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Details for the ship Midas (1) (1825)

Ship Name:Midas (1)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1809
Size (tons):430
Voyage Details
Master:James Baigrie
Surgeon:Charles Cameron
Sailed:24 July 1825
Arrived:23 November 1825
Route:St. Jago
Days Travel:124
Convicts Landed:0 males & 108 female convicts
Notes:Arrived VDL 23 November 1825 with 58 female convicts landed, before continuing onto PJ arriving 17 December 1825 with 50 female convicts landed

List of convict passengers

Adams, AnnGreenlees, JanetMorgan, MarySmith, Mary Ann
Allanson, MariaHaley, MargaretMunro, RuthSnook, Mary
Angus, JanetHarnett, MaryNeal, MaryTapper, Mary
Baker, JaneHay, HannahNelson, SarahTiley, Edith
Barnes, SarahHayes, JaneO'Donnell, MaryUnwin, Ann
Beck, SarahHerwood, MaryPalmer, JaneVarlow, Margaret
Bellingham, ElizabethHill, LouisaPhillips, ElizabethWalker, Hannah
Berbin, MaryHolmes, EstherPhillips, MargaretWalker, Mary
Brooks, JaneJackson, JanePickers, LetitiaWalton, Betty
Brown, ElizaJefferies, AnnPitchford, HannahWatt , Jane
Burk, MaryJefferies, HannahPotts, MarthaWeaver, Mary
Burton, MaryJohnson, AnnProvern, LionelWebster, Elizabeth
Clarke, ElizabethJones, MaryRobinson, CatherineWhite, Ann
Colson, AnnKerslake, AnnRobinson, MaryWhite, Mary
Cooke, SarahKing, MarthaRooney, Mary AnnWhittingham, Elizabeth
Cross, AnnLeak, Ann (the younger)Russell, MargaretWilliams, Eleanor
Curran, MaryLewis, ElizabethRycroft, Mary AnnWilliams, Mary
Dale, MaryMacAlister, MargaretSample, MaryWilson, Ann
Daly, ElizabethMacPherson, MarySansom, ElizabethWilson, Mary
Daly, MargaretMaloney, AnnShaw, CatherineWilson, Mary Ann
Davies, MaryMcDonald, MargaretSiddall, EllenWilson, Rosanna
Davis, SophiaMcKay, HelenSilvey, ElizabethWimbridge, Elizabeth
Dowling, MaryMcLimont, JeanSmith, ElizabethWinter, Charlotte
Dwyne, MargaretMcWilliams, MargaretSmith, ElizabethWinter, Elizabeth
Ferguson, MaryMesser, ElizabethSmith, ElizabethWood, Helen
Florence, AnnMilne, JaneSmith, Lucy
Fox, CharlotteMoffatt, LydiaSmith, Maria
Green, MariaMontague, MarySmith, Mary

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Midas (1) is 109 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/5, pp.277-283
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.346-347, 358-359,

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