List of convict passengers
Anderson, George | English, Thomas | Last, William | Savage, Thomas |
Anderson, William | Fisher, David | Last, William | Sharman, James |
Arnold, George | Fisher, John | Leach, Robert | Sharp, William |
Arnold, John | Flewell, John Strachan | Leary, Timothy | Sharpe, Nathaniel |
Askew, George | Flint, Thomas | Leatherbarrow, James | Shirley, Henry |
Atkinson, Joseph | Floyd, Josiah | Leonard, James | Silverton, John |
Ayr, Robert | Foster, James | Lewis, James | Simmonds, William |
Bailey, Thomas | Fulford, Edward | Lynch, William | Sims, Thomas |
Baker, Moses | Fuller, Richard | MacClarence, Michael | Smart, Thomas |
Baker, Robert | Furlong, Joseph | MacClarence, Patrick | Smith, John |
Balcombe, Thomas | Gaffery, James | Mann, John | Smith, Samuel |
Ballinger, John | Goodman, David | Mathison, William | Smyth, John |
Barker, Thomas | Gordon, John | McCarthy, Owen | Spencer, Frederick |
Barnes, Thomas | Gordon, John | McDermott, Michael | Spiers, Thomas |
Barrett, Morris | Gough, John | McDonald, James | Spratley, George |
Barringer, William | Gough, William | McDonald, William | Stevens, John |
Barrow, James | Graves, William | McLean, James | Stokes, William |
Beardsmore, Thomas | Gray, William | McManis, William | Stott, John |
Bell, Christopher Robinson | Green, Richard | McMurron, Francis | Summerfield, Mark |
Beresford, William | Green, Robert | Meade, Thomas | Summers, William |
Beveridge, David | Greenacre, William | Mellon, James | Sutton, William |
Birch, John Lewis | Hale, Richard | Mellor, Joseph | Tandy, Robert |
Blackham, Joseph | Hall, John | Miller, Thomas | Taylor, John |
Blackman, James | Hall, John | Mills, Frederick | Taylor, John |
Booth, Robert | Halliwell, William | Mincher, Richard | Testor, George |
Bottomley, William | Hamilton, James | Molineux, Thomas | Thomas, John |
Brebner, John | Hammond, Amos | Moody, Edward | Thomas, John (the elder) |
Bridger, John | Hammond, James | Morris, Andrew | Thomas, William |
Brinkworth, James | Harris, John | Morris, Henry | Thomas, William |
Bromidge, William | Hartley, William | Morters, John | Thomson, Charles |
Brown, Alexander | Heather, George | Moses, Abraham | Thornton, Ridehalgh |
Brown, James | Herbrechter, Francis Peter | Munro, Akexander | Tinsley, Henry |
Brownill, William | Heyes, Samuel | Ollis, John | Trainer, John |
Buck, John | Heywood, James | Osborne, Stephen | Trainer, Matthew |
Bultitude, David | Heywood, John | Owen, Rowland | Treason, John |
Burgess, Joseph | Hicks, Charles | Palmer, Charles | Tremlet, Edward |
Carter, John | Hines, Thomas | Pankhurst, John | Turner, William |
Cash, Lawrence | Hobbs, James | Parsons, George | Tweed, Robert |
Cave, Isaac William | Holding, George | Peaney, George | Waite, Abraham |
Charrington, William | Holmes, Edward | Pearson, George | Walker, George |
Childs, George | Hoy, Patrick | Pecury, William | Walker, James |
Clarke, James | Hughes, Thomas | Peplow, John | Walker, John |
Clarke, John Thomas | Hughes, William | Phillips, Benjamin Thomas | Walker, William |
Collins, George | Hurst, Henry | Pilkington, James | Walmsley, Joseph |
Comber, John | Hyde, Thomas | Potter, Abraham | Waters, William |
Cook, Thomas | Inman, William | Pretty, Archibald | Watson, David |
Cooper, John | Jackson, Edward | Price, Reece | Watt, Samuel |
Cooper, John | Jeffereys, Richard | Print, Henry | Watts, James |
Cotter, James | Jenkins, John | Pugh, Edward | Wheeldon, Robert |
Cox, Henry | Jenkins, Samuel | Quick, Thomas | Whitaker, Richard |
Cray, John | Johnson, Henry | Ragan, Michael | Whitehouse, Edward |
Cripps, William | Johnson, Thomas | Randall, William | Williams, George |
Dadley, Thomas | Johnson, William | Reed, George | Williams, James |
Daine, John | Jones, Charles | Reed, John | Williams, John |
Daniel, William | Jones, James | Reeve, James | Williams, John |
Davison, John | Jones, Peter | Reeves, William | Williams, John |
Deakin, John | Jones, William | Reynolds, George | Williams, John |
Dean, Thomas | Jones, William | Richards, John | Wilmot, James |
Dean, William | Kaveny, Charles | Ricketts, William | Wilson, Charles Edward |
Dewison, Henry | Kelly, David | Riley, John | Withall, John |
Dickenson, William | Kelly, Edward | Roberts, John Arthur | Wolstenholme, William |
Dickerson, George | Kelsall, Joseph | Roberts, Samuel | Woodward, Charles |
Driscoll, John | Kerridge, Charles | Robins, Richard | Wright, James |
Duncan, James | Kimmiss, William | Robinson, Henry | Wright, John |
Durrant, John | Knight, Charles | Rowen, John | Wright, Thomas |
Edwards, James | Lander, William | Rowson, John | Wyld, John |
Elsey, Daniel | Larby, James | Sangster, Edward | |
Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Isabella I (6) is 267 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.
- The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/13, pp.1-13
- Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.364-365, 392