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Details for the ship Medway (2) (1825)

Ship Name:Medway (2)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1810
Size (tons):435
Voyage Details
Master:Borthwick Wight
Surgeon:Gilbert King
Sailed:2 August 1825
Arrived:14 December 1825
Days Travel:132
Convicts Landed:172 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Adams, JohnDunhoo, JamesMetcalfe, GeorgeSmith, Richard
Adams, ThomasEast, Thomas (the younger)Miles, WilliamSparrow, George
Alderson, HenryEdward, FrancisMillgrove, GeorgeStephenson, John
Allen, John (the younger)Endsor, FrancisMills, GeorgeSterling, Alexander
Antrobus, JamesEvans, EvanMilsom, IsaacStewart, John
Armfield, HenryFergusson, JamesMinty, ThomasStone, John
Bailey, JamesForbes, JamesMorgan, JamesStopford, Thomas
Baker, WilliamForsyth, DanielMorgan, JosephStretton, John
Ball, MosesGarner, GeorgeMorgan, PeterSunt, Richard
Balleny, WilliamGayler, CharlesMoss, MortonSweetling, Charles
Barker, JohnGidney, JohnMould, JosephSwinscow, Timothy
Battersby, JohnGill, PeterNeal, WilliamThomas, James
Bennett, JohnGotherd, WilliamNetherwood, JohnThompson, Thomas
Birmingham, WilliamGould, AustinNewman, SamuelThomson, James
Blakeley, JohnGregory, WilliamOsborne, JamesThomson, James
Boardman, GeorgeGriffiths, WilliamPadfield, JobThomson, Robert
Booth, ManassehHaines, CharlesPalmer, GeorgeTilley, Edward
Bradley, JamesHarris, WilliamParker, GeorgeTurner, George
Bradley, JohnHatton, RichardPayne, FinnisWalker, William
Brentnall, JohnHemmingway, JohnPeach, ThomasWalker, William
Brown, EdwardHerring, JohnPendleton, WilliamWalters, David
Brown, TitusHewlett, JamesPlatt, JosephWatson, John
Brown, WilliamHiggins, SamuelPratt, WilliamWelch, William
Browne, DouglasHill, WilliamRandall, ThomasWhite, William
Brum, JohnHollingsworth, JohnRandle, EdwardWhitworth, James
Buckley, WilliamHolt, CharlesReed, WilliamWickens, William
Bunn, RichardHowell, IsaacReynolds, BarnabyWilkin, Joseph
Burgess, HenryHughes, JohnRigby, ThomasWilliams, Anthony
Burley, CharlesHughes, ThomasRogers, HenryWilliams, Evan
Butterfield, JohnHunt, JamesSalt, EdwardWilliams, Henry
Chandler, PeterJackson, GeorgeSavery, HenryWilliams, John
Chansey, WilliamJarvis, FrancisScouller, ThomasWilliams, Joseph
Clarke, JamesJones, JohnSharkey, GeorgeWilliams, Morgan
Cochrane, MosesJones, JohnSheedy, JamesWilliams, Thomas
Cochrane, ThomasJones, JohnSidebottom, WilliamWilliams, William
Cook, JohnLeach, GeorgeSlater, DanielWilliamson, Thomas
Cook, WilliamLuddington, GeorgeSlater, ThomasWinter, William
Corne, LowieMacrae, WilliamSlowen, JohnWitycem, John
Costin, RobertMaitland, RobertSly, JohnWood, George
Cox, JohnMather, ThomasSmith, BenjaminWoolley, Robert
Crabb, WilliamMcDonald, WilliamSmith, JohnWrenn, William
Davies, ThomasMcFarlane, JohnSmith, John
Davies, WilliamMcKay, DonaldSmith, John (the younger)
Denman, FrederickMcNeill, JamesSmith, Joseph

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Medway (2) is 173 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/5, pp.285-294
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.358-359, 385

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