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Details for the ship Asia I (8) (1836)

Ship Name:Asia I (8)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1819
Size (tons):536
Voyage Details
Master:Thomas F. Stead
Surgeon:Peter Leonard
Sailed:8 November 1835
Arrived:21 February 1836
Days Travel:105
Convicts Landed:288 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

??, AugustusDodds, JohnKempster, JohnSampson, Abraham
??, HarryDolman, JamesKempster, ThomasSanders, William
??, SimonDouglas, AdairKnowles, JamesScott, James
Adams, ThomasDouglass, JamesLacey, William (the elder)Selwyn, William
Adams, ThomasDowling, WilliamLacey, William (the younger)Shaberry, John
Allsop, WilliamDownes, ThomasLamming, IshmaelSharp, Charles
Arnold, BenjaminDrew, WilliamLane, Joseph WhitingShaw, William
Arnold, FrederickDriscoll, MichaelLeather, ThomasShortman, John
Arnold, GeorgeDunkin, JohnLeaver, JamesShrimpton, James
Ashcroft, DanielEccleston, WilliamLeckie, ThomasSmart, Robert
Askew, WilliamEdwards, CharlesLeek, GeorgeSmith, James
Atterfield, RichardEdwards, CharlesLevison, Jacob MyerSmith, James
Ayliff, JohnEdwards, JosephLewis, JamesSmith, John George
Bales, WilliamEmminson, JohnLomas, JamesSmith, Sidney
Barnett, WilliamEvans, EvanLong, JamesSnelgrove, John
Barraclough, JosephEvans, JosephLord, ThomasSouthon, Edward
Bartrupp, JonathanEwings, GeorgeLoyal, ThomasSpears, John
Bassett, RowlandFearnley, JamesLythgowe, WilliamStags, John
Bate, JamesFeeley, Thomas DominickMacdead, JamesStone, John
Bateman, GeorgeFillingham, ThomasMace, WilliamStyels, Robert
Batley, EdwardFisher, JohnMacfarlane, JohnSugden, William
Bayley, AlbertFitzgerald, JamesMacintyre, JohnSzudurski, Aleksander
Beasley, JohnFlanders, JosephMackay, JamesTaylor, Edward
Bennett, JamesFranklin, CharlesMackenzie, WilliamTaylor, Isaac
Bennett, PeterFranks, JosephMair, WilliamTaylor, Robert
Bickle, WilliamFrankum, CharlesMartin, ThomasTaylor, William
Biddulph, JohnFraser, MosesMassey, JohnTaylor, William
Biffon, CharlesGavagan, JamesMatthews, ThomasTehew, George
Blagg, ThomasGibson, GeorgeMcArtney, JamesThomas, James
Bolous, JohnGillespie, JohnMcCan, MichaelThomas, Morgan
Bonill, WilliamGodwin, JohnMcColligan, WilliamThomas, Peter
Borne, WilliamGomm, HenryMcDermott, ThomasThomas, Thomas
Borrell, EdwardGoodman, JamesMcDougall, DugaldThompson, Daniel
Bradburn, ThomasGrainger, JosephMcEwan, WilliamThomson, Michael
Bradley, JamesGrant, HughMcFarlane, AlexanderThorley, Samuel
Branch, JamesGray, JohnMcGrath, ThomasTravis, James
Branch, PembrokeGreen, GeorgeMcIlhenny, JamesTurner, John
Branton, WilliamGreen, HenryMcLeod, AlexanderTyler, Richard
Bratt, SamuelGreen, IsaacMcPherson, AngusTyler, William
Brentarney, JosephGrice, RichardMecay, EdwardUpcher, James
Briggs, JamesGriffin, SamuelMichael, GeorgeVickers, John
Brook, MilesGrogan, JeremiahMillar, PeterVorozza, Remondo
Brown, DennisHandyside, GeorgeMills, JamesWaldrum, Robert
Brown, JohnHedgeland, RobertMitchell, ThomasWalkear, William
Bull, WilliamHefford, JohnMoore, CharlesWalker, David
Burgess, EdwardHewitt, JamesMorrison, WilliamWalker, George
Burke, ConstantHickling, JosephMoxham, GeorgeWalker, Thomas
Cairns, ThomasHooper, WilliamMuggeridge, RobertWaterford, John
Challis, RichardHopkins, DavidMyers, JohnWebster, Alexander (Junior)
Chapman, RobertHoward, WilliamNeal, Richard HenryWheeler, John
Clegg, GeorgeHughes, RichardNix, GeorgeWhite, Charles
Cocks, WilliamHughes, WilliamNorton, MichaelWhite, James
Collins, EdwardHumphries, EdwardPage, JohnWhite, Nicholas
Collins, JohnInsole, WilliamPaine, RichardWhite, Thomas
Connew, AlfredIsherwood, ThomasPaling, RobertWhite, William
Cook, WilliamJamieson, WilliamPayne, RichardWhittaker, John
Cooper, WilliamJewitt, GeorgePhillips, ThomasWhitworth, James
Corke, WilliamJohnson, BenjaminPoole, JamesWilliams, Peter
Cox, EdwardJohnson, FrederickPowell, JamesWilliams, Thomas
Crawford, WilliamJohnson, RobertPreston, JohnWilson, Henry
Crook, RobertJohnson, WilliamPrice, RichardWilson, James
Crossley, JohnJones, HenryProuse, ThomasWilson, John
Crow, WilliamJones, JamesPuddephatt, HenryWilson, John
Cunningham, WilliamJones, JohnPursehouse, AdamWise, William
Cutts, WilliamJones, JohnPursell, RichardWishart, James
Daley, ThomasJones, SamuelRider, JosephWood, James
Daltry, ThomasJones, ThomasRiley, ThomasWood, William
Darville, JohnJones, ThomasRitchie, AlexanderWray, James
Davenport, JohnJoys, JamesRobertson, JamesWright, Richard
Davis, CharlesKean, JohnRogers, GeorgeWyatt, John
Davis, JohnKellen, JamesRothwell, JohnYoung, James
Davis, JohnKelly, LachlanRowe, John
Dean, GeorgeKelly, MartinRumney, Thomas

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Asia I (8) is 290 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.362-363, 390
  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/10, pp.199-211

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