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Details for the ship Bengal Merchant (3) (1836)

Ship Name:Bengal Merchant (3)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1812
Size (tons):503
Voyage Details
Master:William Campbell
Surgeon:John Tarn
Sailed:8 August 1836
Arrived:9 December 1836
Days Travel:123
Convicts Landed:269 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Adams, BenjaminFlanders, JohnJoyce, JohnRobinson, John
Allcoat, GeorgeFlannaghan, WilliamJudd, RobertRogers, Benjamin
Allen, JohnFleming, DavidKeenan, BarnabasRooney, John
Anderson, RobertFleming, PeterKendrick, WilliamSaunderson, James
Anderson, StephenFrankling, RobertKing, EdwardSavage, Alfred
Anderson, WilliamFryer, WilliamKing, HenrySavage, Robert
Andrews, JohnFuljambe, JamesKnock, EdwardSeymour, Joseph
Andrews, WilliamGalloway, JohnKnock, WilliamSharpe, William
Arkinstall, AbrahamGiver, ThomasLangley, WilliamShaw, Thomas
Atkins, JamesGoald, ThomasLapworth, JosephSheedy, John
Ayre, ThomasGood, JohnLawrence, JohnShepherd, Thomas Walker
Ayton, WilliamGoode, JosiahLawrence, ThomasSimmonds, George
Bain, JohnGordon, EdwardLaycock, EdwardSimpson, Samuel
Baker, WilliamGraham, JamesLee, GeorgeSlocombe, Thomas
Bald, RobertGrant, JohnLesley, JohnSmith, John
Ball, ThomasGrant, LewisLewis, JohnSmith, John
Barber, JohnGraveur, David AronLittle, ThomasSmith, John
Beachey, JamesGreen, WilliamLomas, FrederickSmith, Joseph
Beeby, RobertGregory, ThomasLomas, WilliamSmith, Richard
Biggerstaff, JamesGurney, ConlayLowe, CharlesSmith, Sidney
Bishop, JamesHall, ThomasMabbott, WilliamSoutham, John
Blaker, HenryHallifax, ThomasMacAlister, DanielSpeed, Samuel
Blakes, BenjaminHammett, GeorgeMacGowan, MichaelStagg, Richard
Boardman, JamesHankins, GeorgeMaloney, JamesStaniforth, George
Bonnett, GeorgeHarding, JamesMarshall, GeorgeStarkey, William
Boulton, GeorgeHardy, JohnMatheson, JamesSteel, Alfred
Brandt, HenryHarris, JohnMattock, JosephStevenson, Thomas
Broad, AlfredHarrison, SamuelMcGary, JohnStewart, Richard
Brown, JohnHarvey, GeorgeMcGuire, ChristopherStonton, William
Brown, RichardHastings, ThomasMcLaren, JamesTassiker, James
Buckley, DennisHatt, GeorgeMillen, JohnTaylor, George
Bunford, WilliamHatton, JohnMiller, AlexanderTaylor, John
Burroughs, JohnHawker, JamesMiller, HenryTheak, John
Buthey, RobertHayes, JohnMills, JohnThomas, John
Butterworth, JohnHaynes, ThomasMilne, FrancisThomas, John
Chisnall, EdwardHenderson, JohnMilne, Wardon LawsThompson, George
Choat, CharlesHeyes, JamesMorgan, WilliamThorpe, Henry
Clark, WilliamHibbet, ThomasMorris, ThomasThrelfall, Owen
Clarke, WilliamHill, JosephNash, JohnThrussell, William
Cockram, WilliamHogan, ThomasNear, John SamuelTomes, William Rogers
Coffey, ThomasHolland, JamesNedley, MichaelVicary, William
Collier, WilliamHollingsworth, ThomasNeesam, CharlesWade, Thomas
Cook, JosephHolmes, EdwardNoble, WilliamWaghorn, Daniel
Cornell, CharlesHooper, HenryNutter, JohnWalker, John
Cornell, JohnHopwood, MatthewPackman, WilliamWarburton, Thomas
Cornish, JohnHoward, CharlesPage, ThomasWard, John
Coulter, EdwinHoward, CharlesParks, JohnWarren, Daniel
Coupe, AnthonyHowse, JosephPartridge, WilliamWhite, George
Craig, GeorgeHumphreys, FrancisPaul, JohnWhite, James
Crewe, SamuelHumphreys, ThomasPercival, JamesWhitehead, John
Crouch, HenryHunter, JohnPerry, GeorgeWhitworth, Joseph
Cunniff, JamesHursthouse, FrancisPidding, George RaymondWiffin, Peter
Davis, JohnIngold, WilliamPinfold, DavidWilliams, John
Day, JamesJackson, JosephPlant, BenjaminWilliams, Thomas
Dews, JobJacobs, IsaacPlant, WalterWilliams, Thomas
Dexter, JosephJacobs, JohnPlunkett, ThomasWilshaw, Thomas
Dixon, JohnJames, JohnPotter, WilliamWilson, George
Docker, JosephJerrard, HenryPownall, ThomasWilson, John
Donnolly, JamesJervis, JosiahRamsden, RichardWinn, George
Downs, ThomasJohnson, WilliamRead, JamesWood, John
Duffin, JamesJones, CharlesReall, John ThomasWoolbank, John
Dun, BarclayJones, ChristopherReardon, TimothyWordley, James George
Duncombe, MatthiasJones, JamesReed, HenryWragg, Samuel
Evans, ReesJones, JohnReuben, JohnWynne, John
Fallows, JohnJones, JohnRicketts, RobertWynnes, Alexander
Farnorth, JosephJones, SamuelRoberts, JosephYates, `
Felstead, RobertJones, StephenRobertson, Jack
Finney, Edward HieromJones, ThomasRobinson, James

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Bengal Merchant (3) is 270 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/10, pp.335-348
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.354-355, 390

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