List of convict passengers
Abell, William | Denton, Peter | Kelly, Richard | Smith, Henry |
Alford, Samuel | Devenny, Thomas | King, Samuel | Smith, John |
Andrews, James | Dixon, John | Kirkpatrick, Henry (the younger) | Smith, William |
Angas, James | Dordan, Thomas | Laws, Stephen | Stead, John |
Armstrong, John | Dunn, Thomas | Lett, Stafford | Steel, James |
Bailey, Edward | Earl, Samuel | Lewis, James | Steward, John |
Baily, John | Edwards, John | Loft, William | Stockbridge, John |
Ballard, Edward | Fisher, John | Lowndes, John | Storry, Thomas |
Barrett, Thomas | Fitzpatrick, Michael | Madden, Edward | Stroud, Richard |
Bates, Thomas | Franklin, Charles | May, William | Telling, Charles |
Beamer, Henry | Gill, William | McGee, Robert | Thomas, James |
Biastard, John | Gillett, Robert | Moore, James | Toney, Thomas |
Bishop, Joseph | Goldring, Benjamin | More, William | Toon, John |
Blackett, Thomas | Green, John | Morey, John | Townsend, Joseph |
Bond, James | Griffiths, Griffith | Morgan, John | Turner, James |
Boyden, George | Grout, John | North, John | Walker, John |
Brakefield, John | Gwilliam, Robert | Packford, Benjamin | Wallwork, John |
Brown, John | Halbert, John | Parker, Thomas | Walpole, William |
Brown, William | Hall, Peter | Parsonage, Thomas | Walton, Henry |
Burdett, John | Hamilton, John Bennett | Partington, George | Warren, Isaac |
Bye, Cornelius | Hannon, John | Payne, Thomas | Webb, John |
Calcott, Richard | Hansford, Joseph | Peters, William | Wheeldon, John |
Colnett, Isaac | Hardy, John | Poole, John | White, Richard |
Cragg, John | Haynes, William | Quick, John | White, Thomas |
Cray, William | Hayward, John | Radon, William | Wilkinson, Richard |
Crossley, George | Hicks, George | Randall, Benjamin | Wilkinson, Thomas |
Curran, John Noble | Huff, Peter | Redmayne, Richard | Wilks, Thomas |
Daly, Thomas | Hunt, William | Regan, William | Williams, Robert |
Davis, Elias | Hutchinson, William | Richardson, Robert | Williams, Thomas |
Davis, James | Jackson, John | Riordan, Timothy | Williams, William |
Davis, William | Jacobs, Abraham | Ruff, Richard | Wilson, John |
Day, John | Jenkins, William | Russel, John | Wiltshaw, Robert |
Dealy, Hugh | Jones, Henry | Sams, Samuel | Winch, John |
Dean, William | Jones, John | Scholefield, Thomas | Wincup, Robert |
Dean, William | Jones, Thomas | Shent, William | Wood, Thomas |
Dedman, George | Jones, William | Shippey, Henry | Wyld, William |
Dempsey, Jeremiah | Kay, Charles | Sibley, William | Yeates, John |
Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Hillsborough is 148 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.