List of convict passengers
Ainsworth, Lawrence | Eburne, John | Long, Edward | Simpson, Willam |
Ainsworth, William | Elliott, John | Long, William | Simpson, William |
Allen, George | Elliott, Robert | Lynch, Daniel | Skipper, John |
Amos, Edward | Ellis, Thomas | Macleod, Malcolm | Smith, Charles |
Ansell, John | Ely, William | Manning, John | Smith, Henry |
Ashing, Isaac | Emmerson, William | Mansfield, George | Smith, Richard |
Ashmore, Thomas | Evans, Peter | Marshall, James | Smith, Thomas |
Aust, William | Ewen, William | Martin, Michael | Smith, Thomas |
Baker, Joseph | Flicker, Thomas | Mayor, Philip | Smith, William |
Ball, Charles | Flinn, Michael | McAravey, Daniel | Smith, William |
Ball, John | Flowers, William Henry | McCosker, Peter | Spanton, Charles |
Barker, Christopher | Ford, John | McIntyre, Donald | Speet, William |
Barnes, William | Fowler, James | McLachlan, John | Stacey, Thomas |
Bartlett, John | Gale, John | Mills, James | Stanley, John |
Battershell, William | Gard, Joseph | Milner, Jeremiah | Stanley, Joseph |
Beal, John | Gatland, Thomas | Moore, Peter | Startup, George |
Bennett, George | Geary, William | Morrey (the younger), William | Stokes, Thomas |
Benson, James | Giblett, James | Morris, James | Stone, Job |
Bentley, Charles | Gilbard, George | Morris, Thomas | Stubbings, John |
Bignold, Thomas | Gillon, John | Moylan, Daniel | Stubbs, Thomas |
Bills, Thomas | Gore, Thomas | Muckall, James | Symons, George |
Bishop, Edward | Grant, Henry | Munday, Edward | Tabbnear, John |
Blood, Charles | Grattage, Joseph | Munns, James | Tarrant, William |
Bond, Alexander | Gray, Edward | Murphy, James | Taylor, Edward |
Booker, John | Griffiths, William | Murrell, John | Taylor, James |
Borritt, James Punt | Groves, William | Neale, James | Taylor, Thomas |
Bozier, Enoch | Guest, Thomas | Newman, William | Taylor, William |
Bradberry, Thomas | Hall, Benjamin | Noble, James | Telling, John |
Bridges, William | Hall, Henry | Nock, Isaac | Tennant, George |
Brooks, John | Hall, William | Oliver, George | Thompson, George |
Brown, John | Halls, Cornelius | Packer, Charles Sandys | Thompson, Robert |
Brown, John | Hands, Job | Palmer, George | Thompson, William |
Brown, Thomas | Hannon, John | Parker, John | Thorley, William |
Brown, William | Harman, John | Partington, George | Timms, Joseph |
Brush, Thomas | Harris, James | Paterson, William | Tinker, James |
Bryant, William | Harris, John | Paxton, James | Towers, Thomas |
Bull, James | Harrison, John | Peace, John | Travler, John |
Burgess, William | Hart, Samuel | Pedder, William | Trice, John |
Campbell, Peter | Heartt, Joseph | Peters, Henry | Tripp, Thomas |
Carter, John | Heffer, Thomas | Pew, John | Tunnyclift, James |
Clunes, William | Henley, John | Piccary, John | Tutton, Matthew |
Cocklan, John | Hoadly, Cornelius | Pickard, Samuel | Tyler, John |
Coleman, Charles | Holyoak, Isaac | Pine, John | Vernon, Robert |
Colling, John | Howard, Joseph | Porter, James | Vine, William |
Collins, Roger | Hull, Henry | Powney, John | Waite, James |
Connor, John | Hull, John | Price, Richard | Walker, James |
Connor, Thomas | Hunt, James | Punt, William | Walker, John |
Cooling, William | Hyam, William | Quin, Morris | Walker, Joseph |
Cosgrove, William | Jackson, James | Raine, Thomas | Walker, Thomas |
Costigan, William | Jackson, John | Ramsbottom, John | Walker, William Henry |
Crawley, John | Jackson, William | Rankine, James | Ward, John |
Creswell, Edward | James, George | Read, George | Ward, William |
Cross, Robert | James, Thomas | Read, John | Waring, Samuel |
Cullen, George | Johnson, Edward | Reeves, Thomas | Warner, William |
Curtis, Charles | Johnson, Henry | Richardson, Henry | Watkins, John |
Daniel, William | Johnson, Job | Richardson, William | Watson, Alexander |
Dark, James | Johnson, William | Rickuss, Thomas | Watts, William |
Davie, John | Johnstone, William | Rigby, Samuel | Webb, Henry |
Dawson, William | Jones, James | Robertson, Alexander | Welborn, Henry |
Day, John | Jones, John | Robinson, Thomas | West, Robert |
Deedy, John | Jones, John | Robinson, William | Wheate, Charles |
Delaney, Kyran | Jones, William | Rolfe, William Thomas | White, Henry |
Dennett, Thomas | Kelly, William | Rook, Charles | White, John |
Dingwall, Alexander | Kerry, Robert | Ross, Thomas | Wilkes, Benjamin |
Dixon, Charles | Knight, William | Rushton, Thomas | Williams, John |
Dobbie, Peter | Lambert, Frederick | Salter, Thomas | Wilson, Archibald |
Dorrington, Joseph | Lambert, William | Scoffle, John | Wilson, Joseph |
Dougherty, Hugh | Lane, Charles | Shanley, James | Window, Edward |
Douglas, William Johnson | Lane, William | Sharp, Robert | Winterbottom, James |
Douse, George | Langhorne, Edward | Shaw, James | Wright, Henry |
Drew, William | Lawson, Thomas | Sheppard, James | Zanker, William |
Earl, Jacob | Lear, James | Sheridan, Patrick | |
Earnshaw, John | Lee, William | Simmonds, Ralph | |
Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Mangles (9) is 290 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.
- Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.356-357, 372-373,
- The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/12, pp.125-137