List of convict passengers
Anderson, Alexander | Ellerton, Thomas | Linto, William | Sandy, John |
Andrews, Frederick | Farr, Isaac | Lloyd, John | Showell, John |
Ashbee, Thomas | Fawcett, Edward | Long, William | Simpson, Robert |
Atkinson, George | Fegan, Alexander | Loveden, Walter | Sleigh, Charles |
Bailey, William | Fenton, John | Luscombe, Edwin | Sleigh, John |
Baker, Charles | Fereday, Charles | Mackie, Thomas | Smirk, Thomas |
Balderson, Richard | Fergus, Robert | Maher, Joseph | Smith, Matthew |
Barber, George | Finlay, George | Mann, George | Smith, William |
Barry, Richard | Finn, Patrick | McCoy, George | Smith, William |
Baskeyfield, Joseph | Foley, John | McDonald, Daniel | Smith, William |
Basset, James | Fox, Joseph | McDonald, Donald | Snell, William |
Beachum, William | Friend, Isaac | McDonald, William | Spriggs, Daniel |
Bennesford, William | Froggatt, Benjamin | McGragh, Edward | Squire, John |
Bignell, Henry | Frost, George | McHugh, Peter | Stayner, John |
Blacker, William | Garrett, Samuel | Melhuish, John | Steel, George |
Bowron, Jonathan | Garth, John | Milton, Benjamin | Stevens, Andrew |
Brindley, Joseph | Golding, William | Minden, Charles | Stilwell, James |
Brodie, Robert | Goldsbrough, James | Moore, John | Stone, George |
Brook, Charles | Greaves, William | Motteram, Henry | Swallow, John |
Broomhead, John | Hamilton, James | Munro, James | Thompson, George |
Brown, George | Harris, James | Murray, Daniel | Thompson, Walter |
Brown, Thomas | Heathfield, Samuel | Nash, Thomas | Thompson, William |
Buck, Robert | Hinton, Joseph | Navin, John | Travis, William |
Bullough, Bullough | Hodgman, George | Neale, Thomas | Truss, Robert |
Bunner, Samuel | Holder, George | Newnham, William | Vennell, John |
Burleigh, William | Holmes, William | O'Sullivan, William Alfred | Wade, James |
Butcher, William | Howard, George | Overton, Charles | Walker, George |
Calchon, William | Howe, Edward | Pearce, John | Walker, William |
Callaghan, Edward | Hunt, Robert | Pearce, John | Wallis, Stephen |
Campbell, James | Hunter, Richard | Perry, Maurice | Walters, John |
Carroll, John | Ingram, John (Junior) | Petty, David | Walton, Michael |
Clamp, George | Ingram, Levi | Petty, William | Ward, John |
Clark, William | Ives, Richard | Pitts, James | Ward, William |
Clatworthy, Robert | Jackson, Charles | Playfer, Henry | Wass, William |
Clemson, Thomas | Jackson, Robert | Polson, James | Watson, Henry |
Cook, Thomas | Jackson, William | Ponting, James | Webb, William |
Cooke, John | Javan, George | Powell, James | Weston, Job |
Cooper, Samuel | Johnson, James | Preest, Henry | Westwood, George |
Cousins, Robert | Jones, John | Price, Edward | White, George |
Coxall, Charles | Jones, Thomas | Price, George | Whittaker, George |
Cullum, William | Jones, Thomas | Purcell, Thomas | Wilding, Edward |
Davis, John | Jones, William | Race, Richard | Williams, Frederick |
Davis, William | Joyce, Henry | Rallins, Charles | Wilmot, John |
Dawes, Thomas | Kean, Simon | Raven, John | Wilson, Charles |
Deans, George | Killerby, Henry Joseph | Reeks, John | Wilson, Henry |
Digby, George | King, Alfred | Revell, William | Winder, John |
Dixon, George | King, Henry | Riley, James | Withers, James |
Dixon, Philip | Kirkham, William | Robertson, James | Wood, John |
Dixon, Robert | Kitson, John | Rose, David | Woods, John |
Donaldson, Alexander | Krakaner, Teodor | Rudd, James | Woolnough, Godfrey |
Donovan, John | Landford, William | Ryder, Thomas | Wroth, John Acton |
Drury, Michael | Lewis, Edward | Sanderson, James | Wybrow, William |
Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Mermaid (3) is 208 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.
- The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/16, pp.381-399
- Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.374-375, 396