List of convict passengers
Ainsworth, Joseph | Dearden, Adam | Jones, William | Roberts, Thomas |
Alexander, Robert | Denny, John | Jordan, Michael | Robinson, John |
Anderson, George | Denny, William | Jordan, William | Robinson, John |
Anderson, William | Dodkin, Edward | Jubie, John | Rogers, John |
Andrews, Francis | Dolley, Charles | Kemp, Samuel | Salter, John |
Archer, William | Dougherty, James | Kemp, Thomas | Scott, Edward |
Askew, William | Dryden, William | Kidman, John | Scotty, John |
Avery, Samuel | Edward, Alexander | King, John | Scrutton, James |
Ayers, Samuel | Edwards, Robert | Knott, William | Searle, James |
Baker, Hammond | Eighteen, Samuel | Lane, Timothy | Sheldrake, Samuel |
Baker, Thomas | Eldret, James | Larby, Henry | Smith, George |
Barnett, Charles | Ellis, Henry | Lawrence, William | Smith, John |
Barratt, John | Fannell, John | Lee, James | Smith, John |
Bateman, John | Felstead, James | Lee, Stephen | Smith, John |
Battye, Joseph | Finch, John | Lee, Thomas (the younger) | Smith, Thomas |
Bazill, George | Frances, William | Lees, Thomas | Smith, William |
Beadel, James | Franklin, John | Lewis, Thomas | Spleyoenberg, George |
Beaman, Samuel | Frost, Benjamin | Lingard, John | Spring, David |
Bidwell, James | Fryer, John | Linton, Thomas | Stevenson, Stephen |
Blaber, John | Gardiner, John | Lipscomb, Veylus William | Strong, John |
Blomfield, John | German, George | Logan, Roger | Swann, James |
Bolland, James | Gibson, Joseph | Looker, William (the elder) | Swyers, William |
Bones, Samuel | Gilbertson, William | Looker, William (the younger) | Taylor, Hugh |
Booth, James | Gillott, Charles | Loveday, John | Taylor, James |
Bowler, George | Goodings, Thomas | Mallen, Charles | Taylor, James |
Breed, John | Goodwin, William | Malone, William | Teckoe, Thomas |
Brown, John | Gow, Neil | Mansbridge, Alexander | Thompson, Thomas |
Brown, Stephen | Graham, Thomas | Mathers, Henry | Thurley, Joseph |
Brucas, Thomas | Graham, William | Matthews, Henry | Tompkins, Joseph |
Burrows, William | Gray, Robert | Mayes, Luke | Toms, Henry |
Butterworth, James | Green, George | McNamara, William | Triggs, William |
Carpenter, John | Green, James | Mead, John | Tuck, John |
Carr, George | Grimes, James | Measor, George | Turpin, Robert |
Carter, George | Hall, John | Miles, Charles | Tyler, James |
Carter, William | Harlock, Robert | Mills, James | Vine, William |
Casey, Robert | Harren, Henry | Mitchell, Thomas | Wainwright, Robert |
Cassamere, William | Harrington, Timothy | Mitcheson, William | Walker, Robert |
Chandler, George | Harrison, John | Moore, Joseph | Walker, Thomas |
Clark, John | Haslam, Joseph | Morgan, John | Waller, Cornelius |
Clark, John | Hayes, Watkins | Mortlock, Thomas | Watson, John |
Clarke, John | Hayter, Charles | Moss, William | Welch, Thomas |
Clarke, Joseph | Hellen, Thomas | Murphy, Matthew | Weller, Henry |
Clements, James | Hendon, William | Murrell, James | Wendon, John |
Clements, Thomas | Hill, William | Nunn, James | White, John |
Clough, John | Hilling, William | Parker, George | Wild, William |
Cole, Thomas | Hills, Timothy | Payne, Daniel | Wildes, John |
Conley, Thomas | Hinton, Joseph | Payne, William | Willett, William |
Conner, John | Holland, George | Pearson, Thomas | Williams, George |
Conolly, John | Holmes, William | Peters, Edward | Wilson, James |
Cook, Robert | Horne, Elijah | Phillips, John | Wiltshire, Jacob |
Cooper, Beeston | Howcroft, John | Phipps, Edward | Windibank, William |
Cooper, William | Hum, Henry | Plumb, William | Withers, Abraham |
Cunliffe, William | Hurcott, Henry | Priddis, Frederick | Wood, Henry |
Dalton, John | Hutchins, Thomas | Pritchard, David | Wood, James |
Darby, John | Jackson, John | Ralling, George | Wright, Charles |
Davies, James | Jacobs, Edward | Raymond, James | Wright, James |
Dawson, John | Jarvis, William | Reading, Dennis | Wright, William |
Day, James | Jealous, Robert | Redgen, John | |
Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Captain Cook (2) is 231 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.
- The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/9, pp.71-82
- Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.350-351, 388