List of convict passengers
Allen, John | Dowland, Charles | Kirby, George | Saunders, John |
Allgood, Charles | Driver, Charles | Lane, Thomas | Scrimshire, James |
Amey, John | Eacott, Robert | Last, Joseph | Sharpe, Thomas |
Anderson, William | Edhouse, Benjamin | Lawrence, Thomas | Shaw, John |
Arnold, William | Edwards, John | Leatham, William | Sherman, John |
Ashton, Thomas | Etchells, John | Leigh, Joseph | Shipwood, Edward |
Ashurst, John | Evans, Henry | Lock, Henry | Sims, George |
Ashworth, John | Everson, David | Lockwood, John | Slater, John |
Austin, Samuel | Fagan, Peter | Lowe, John | Sloey, Charles |
Banghurst, William | Faulkner, William | Lowther, Robert | Smeatham, John |
Bantick, Daniel | Fensom, Job | Lund, John | Smith, Henry |
Barker, James | Ferguson, William | Mackintosh, William | Smith, John |
Barnes, James | Fitzgibbon, Robert | Maginn, James | Smith, John |
Batt, Edward | Fitzjames, Henry | Mann, Samuel | Smith, John Borrett |
Batty, Abraham | Flack, James | Manning, William | Smith, Robert |
Bennett, John | Fletcher, Francis | Margetts, William | Smith, William |
Betts, Charles | Ford, Thomas | Marley, Daniel | Spear, John |
Bird, Henry | Foster, John | Marsden, William | Spooner, William |
Blaney, James | Foster, Peter | Marshall, John | Sproston, Daniel |
Bomford, John | Fowler, Richard | Mash, John | Stand, William |
Booth, William | Fromow, John | Matthews, William | Start, Hugh |
Boulter, Thomas | Frost, Robert | Mayhew, Robert | Stringer, Isaac |
Bowman, John | Fulford, James | McCann, John | Strugnell, John |
Bradbury, William | Gardner, William | Melton, Thomas | Swan, William |
Braunson, William | Gatrell, Isaac | Middleton, John | Tanswell, John |
Brazil, Michael | Gilly, William | Moore, William | Tatton, Joshua |
Briant, John | Godfrey, Henry | Morris, William | Taylor, Robert |
Brown, John | Goodwin, John | Murphy, Michael | Taylor, Thomas |
Brown, William | Gorman, Robert | Neale, Robert | Taylor, William |
Browne, John | Gorr, William | Nunn, Benjamin | Thompson, James |
Burgess, Henry | Green, George | O'Dea, James | Thompson, John |
Burgess, John | Greenfield, Dennis | Oliver, William | Thompson, William |
Burnett, John | Greenwood, John | Page, William | Tolley, James |
Burton, John | Gregory, Samuel | Page, William | Tomlinson, Joseph |
Bush, Jeremiah | Griffin, John | Palmer, William | Trenfield, William |
Byers, Robert | Haddon, Edward | Parker, James | Turfrey, John |
Camby, John | Hall, John | Parker, William | Turner, Josiah |
Campbell, Henry George | Hands, William | Parker, William | Turvey, Thomas |
Carlton, James | Haslam, James | Parry, Henry | Tyer, Henry |
Carter, John | Hassall, Joseph | Parry, Richard | Venables, John |
Carter, Samuel | Hawker, William | Pearce, Thomas | Vines, Peter |
Carter, William | Haynes, Richard | Peart, James Harper | Waddilove, William |
Carter, William | Heron, William | Peckham, John | Wainwright, John |
Carter, William | Heys, James | Percival, John (the younger) | Walden, Jeremiah (the elder) |
Carty, William | Higgins, John | Pettigree, James | Walden, Joseph |
Caulton, Philip | High, George | Pike, Henry | Walker, Henry |
Child, Richard | Hinton, Daniel | Poney, George | Wallen, James |
Clansey, Thomas | Hogan, James | Poole, Morgan | Wardrobe, Thomas |
Clark, Thomas | Holmes, Robert | Porthen, Aaron | Waters, Mark |
Clarke, Charles | Holmes, William | Powell, Elias | Watts, Joseph |
Coble, William | Homer, Thomas | Powell, Richard | Watts, Nicholas |
Cock, William | Howarth, William | Pratt, Edward | Webb, George |
Connor, Daniel | Hoyle, James | Price, William | Welch, James |
Cook, George | Hughes, James | Priestly, Samuel | Westley, Thomas |
Cooley, William | Hurst, William | Prime, David | Westmore, William |
Cooper, James | Imhoff, Frederick | Prince, William | Whitehead, William |
Cooper, Thomas Willis | Jackson, Henry | Ramm, James | Whittle, James |
Cooper, William | Jarvis, Thomas | Rant, Thomas | Wilde, William |
Cotterell, John | Jellatt, Henry | Reading, John | Williams, John |
Cox, Edward | Johnson, Benjamin | Reece, William | Williams, John |
Cox, Henry | Johnson, James | Reed, George | Williams, Samuel |
Cox, Richard | Johnson, Joseph | Reese, Edward | Williams, Thomas |
Cranmer, Robert | Johnson, William | Renshaw, Henry | Williams, Thomas |
Curtis, William | Johnson, William | Rhodes, Joshua | Wilson, William |
Dally, Henry | Jones, John | Riddett, John | Winner, Stephen |
Davies, John Whitley | Jones, John | Riely, Thomas | Winstanley, James |
Davis, Edward | Jones, Joseph | Roach, John | Winstanley, Peter |
Davis, James | Jones, Thomas | Roberts, George | Woodman, George |
Davis, John | Jones, Thomas | Robinson, James | Woods, Thomas |
Davis, John | Jordan, Francis | Roden, Thomas | Worad, Henry |
Derrett, Joseph | Kelf, Joseph | Rogers, William | Wright, George |
Dickenson, Thomas | Kemp, Henry | Rous, William | Wright, Jeremiah |
Doel, George | Kenning, Thomas | Rowley, John | Yeend, George |
Dougherty, Dennis | Kidman, James | Sampson, Frederick | Young, Charles |
Douglas, Henry | King, Timothy | Sandall, William | Yoxall, Robert |
Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Aurora I (1) is 300 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.
- The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/9, pp.149-161
- Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.352-353, 388