List of convict passengers
Abbott, George | Dee, John | Jones, Thomas | Pitt, Samuel |
Abbott, John | Denton, Christopher | Jones, William | Plummer, William |
Abell, John | Denton, William (the younger) | Jones, William | Richards, James |
Adams, William | Dickenson, Richard | Kealing, Cornelius | Richards, John |
Aldritt, John | Dobson, John | Keefe, Daniel | Riddell, George |
Allan, John | Douglas, Thomas | Keetch, James | Riddell, Robert |
Allen, James | Drinkwater, William | Kelly, John | Roberts, John |
Allen, John | Dungworth, William | Kennedy, William | Roberts, Joseph |
Anderson, John | Dyer, Thomas Tyler | Ketch, Henry | Roberts, Samuel |
Andrews, Thomas | Earl, John | King, Henry | Robinson, John |
Armytage, James | Edwards, Henry | Kitchen, Page | Roystone, James |
Axton, Thomas | Edwards, Thomas | Kitching, George | Shannon, William |
Badham, George | Ellins, William | Knight, Edward | Shields, George |
Ballinger, William | Elwood, James | Lankin, James | Sinclair, John |
Barrett, James | Ewen, George | Laughlin, Moses | Smith, Edwin |
Bate, Thomas | Fance, Jonathan | Lawrence, Edward | Smith, James |
Beard, Nathaniel | Field, John | Laycock, George | Smith, John |
Beard, William | Field, Thomas | Lee, George | Smith, Thomas |
Bennett, William | Flynn, William Estell | Leith, George | Spencer, Enoch |
Binns, William | Fraser, John | Levien, John James | Spencer, William |
Blackie, Robert | French, Thomas | Lidster, John | Stanion, John |
Blakeway, Benjamin | Frogatt, William | Long, John | Stephenson, James |
Boucher, Alfred | Frost, Charles | Lovatt, Alfred | Sullivan, Jeremiah |
Bradley, James | Gabb, George | Lyon, Abraham | Swain, John |
Brain, Isaac | Giles, John | Lyon, John Bailey | Sykes, Joseph |
Brown, Samuel | Gleave, John | Mansfield, Patrick | Thomas, James |
Brown, Thomas | Gosling, Benjamin | Marsh, Joseph | Thomas, John |
Browning, Nicholas | Green, James | Marsh, William | Thomas, John |
Butterworth, Robert | Greenwood, Henry | Matthews, William | Tooth, Thomas |
Button, John | Griffin, Robert | McDonald, William | Topham, John |
Campbell, George | Griffiths, Edward | McManus, Francis | Turner, John |
Cannon, Joseph | Griffiths, James | Michie, Alexander | Turner, Joseph |
Cartwright, William | Grimshall, James | Moreton, Jonathan | Vines, John |
Caton, John | Haines, Thomas | Mullen, Patrick | Vinson, George |
Cawdell, Harrison | Hall, David | Munton, John | Wadsworth, Henry |
Challinor, William | Hanson, Joseph | Murphy, Charles John | Watson, John |
Chamberlain, James | Harris, Thomas | Murray, Thomas | Webb, Thomas |
Clark, Alexander | Hartley, William | Myatt, Thomas | Welch, Robert |
Clark, Anthony | Hayes, Cornelius | Napier, Thomas | Weldon, William |
Clark, Charles | Hogg, Joseph | Neighbour, John | Welsh, John |
Clark, William | Holmes, John | Newton, Joseph | West, George |
Clayton, George | Holmes, Samuel | Noakes, Thomas | Westwood, Giben |
Cloughton, John | Holt, Caleb | Norris, John | White, Isaac |
Coleclough, Richard | Hope, Jonathan | Overall, Thomas | Whitehead, James |
Collier, George | Hopkin, William | Palmer, Henry | Wild, James |
Collins, Richard | Howe, Edward | Parry, William | Williams, William |
Cooper, James | Hunter, William | Patterson, George | Wilson, James |
Crofts, Henry | Jackson, Richard | Pavington, Thomas | Winchester, George |
Crookes, Henry | Jeffrey, James | Peace, William | Winks, John |
Croose, John | Johnson, George | Pearson, George | Woolley, John |
Davis, William | Johnson, John | Pearson, John | Wraithby, Samuel |
De Sizer, Levy | Johnson, John | Peek, William | Wright, William |
Dean, James | Jones, Frederick | Penistone, John | |
Dean, Thomas | Jones, John | Pickering, John | |
Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Surrey I (7) is 214 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.
- The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/8, pp.463-476
- Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.362-363, 388