List of convict passengers
Anderson, John | Cummings, Daniel | Johnstone, William | Sinclair, William |
Arber, John Charles | Darcy, John | Jones, Ambrose | Sinel, George |
Astbury, Samuel | Davies, Joseph | Jones, John | Skinner, John |
Aubrey, Charles | Dawson, Alexander | Jordan, Charles | Skipper, James |
Baker, William | Dawson, James | Keener, Patrick | Slade, Charles |
Ball, Samuel | Dawson, Thomas | Kerr, Robert | Smith, Charles |
Ballard, William | Donovan, Michael | Kirk, Luke | Smith, George |
Ballman, William | Dowsett, Thomas | Knight, Thomas | Smith, George |
Barker, Benjamin | Eady, John | Knights, Robert | Smith, Henry |
Barker, Henry | Esmond, Richard | Lainson, William John | Smith, James |
Barrett, John | Eteen, Henry | Lally, William | Smith, Walter |
Barriff, John | Evans, William | Land, Miles | Smith, William |
Barton, Nathaniel | Faun, Charles | Lane, George | Squire, William |
Bastin, Robert | Fawcett, John | Larcombe, William (the younger) | Stanbury, John |
Batt, Charles | Fletcher, John | Law, William | Street, Samuel |
Batt, William | Foster, William | Leary, Thomas | Sullivan, Edward |
Batty, George | Fox, Joseph | Lee, Henry | Swarbrick, Thomas |
Baxter, George | France, William | Leggett, John | Swift, John |
Beckley, Henry | Free, Thomas | Lewis, William | Tate, John Chapman |
Beckwith, George | Frith, Charles | Lock, Edward | Taylor, Benjamin |
Bell, James | Frost, Edward | Lockett, James | Thomas, John |
Bell, John | Fullick, Stephen | Lowe, Henry | Thomas, Joseph |
Birch, James | Gale, Bartholomew | MacLaughlin, James | Thomson, James |
Birdwood, Alfred | Gardener, William | Maginnis, John | Tiffany, Thomas |
Bland, William | Gibson, Robert | Marmon, James | Tomkin, John |
Bolton, Thomas | Gilbert, John | Marsh, Thomas | Tomlinson, Thomas |
Boothman, Thomas | Glenroy, Herbert | Marshall, William | Trapnell, John |
Boyes, Joseph | Goode, Henry | Mason, Thomas | Turner, William |
Bradley, Joseph | Goodenough, Samuel | Matthews, Benjamin | Turp, Benjamin |
Brain, Nathaniel | Goodrick, Abraham | Milbank, James | Twaites, Thomas |
Breffett, William | Gordon, Thomas | Miller, Robert | Usher, John |
Brewster, Thomas | Grant, William | Munday, Stephen | Walker, George |
Brindley, Richard | Graves, John | Munday, William | Walker, William |
Brooks, Joseph | Grays, William | Murphy, Thomas | Wall, John |
Brown, Peter | Green, George | Myler, Daniel | Walshaw, William |
Burgess, Matthew | Green, John | Naughton, James | Watson, Robert |
Burke, John | Hague, Thomas | Newton, Thomas | Webber, Edmund |
Burnby, James | Hale, William | Oliver, John | Webster, John |
Burns, James | Halliwell, William | Parry, John | West, Henry |
Burrell, James | Hams, William | Patrick, George | White, George |
Butterfield, Richard | Harcombe, Josiah | Peters, John | White, William |
Caffyn, William | Harris, Francis | Phare, John | White, William |
Callaghan, James | Harris, George | Phillips, Charles | Wiggin, Charles |
Candy, Benjamin | Harrison, John | Potter, Charles | Williams, Henry |
Carr, Robert | Hatton, William | Price, Thomas | Williams, John |
Casey, William Fitman | Higginbotham, Frederick | Publo, Thomas | Williams, Joseph |
Catterall, John | Hill, James | Purdie, William | Wilson, Christopher |
Chandler, William | Hillyer, Andrew | Redding, William | Wilson, George |
Chaundy, William | Hinton, Horatio | Reeves, John | Wilson, James |
Clarke, John | Hockley, John | Renshaw, Edward | Wilson, John |
Clarke, William | Hogben, William | Rhymes, Joseph | Wilson, John |
Cleary, Thomas | Holding, William | Richardson, John | Withy, Stephen |
Collard, Thomas | Holt, Jonathan | Robins, Henry | Witty, Edward |
Collins, Cornelius | Howard, Henry | Robinson, John | Wood, George |
Cott, Stephen | Hull, John | Roddy, Thomas | Woodhouse, Joseph |
Crabtree, Abraham | Humphries, William | Rule, Henry | Worsfold, John |
Cray, William | Jennings, Jonas | Russell, James | Yates, George |
Crew, James | Jifkins, William | Scully, John | |
Cronan, Michael | Johnson, Charles | Seeming, William | |
Cullen, Edward | Johnson, Henry | Sherwin, John | |
Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Eden (4) is 237 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.
- The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/15, pp.333-347
- Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.368-369, 372-373, 395