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Details for the ship York II (1862)

Ship Name:York II  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1854
Size (tons):940
Voyage Details
Master:C. Breaccy
Sailed:8 October 1862
Arrived:31 December 1862
Days Travel:84
Convicts Landed:299 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Abbott, WilliamDuffey, OwenLees, SamuelRowe, Henry
Allen, WilliamDuffy, PatrickLeeson, HenryRushton, Abraham
Anderson, JamesEburne, ThomasLeonard, JohnSanders, John
Anderson, JamesEckersley, WilliamLewingstone, HenrySaunders, George
Aniger, GeorgeEdmonds, WilliamLockley, JosephSaville, George
Aston, CharlesEdwards, JohnLockwood, William GeorgeSimpson, Alfred
Baldwin, JosephEgerton, LewisLove, CharlesSindon, Tylden
Barlow, Charles FranklinElliott, CharlesLoveridge, JohnSmall, James
Barrett, JosephEvans, JohnMaloney, WilliamSmart, Samuel
Bennett, GeorgeFallon, FrancisMann, JosephSmith, George
Blunt, JohnFarebrother, ThomasMartin, JohnSmith, James
Boallen, JamesFarren, JamesMassey, JosephSmith, John
Bolton, HenryFeeney, MichaelMawdesley, WilliamSmith, William
Booth, WilliamFitzgerald, JohnMaynard, EdwardSmith, William
Boulton, RichardFletcher, SamuelMcAvoy, PeterSpain, Michael
Bozward, WilliamFoster, JamesMcDonald, CharlesSpeller, John
Bradley, PatrickFoster, WilliamMcDonald, GeorgeSpencer, George
Brehant, PeterFrance, WilliamMcDonald, JamesSquire, William
Brown, AlfredFrancisco, JoachimMcDonald, JohnStrickland, George
Brown, HughFranklin, GeorgeMcGuiness, BrianStrugnell, Frederick
Brown, JohnFurness, JohnMcIntyre, ThomasSwash, John
Brown, ThomasGarden, JohnMcLusky, JohnTalbot, Patrick
Bryan, PatrickGarner, RichardMcMullin, RobertThomas, James
Bryant, George JamesGarritty, PatrickMcPherson, JohnThomas, Samuel
Bryce, GeorgeGilderoy, JohnMiles, JamesThompson, Edward
Buchanan, JohnGildon, WilliamMilner, EphraimThompson, John
Burns, JohnGill, JohnMitchell, JamesThompson, William
Burns, JohnGillespie, JohnMoll, Hermann JosephThomson, Robert
Burns, WilliamGittins, JohnMoore, WilliamThornley, David
Burnside, HughGlen, RobertMoran, EdwardTitterington, Thomas
Burridge, HenryGodfrey, HenryMorley, JamesTrew, Valentine
Byrne, WilliamGough, RichardMorrison, GeorgeTurner, John
Campbell, CharlesGray, AlexanderMorrison, JamesTurner, Thomas
Care, ThomasGrier, JohnMorrison, JohnTurnock, William
Catterall, JohnHall, EdwardMortimer, WilliamTurvey, Richard
Caveney, MichaelHall, HenryMullins, HenryVenn, John
Chalkley, William SeabrookHambly, WilliamMurphy, JohnWalker, John
Challenger, GeorgeHannagan, PeterNeesham, RobertWalker, John
Charnley, PeterHart, JohnNutt, CharlesWalker, Thomas
Chisnall, RichardHarvey, CharlesOakley, IsraelWalker, Thomas Christopher
Clark, WilliamHaydock, RogerOakley, WilliamWardle, Thomas
Clarke, MichaelHennessey, JohnOldham, WilliamWatson, Alexander William
Clifford, RobertHill, GeorgeOrgan, JamesWatson, James
Cocking, CharlesHill, JosephParker, ThomasWeaver, Joseph
Collins, JohnHogg, JosephParkinson, JosephWebb, James
Collins, JosephHolden, John EntwisleParsonage, JohnWebb, John
Cook, JamesHooke, WilliamPaton, NeilWhitaker, Joseph
Corbridge, RichardHooper, CharlesPayne, HenryWhitby, William
Coyle, ThomasHorn, LancelotPeale, WilliamWhite, Spink
Crabb, SamuelHorton, HenryPearson, GeorgeWhite, Thomas
Cragg, William HenryHughes, JohnPearson, HenryWhitehead, Thomas
Crawford, WilliamHumphrey, JohnPearson, JamesWhittingham, John
Cray, JosephHumphrys, MatthewPearson, WilliamWilley, William
Cressy, WilliamHutchison, AlexanderPennybook, AlexanderWilliams, Edward
Creswick, RobertHuxley, WilliamPerryman, JosephWilliams, John
Crompton, JohnJackson, GeorgePitchford, ThomasWilliams, Thomas
Crump, JesseJackson, JohnPoole, ThomasWilliams, Thomas
Cryer, JamesJackson, ThomasPowell, JosephWilmont, Barnard
Cunningham, PeterJames, JamesPrice, IsaacWilson, James
Dale, CharlesJameson, JosephPullinger, DanielWilson, John
Davidson, WilliamJanes, WilliamPunnett, GeorgeWilson, John
Davies, JohnJones, JohnRandall, JohnWilson, John
Davis, JamesJones, JosephRankin, JohnWilson, Robert
Davis, ThomasJones, RobertRankin, ThomasWilson, William
Defoe, AnthonyJones, ThomasRatcliffe, GeorgeWindle, James
Delobe, JohnKane, JohnRedding, Herbert JosephWindley, Philip
Dempsey, PatrickKerr, ThomasReid, GeorgeWinnwood, George
Derrick, JosephKeys, FrederickReid, JosephWise, Joseph
Dickie, William HutchinsonKinkin, EdwardRiley, John JamesWood, William
Dimmack, George PerryKirk, RobertRiley, TimothyWright, Charles
Divine, FrederickKitsell, WilliamRoberts, EdwardYeomans, Thomas
Dixon, ThomasKnapp, JohnRobinson, WilliamYoung, John
Dixon, ThomasLamb, GeorgeRoe, JamesYoung, Richard
Dobbs, HenryLawrence, FrankRogan, Hugh
Donegan, ThomasLeary, MichaelRose, James
Downs, JamesLee, JohnRose, William

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship York II is 301 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/18, pp.455-486
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.374-375, 396

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