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Details for the ship Champion (1827)

Ship Name:Champion  
Rig Type:S.
Built:New Brunswick
Build Year:1824
Size (tons):394
Voyage Details
Master:Henry Lock
Surgeon:Francis Logan
Sailed:3 June 1827
Arrived:17 October 1827
Days Travel:136
Convicts Landed:126 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Alexander, WilliamEley, ThomasJones, ThomasSmith, Edward
Allen, SamuelElliott, EdwardKeith, AndrewSmith, John
Appleby, GeorgeElliott, WilliamKelly, WilliamSmith, Robert
Ashworth, AshtonEverness, WilliamKidds, RobertSmith, Thomas
Baker, WilliamFerrell, ArthurKinslow, CharlesSmith, William
Bambrough, JohnFisher, RobertLangstaff, ThomasSmith, William
Barrett, JohnForrest, WilliamLarge, JohnSmith, William
Bayley, HenryFoster, WilliamLewis, CharlesSmith, William
Berry, JamesFram, JohnLeworthy, RichardSolder, William
Berwick, JohnFrancis, WilliamLowrenceson, JohnStevens, William
Beverley, JohnFreeth, ThomasMansell, BenjaminSteward, William
Blake, PatrickFuller, ThomasMaytum, JohnStewart, James Kenny
Bostock, JosephGibson, DavidMaytum, ThomasSuggett, Robert
Bowman, CharlesGlasgow, AlexanderMcDonald, LachlanSutcliffe, Henry
Brookes, JosephGoodwin, JamesMcKenzie, AlexanderSweet, Matthew
Brookes, SilasGrant, AllanMoors, JohnThomas, William
Brown, IsaacGriffith, RobertMorgan, JohnThomson, James
Bunyan, JohnGriffiths, ThomasPatterson, JohnThreadgold, John
Burleigh, JamesHardy, JohnPlummer, CharlesTurner, Thomas
Butterfield, JosephHassall, JamesPringle, JamesVandepeer, Henry
Callow, JohnHellier, JohnRayner, WilliamWalker, Thomas
Canning, ThomasHodson, JohnReid, DavidWalker, William
Carr, JosephHolt, JamesRoden, MilesWebster, James
Clark, JamesHopkins, James GregoryRogers, WilliamWebster, John
Clarkson, JohnHorne, GeorgeRoyal, HenryWebster, William
Cotton, MichaelHoward, WilliamRyder, WilliamWells, William
Coward, WilliamHughes, RichardScott, JamesWilliams, George
Cranley, JohnHyham, ThomasSemple, JohnWilliams, Henry
Cunliffe, JohnIreland, EdmundShannon, JohnWilliams, Thomas
Davis, JohnJames, WilliamShaw, AlexanderWright, Henry
Derry, AndrewJenkins, WilliamShaw, MatthewWrigley, David
Dunn, HenryJones, JosephSinclair, JamesWynch, Joseph

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Champion is 128 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/6, pp.183-190
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.346-347, 385

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