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Details for the ship Surrey II (1833)

Ship Name:Surrey II  
Rig Type:Bk.
Build Year:1825
Size (tons):363
Voyage Details
Master:William Veale
Surgeon:Edward Foord Bromley
Sailed:5 November 1832
Arrived:9 March 1833
Days Travel:124
Convicts Landed:0 males & 141 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Armstrong, MargaretDoherty, AnneJackson, BridgetMurphy, Margaret
Barrett, CatherineDoherty, BridgetJohnston, MargaretNeil, Eliza
Barry, HonoraDoherty, SallyJohnstone, MargaretNixon, Margaret
Barry, MargaretDoyle, MargaretJoyce, MargaretNorris, Margaret
Bell, MaryDriscoll, MaryKelly, AnneO'Hara, Catherine
Bourk, MaryDuggan, BridgetKelly, CatherineO'Hara, Nancy
Breen, MaryDunn, MargaretKelly, JudithO'Neil, Catherine
Brien, AnnDunne, MaryKelly, MaryPatent, Bridget
Bryan, MargaretFagan, JudithKelly, MaryQuinne, Margaret
Bryan, MaryFarrell, ElizabethKennealy, MaryReynolds, Mary
Burns, SarahFinigan, MaryKilmurry, CatherineRyan, Catherine
Butterfield, JuliaFinn, ElizabethKing, MaryRyan, Mary
Byrne, SarahFinnegan, BridgetLaby, CatherineRyan, Mary
Cashin, ElizaFitzgerald, BridgetLanders, MarySalmon, Catherine
Cashore, MaryFitzgerald, CatherineLee, ElizabethScanlon, Bridget
Cassidy, CatherineFitzgibbon, JohannaMagennis, AnnScanlon, Bridget
Clarke, JaneFlaherty, MaryMagowan, AnneScully, Catherine
Coglan, CatherineForrestal, ElizabethMahony, MaryShaughnessy, Judy
Collins, MaryFox, HonoraMara, JuliaSheedy, Margaret
Concannon, CatherineGallagher, SallyMcBay, RoseSmith, Margaret
Connell, MaryGillespie, MargaretMcCready, MargaretSnell, Mary
Connors, EllenGoolden, EllenMcDonald, CatherineSullivan, Margaret
Connors, Ellen JnrGorman, ElizabethMcGarraghan, MarySullivan, Mary
Connors, MargaretGrady, BridgetMcGiven, AliceToby, Bridget
Cooney, BridgetGreatrix, MaryMcNally, AnneTomlinson, Catherine
Corbet, MaryHanly, BridgetMcSheffrey, GraceToner, Mary
Crotty, FrancesHarley, JohanaMcSorley, JaneTunny, Bridget
Cullen, CatherineHayes, MaryMoore, CatherineTynan, Bridget
Cunningham, EleanorHehir, MaryMorgan, BridgetWallace, Margaret
Cunningham Jnr, EleanorHenaghan, BridgetMullen, BridgetWalls, Mary
Cunningham Snr, EleanorHennessy, HonoraMullonney, MargaretWalsh, Anne
Curtis, EllenHennessy, MargaretMurdock, MaryWalsh, Catherine
Daly, EllenHolmes, MargaretMurphy, AnneWalsh, Margaret
Davis, EllenHurley, EllenMurphy, CatherineWhite, Judith
de Courcy, MargaretHurley, MaryMurphy, Eleanor
Delany, BridgetIrwin, IsabellaMurphy, Johana

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Surrey II is 142 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • State Records NSW (SRNSW) : NRS 12189, [X635], 1833, Surrey, pp.1-4
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.350-351, 388

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