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Details for the ship Hillsborough (1799)

Ship Name:Hillsborough  
Rig Type:
Build Year:
Size (tons):764
Voyage Details
Master:William Hingston
Arrived:26 July 1799
Days Travel:
Convicts Landed:0 males & female convicts

List of convict passengers

Abell, WilliamDenton, PeterKelly, RichardSmith, Henry
Alford, SamuelDevenny, ThomasKing, SamuelSmith, John
Andrews, JamesDixon, JohnKirkpatrick, Henry (the younger)Smith, William
Angas, JamesDordan, ThomasLaws, StephenStead, John
Armstrong, JohnDunn, ThomasLett, StaffordSteel, James
Bailey, EdwardEarl, SamuelLewis, JamesSteward, John
Baily, JohnEdwards, JohnLoft, WilliamStockbridge, John
Ballard, EdwardFisher, JohnLowndes, JohnStorry, Thomas
Barrett, ThomasFitzpatrick, MichaelMadden, EdwardStroud, Richard
Bates, ThomasFranklin, CharlesMay, WilliamTelling, Charles
Beamer, HenryGill, WilliamMcGee, RobertThomas, James
Biastard, JohnGillett, RobertMoore, JamesToney, Thomas
Bishop, JosephGoldring, BenjaminMore, WilliamToon, John
Blackett, ThomasGreen, JohnMorey, JohnTownsend, Joseph
Bond, JamesGriffiths, GriffithMorgan, JohnTurner, James
Boyden, GeorgeGrout, JohnNorth, JohnWalker, John
Brakefield, JohnGwilliam, RobertPackford, BenjaminWallwork, John
Brown, JohnHalbert, JohnParker, ThomasWalpole, William
Brown, WilliamHall, PeterParsonage, ThomasWalton, Henry
Burdett, JohnHamilton, John BennettPartington, GeorgeWarren, Isaac
Bye, CorneliusHannon, JohnPayne, ThomasWebb, John
Calcott, RichardHansford, JosephPeters, WilliamWheeldon, John
Colnett, IsaacHardy, JohnPoole, JohnWhite, Richard
Cragg, JohnHaynes, WilliamQuick, JohnWhite, Thomas
Cray, WilliamHayward, JohnRadon, WilliamWilkinson, Richard
Crossley, GeorgeHicks, GeorgeRandall, BenjaminWilkinson, Thomas
Curran, John NobleHuff, PeterRedmayne, RichardWilks, Thomas
Daly, ThomasHunt, WilliamRegan, WilliamWilliams, Robert
Davis, EliasHutchinson, WilliamRichardson, RobertWilliams, Thomas
Davis, JamesJackson, JohnRiordan, TimothyWilliams, William
Davis, WilliamJacobs, AbrahamRuff, RichardWilson, John
Day, JohnJenkins, WilliamRussel, JohnWiltshaw, Robert
Dealy, HughJones, HenrySams, SamuelWinch, John
Dean, WilliamJones, JohnScholefield, ThomasWincup, Robert
Dean, WilliamJones, ThomasShent, WilliamWood, Thomas
Dedman, GeorgeJones, WilliamShippey, HenryWyld, William
Dempsey, JeremiahKay, CharlesSibley, WilliamYeates, John

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Hillsborough is 148 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.

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