squire, William |
Brown, Alfred | Francisco, Joachim | McDonald, John | Strickland, George |
Brown, Hugh | Franklin, George | McGuiness, Brian | Strugnell, Frederick |
Brown, John | Furness, John | McIntyre, Thomas | Swash, John |
Brown, Thomas | Garden, John | McLusky, John | Talbot, Patrick |
Bryan, Patrick | Garner, Richard | McMullin, Robert | Thomas, James |
Bryant, George James | Garritty, Patrick | McPherson, John | Thomas, Samuel |
Bryce, George | Gilderoy, John | Miles, James | Thompson, Edward |
Buchanan, John | Gildon, William | Milner, Ephraim | Thompson, John |
Burns, John | Gill, John | Mitchell, James | Thompson, William |
Burns, John | Gillespie, John | Moll, Hermann Joseph | Thomson, Robert |
Burns, William | Gittins, John | Moore, William | Thornley, David |
Burnside, Hugh | Glen, Robert | Moran, Edward | Titterington, Thomas |
Burridge, Henry | Godfrey, Henry | Morley, James | Trew, Valentine |
Byrne, William | Gough, Richard | Morrison, George | Turner, John |
Campbell, Charles | Gray, Alexander | Morrison, James | Turner, Thomas |
Care, Thomas | Grier, John | Morrison, John | Turnock, William |
Catterall, John | Hall, Edward | Mortimer, William | Turvey, Richard |
Caveney, Michael | Hall, Henry | Mullins, Henry | Venn, John |
Chalkley, William Seabrook | Hambly, William | Murphy, John | Walker, John |
Challenger, George | Hannagan, Peter | Neesham, Robert | Walker, John |
Charnley, Peter | Hart, John | Nutt, Charles | Walker, Thomas |
Chisnall, Richard | Harvey, Charles | Oakley, Israel | Walker, Thomas Christopher |
Clark, William | Haydock, Roger | Oakley, William | Wardle, Thomas |
Clarke, Michael | Hennessey, John | Oldham, William | Watson, Alexander William |
Clifford, Robert | Hill, George | Organ, James | Watson, James |
Cocking, Charles | Hill, Joseph | Parker, Thomas | Weaver, Joseph |
Collins, John | Hogg, Joseph | Parkinson, Joseph | Webb, James |
Collins, Joseph | Holden, John Entwisle | Parsonage, John | Webb, John |
Cook, James | Hooke, William | Paton, Neil | Whitaker, Joseph |
Corbridge, Richard | Hooper, Charles | Payne, Henry | Whitby, William |
Coyle, Thomas | Horn, Lancelot | Peale, William | White, Spink |
Crabb, Samuel | Horton, Henry | Pearson, George | White, Thomas |
Cragg, William Henry | Hughes, John | Pearson, Henry | Whitehead, Thomas |
Crawford, William | Humphrey, John | Pearson, James | Whittingham, John |
Cray, Joseph | Humphrys, Matthew | Pearson, William | Willey, William |
Cressy, William | Hutchison, Alexander | Pennybook, Alexander | Williams, Edward |
Creswick, Robert | Huxley, William | Perryman, Joseph | Williams, John |
Crompton, John | Jackson, George | Pitchford, Thomas | Williams, Thomas |
Crump, Jesse | Jackson, John | Poole, Thomas | Williams, Thomas |
Cryer, James | Jackson, Thomas | Powell, Joseph | Wilmont, Barnard |
Cunningham, Peter | James, James | Price, Isaac | Wilson, James |
Dale, Charles | Jameson, Joseph | Pullinger, Daniel | Wilson, John |
Davidson, William | Janes, William | Punnett, George | Wilson, John |
Davies, John | Jones, John | Randall, John | Wilson, John |
Davis, James | Jones, Joseph | Rankin, John | Wilson, Robert |
Davis, Thomas | Jones, Robert | Rankin, Thomas | Wilson, William |
Defoe, Anthony | Jones, Thomas | Ratcliffe, George | Windle, James |
Delobe, John | Kane, John | Redding, Herbert Joseph | Windley, Philip |
Dempsey, Patrick | Kerr, Thomas | Reid, George | Winnwood, George |
Derrick, Joseph | Keys, Frederick | Reid, Joseph | Wise, Joseph |
Dickie, William Hutchinson | Kinkin, Edward | Riley, John James | Wood, William |
Dimmack, George Perry | Kirk, Robert | Riley, Timothy | Wright, Charles |
Divine, Frederick | Kitsell, William | Roberts, Edward | Yeomans, Thomas |
Dixon, Thomas | Knapp, John | Robinson, William | Young, John |
Dixon, Thomas | Lamb, George | Roe, James | Young, Richard |
Dobbs, Henry | Lawrence, Frank | Rogan, Hugh | |
Donegan, Thomas | Leary, Michael | Rose, James | |
Downs, James | Lee, John | Rose, William | |
Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship York II is 301 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.
- The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/18, pp.455-486
- Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.374-375, 396