List of convict passengers
Abbott, Charles | Duplex, John | Jones, William | Rawlings, Samuel |
Abel, Thomas | Eats, Thomas | Kay, Robert | Rigby, James |
Aket, Stephen | Edwards, Joseph | King, Robert | Robertson, William |
Alborough, Thomas | Elmer, John | Knighton, John | Robinson, Thomas |
Allen, William | Enderby, William | Knowles, William | Roney, James |
Anderson, John | Evans, Edwin | Lacey, Edward | Sampson, William |
Anderson, William | Evans, James | Lark, Henry | Sandys, Horatio |
Ankin, Thomas | Fare, Samuel | Leabon, Thomas | Saunders, James |
Appleby, John | Fisher, George | Lewis, Charles | Seagull, William |
Appleby, Joseph | Fisher, George | Lewis, George | Sheplett, Henry |
Apsey, Robert | Fitzgerald, James | Lewis, Joseph | Skinner, Thomas |
Aston, George | Fleming, Richard | Lewis, William | Smith, Charles |
Aston, John | Fletcher, James | Lomas, John | Smith, Joshua |
Bailey, John | Ford, Thomas | Lovatt, John | Smith, William |
Bartram, Lewis | Forde, Gilbert | Mabbett, David | Smith, William |
Berry, George | Garside, Samuel | Macan, Edward | Smith, William |
Berry, William | Gill, Robert | Macklesfield, James | Sparks, Samuel |
Best, William | Glover, James | Madden, Thomas | Spearman, Robert (the younger) |
Birdman, James | Goodman, Thomas | Manning, William | Sprott, Charles |
Blackney, George | Goodman, Thomas | Mansfield, James | Stacey, William |
Blanchard, William | Gorman, William | Marks, William | Stanley, Thomas |
Bligh, Thomas | Goulden, John | Martin, James | Stevenson, George |
Boocock, Thomas | Goulder, Elias | Mascall, William | Sullivan, James |
Booth, William | Griffiths, Benjamin | Matheson, George | Tanner, Charles |
Bowbeer, Thomas Hunt | Griffiths, Nathaniel | May, Henry | Taylor, Joseph (the younger) |
Bowen, Joseph | Harris, John | Mayers, Stephen | Taylor, William |
Bridley, John | Hatcher, Joseph | McDonald, Charles | Toll, James |
Brown, William | Hearnden, Henry | McGuire, John | Tranter, Benjamin |
Burke, Edward | Hemsley, William | McPherson, John | Turner, Charles |
Byhurst, Robert | Hicks, Henry | Mellor, George | Vick, Henry |
Cane, Peter | Hill, George | Mills, Francis | Walker, Richard |
Cartland, Richard | Hillman, Ezra | Mollor, Thomas | Warry, Charles |
Chamley, George | Holmes, William | Morgan, Joseph | Watson, Joseph |
Chapman, John | Hope, Richard | Morton, John | Watson, Joseph |
Clark, Henry | Horn, Thomas | Mottram, Henry | Watts, Edward |
Clemmens, Charles | Horsman, John | Newman, Thomas | Webb, Thomas |
Collard, Charles | Howard, Nathaniel | Nott, Thomas | Webb, Thomas |
Collins, Charles | Howe, John | O'Neal, John | West, John |
Collins, Dennis | Howie, William | Oliver, William | Whiting, John |
Cooper, George | Hughes, George | Osborne, James | Williams, Christopher |
Cope, William | Humphries, George | Otter, Henry | Williams, John |
Cossens, Thomas | Hunt, Jabez | Pearce, William | Williams, Robert |
Crawford, James | Hurley, William | Perkins, John | Wilson, Charles |
Creasley, James | Huxley, William | Perrotten, Charles | Wilson, Thomas |
Cross, Henry | Hyde, Morris | Pickering, James | Wilson, William |
Crouch, James | Ingram, Daniel | Pickering, William | Wiltshire, Thomas |
Dalby, Thomas | Iseaby, James | Pollock, Robert Nelson | Winmill, Joseph |
Dalton, James | Jarvis, Thomas | Porter, Henry | Wolf, Jacob |
Davis, James | Johnson, James | Poulson, William | Wood, Charles |
Deville, John | Jones, John | Powell, Abraham | Woodward, John |
Dewey, John | Jones, John | Purfleet, Jones | Woolley, James |
Draper, Samuel | Jones, Paul | Randall, Josiah | |
Dubber, Thomas | Jones, William | Rankmore, Alfred | |
Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Emperor Alexander is 210 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.
- The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/9, pp.35-44
- Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.362-363, 388