List of convict passengers
Abrahams, William | Dupe, John | Kempton, John | Sanders, James |
Abrahams, William | Eeles, Joseph | Kenney, George | Sargeant, Alexander |
Akers, Joseph | Ellis, Joseph | King, James | Savage, James |
Allcock, George | Fitter, Joseph (the younger) | King, John | Schofield, James |
Allen, Charles | Ford, George | Lake, Henry | Scholes, Joseph |
Allum, George | Foster, Thomas | Lambert, Thomas | Scholey, Thomas |
Anderson, Henry | Frier, Thomas | Langley, James | Shelton, Daniel |
Anderson, William | Fulcher, Thomas | Leyland, Joseph | Shepherd, John |
Angus, William | Gander, Henry | Lockie, Henry | Silver, John |
Atterall, James | Gibson, William | Lodder, William | Slowman, John |
Baddiley, Joseph | Giles, William | Loney, John | Smith, Charles |
Barrott, Cornelius | Gould, James | Long, James | Smith, James |
Bartlett, Edward | Graves, Henry James | Lowen, Joseph | Smith, John |
Beasby, John | Green, Alfred | Maples, Joseph | Smith, Robert |
Bellingham, Henry | Green, Edward | Marryatt, Francis | Smith, Thomas |
Bimson, John | Green, John | Mash, George | Smith, Thomas |
Bird, George | Haines, William | Matthews, William | Smith, William |
Bonner, Henry | Hale, William | Merrett, James | Spilsbury, John |
Bottomley, John | Halsted, William | Milner, Thomas | Sprigg, William |
Bradbury, Stephen | Hamby, Richard | Moore, William | Steward, William |
Brearley, Thomas | Hargreaves, John | Morley, Samuel | Strangeways, Job |
Brenan, James | Harris, Benjamin | Morris, Aaron | Stubbs, Thomas |
Brooks, Richard | Hartman, Philip | Nicholls, Richard | Suckley, Robert |
Brown, John | Harvey, John | Ogan, Michael | Suddery, James |
Burke, John | Harvey, Samuel | Paice, James | Sweetingham, William |
Bushell, John | Hatherall, James | Palfrey, Henry | Tavernor, William Stoneman |
Butler, James | Hatherall, William | Parkes, James | Taylor, George |
Button, Robert | Hatton, William | Patten, John | Taylor, James |
Campbell, Philip | Hawke, John | Payne, Christopher | Thatcher, William |
Carling, William | Hawkins, John | Payne, George | Thomas, Joseph |
Chapman, George | Haythorpe, William | Pearson, William | Thompson, William |
Chapman, Henry | Hempstead, Jonathan | Pennington, Vincent Spencer | Turner, John |
Choat, John | Heywood, John | Perry, Walter | Tylor, John |
Churchill, Joseph | Hills, Thomas | Phillips, Henry | Vix, Thomas |
Clarke, William | Hinks, Henry | Phillips, Thomas | Wall, John |
Codey, James | Holbin, John | Piper, John | Walthall, James |
Cole, Henry | Holmes, John | Poole, Richard | Ward, Charles |
Collier, William | Horrigan, Michael | Potter, George | Warren, James |
Cook, Matthew | Howard, James | Powell, Thomas | Warrener, John |
Cooper, James | Howes, Robert | Pratt, Samuel | Wass, Frederick |
Cooper, Jeremiah | Hoy, Thomas | Preddy, James | Watson, Edmund |
Cooper, John | Hulme, William | Press, Edmund | Watts, Samuel |
Cooper, Thomas | Hunniburn, George Frederick | Presson, John | Webster, Thomas |
Cooper, William | Hutchins, Isaac | Price, Thomas (the elder) | White, William |
Cornick, Joseph Warner | Isaacs, James | Price, Thomas (the younger) | Wild, Henry |
Costella, Thomas | Jackson, John | Rector, Charles | Wilding, Thomas |
Crawford, John | James, James | Reeve, George | Wilkins, Walter Symes |
Cross, Charles | Jarvis, Thomas | Reeves, William | Williams, Charles Henry |
Custerson, Samuel | Jepson, Thomas | Richmond, Thomas | Williams, George |
Davies, John | Johnson, James | Ridgewell, George | Williams, Thomas |
Davis, Charles | Johnson, John | Robinson, George | Wilson, James |
Davis, George | Jones, John | Rockall, Henry | Wingfield, Robert |
Dean, Philip | Jones, John | Rogers, James | Wood, Robert |
Dell, William Benjamin | Jones, John | Rogers, Joseph | Woodman, William |
Dellar, Edward | Jones, Samuel | Rolph, George | Wootton, Charles |
Dixon, John | Judd, Henry | Root, William | Wright, George |
Dollive, James | Judd, John | Russell, George | |
Duncan, John | Kay, Thomas | Ryder, William | |
Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Arab I (2) is 230 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.
- The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/9, pp.289-298
- Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.362-363, 389