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Details for the ship Aurora I (1) (1833)

Ship Name:Aurora I (1)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1817
Size (tons):550
Voyage Details
Master:Dalrymple Dowson
Surgeon:Alexander Stewart
Sailed:4 July 1833
Arrived:3 November 1833
Days Travel:122
Convicts Landed:300 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Allen, JohnDowland, CharlesKirby, GeorgeSaunders, John
Allgood, CharlesDriver, CharlesLane, ThomasScrimshire, James
Amey, JohnEacott, RobertLast, JosephSharpe, Thomas
Anderson, WilliamEdhouse, BenjaminLawrence, ThomasShaw, John
Arnold, WilliamEdwards, JohnLeatham, WilliamSherman, John
Ashton, ThomasEtchells, JohnLeigh, JosephShipwood, Edward
Ashurst, JohnEvans, HenryLock, HenrySims, George
Ashworth, JohnEverson, DavidLockwood, JohnSlater, John
Austin, SamuelFagan, PeterLowe, JohnSloey, Charles
Banghurst, WilliamFaulkner, WilliamLowther, RobertSmeatham, John
Bantick, DanielFensom, JobLund, JohnSmith, Henry
Barker, JamesFerguson, WilliamMackintosh, WilliamSmith, John
Barnes, JamesFitzgibbon, RobertMaginn, JamesSmith, John
Batt, EdwardFitzjames, HenryMann, SamuelSmith, John Borrett
Batty, AbrahamFlack, JamesManning, WilliamSmith, Robert
Bennett, JohnFletcher, FrancisMargetts, WilliamSmith, William
Betts, CharlesFord, ThomasMarley, DanielSpear, John
Bird, HenryFoster, JohnMarsden, WilliamSpooner, William
Blaney, JamesFoster, PeterMarshall, JohnSproston, Daniel
Bomford, JohnFowler, RichardMash, JohnStand, William
Booth, WilliamFromow, JohnMatthews, WilliamStart, Hugh
Boulter, ThomasFrost, RobertMayhew, RobertStringer, Isaac
Bowman, JohnFulford, JamesMcCann, JohnStrugnell, John
Bradbury, WilliamGardner, WilliamMelton, ThomasSwan, William
Braunson, WilliamGatrell, IsaacMiddleton, JohnTanswell, John
Brazil, MichaelGilly, WilliamMoore, WilliamTatton, Joshua
Briant, JohnGodfrey, HenryMorris, WilliamTaylor, Robert
Brown, JohnGoodwin, JohnMurphy, MichaelTaylor, Thomas
Brown, WilliamGorman, RobertNeale, RobertTaylor, William
Browne, JohnGorr, WilliamNunn, BenjaminThompson, James
Burgess, HenryGreen, GeorgeO'Dea, JamesThompson, John
Burgess, JohnGreenfield, DennisOliver, WilliamThompson, William
Burnett, JohnGreenwood, JohnPage, WilliamTolley, James
Burton, JohnGregory, SamuelPage, WilliamTomlinson, Joseph
Bush, JeremiahGriffin, JohnPalmer, WilliamTrenfield, William
Byers, RobertHaddon, EdwardParker, JamesTurfrey, John
Camby, JohnHall, JohnParker, WilliamTurner, Josiah
Campbell, Henry GeorgeHands, WilliamParker, WilliamTurvey, Thomas
Carlton, JamesHaslam, JamesParry, HenryTyer, Henry
Carter, JohnHassall, JosephParry, RichardVenables, John
Carter, SamuelHawker, WilliamPearce, ThomasVines, Peter
Carter, WilliamHaynes, RichardPeart, James HarperWaddilove, William
Carter, WilliamHeron, WilliamPeckham, JohnWainwright, John
Carter, WilliamHeys, JamesPercival, John (the younger)Walden, Jeremiah (the elder)
Carty, WilliamHiggins, JohnPettigree, JamesWalden, Joseph
Caulton, PhilipHigh, GeorgePike, HenryWalker, Henry
Child, RichardHinton, DanielPoney, GeorgeWallen, James
Clansey, ThomasHogan, JamesPoole, MorganWardrobe, Thomas
Clark, ThomasHolmes, RobertPorthen, AaronWaters, Mark
Clarke, CharlesHolmes, WilliamPowell, EliasWatts, Joseph
Coble, WilliamHomer, ThomasPowell, RichardWatts, Nicholas
Cock, WilliamHowarth, WilliamPratt, EdwardWebb, George
Connor, DanielHoyle, JamesPrice, WilliamWelch, James
Cook, GeorgeHughes, JamesPriestly, SamuelWestley, Thomas
Cooley, WilliamHurst, WilliamPrime, DavidWestmore, William
Cooper, JamesImhoff, FrederickPrince, WilliamWhitehead, William
Cooper, Thomas WillisJackson, HenryRamm, JamesWhittle, James
Cooper, WilliamJarvis, ThomasRant, ThomasWilde, William
Cotterell, JohnJellatt, HenryReading, JohnWilliams, John
Cox, EdwardJohnson, BenjaminReece, WilliamWilliams, John
Cox, HenryJohnson, JamesReed, GeorgeWilliams, Samuel
Cox, RichardJohnson, JosephReese, EdwardWilliams, Thomas
Cranmer, RobertJohnson, WilliamRenshaw, HenryWilliams, Thomas
Curtis, WilliamJohnson, WilliamRhodes, JoshuaWilson, William
Dally, HenryJones, JohnRiddett, JohnWinner, Stephen
Davies, John WhitleyJones, JohnRiely, ThomasWinstanley, James
Davis, EdwardJones, JosephRoach, JohnWinstanley, Peter
Davis, JamesJones, ThomasRoberts, GeorgeWoodman, George
Davis, JohnJones, ThomasRobinson, JamesWoods, Thomas
Davis, JohnJordan, FrancisRoden, ThomasWorad, Henry
Derrett, JosephKelf, JosephRogers, WilliamWright, George
Dickenson, ThomasKemp, HenryRous, WilliamWright, Jeremiah
Doel, GeorgeKenning, ThomasRowley, JohnYeend, George
Dougherty, DennisKidman, JamesSampson, FrederickYoung, Charles
Douglas, HenryKing, TimothySandall, WilliamYoxall, Robert

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Aurora I (1) is 300 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/9, pp.149-161
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.352-353, 388

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