List of convict passengers
Abbey, George | Edwards, William | Logan, Robert | Salsbury, John |
Alexander, Thomas | Eley, William | Logden, William | Scott, William |
Astbury, Charles | Ellis, John | Lowe, Thomas | Selly, William |
Atherton, Michael | Entwistle, Thomas | MacCann, Edward | Shuttleworth, James |
Atkinson, James | Entwistle, William | Mackenzie, Henry | Simmonds, William |
Ball, John | Evans, Thomas | Mallars, George | Sims, Job |
Barker, John | Evans, Thomas | Marshall, John | Skerratt, John |
Barlow, John | Fair, William | Martin, John | Skimmin, John |
Beaney, Henry | Fisher, Nehemiah | Maulden, James | Slater, Joseph |
Bell, Thomas | Flower, Till | Millard, Thomas | Smith, James |
Bellefield, Joseph | Foy, Matthew | Mills, Isaac | Smith, John |
Bibby, James | Fraser, William | Mitchell, Joseph | Smith, John |
Booth, Andrew | Gibson, Stephen | Moffatt, George | Smith, John |
Bratt, Joseph | Gray, George | Mogford, John | Smith, William |
Brown, John | Groves, James | Monaghan, Henry | Smith, William |
Brown, John | Guy, George | Monkhouse, John | Smyth, Patrick |
Brown, Thomas | Hall, Edward | Moses, William | Spencer, Thomas |
Bullard, Thomas | Hammersley, John | Mulligan, John | Starr, James |
Buxton, Richard | Hammonds, Eli | Murphy, Patrick | Statersfield, David |
Callow, Edward | Harris, James | Murry, Thomas | Statham, William |
Capewell, James | Harris, William | Naylor, William | Stephen, William |
Carder, William | Harrison, William | Needham, Samuel | Stratford, Thomas |
Carrington, George | Hawkins, Alfred | Nightingale, Daniel | Tallis, Joseph |
Chillingworth, Thomas | Hayhurst, Roger | Oliver, Miles | Taylor, Benjamin |
Church, Thomas | Haynes, Samuel | Osborne, Thomas | Taylor, William |
Clarke, Edward | Heyes, Richard | Owen, Charles | Thompson, William |
Clewes, William | Heywood, Henry | Owen, William | Todd, Ralph |
Collingwood, Abraham | Higginbottom, Thomas | Owens, James | Torrance, John |
Cook, Richard | Hill, James | Palmer, Charles | Townsend, Edward |
Cooper, Edward | Hind, Frederick | Parker, Ambrose | Toy, Thomas |
Cooper, James | Hodgson, John | Pattenden, George | Walker, James |
Cooper, Thomas | Homer, Thomas | Pearce, Henry | Walmsley, Robert |
Corper, John | Howland, Thomas | Peel, Michael | Waring, George |
Crawley, Joseph | Hulton, Andrew | Penman, James | Waring, Stephen |
Creaman, Michael | Husband, William | Perryman, George | Warren, John |
Crozier, Richard | Ing, Henry | Pettman, Zachariah | Watson, James |
Cummerford, William | Jack, Peter | Phillips, Peter | Watson, John |
Curtis, Levi | Jackman, Thomas | Phillips, Thomas | Watt, James |
Cuthbertson, Thomas | Johnson, William | Pickering, John | Watt, John |
Davidson, Benjamin | Jones, John | Pitchfork, Thomas | Welch, Thomas |
Davies, Andrew | Jutsum, John | Pretty, William | Whitfield, George |
Davis, David | Kay, William | Puddiford, William | Whittle, John |
Davis, Thomas | Kelly, John | Radford, Stephen | Wickenden, William |
Day, William | Kenny, Richard | Rawlins, John | Williams, Robert |
Divan, James | King, John | Richards, Thomas | Williams, William |
Dixon, Henry | King, John | Robinson, George | Wilson, John |
Downer, Henry | Kirk, John | Robinson, George | Wise, Francis |
Dowsett, William | Knight, William | Ross, John | Wood, Joseph (the younger) |
Duggin, William | Levy, Philip | Rudkin, William | Wright, Robert |
Edwards, Frederick | Livsey, John | Russell, James | Yarnold, Edward |
Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Surrey I (5) is 200 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.
- The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/7, pp.113-124
- Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.360-361, 386