List of convict passengers
??, James | Dunn, Thomas | Lynch, James | Noon, John |
Ahern, Daniel | Dwyre, John | Lyons, Thomas | Noonan, Jeremiah |
Aylmer, Patrick | Earle, William | Lysaght, James | O Brien, John |
Banett, Thomas | Feaghan, John | Maguire, Bernard | Oneill, John |
Bowe, John | Feernan, John | Mahony, Darby | Oneill, Owen |
Bowe, Thomas | Finn, John | Mara, Michael | Oshaugnessy, Edward |
Brennan, Laurence | Fitzgerald, John | Mathews, John | Owen, John |
Brennan, Thomas | Fitzpatrick, John | McClelland, James | Pennington, John |
Brogan , Patrick | Fitzpatrick, Michael | McCollam, James | Porter, James |
Brophy, John | Flemming, John | McConvil, James | Quillan, Bartly |
Burker, James | Flinter, James | McCormack, Patrick | Quinn, James |
Byrne, Patrick | Fullam, Michael | McCrory, Roger | Quinn, Peter |
Byrne, Patrick | Gallagher, James | McDermod, Daniel | Ramsay, Francis |
Byrnes, Thomas | Geraghty, Stephen | McDonald, Michael | Ranton, John |
Caffrey, Patrick | Glass, John | McDonnell, Thomas | Rickards, Charles |
Caldwell, William | Goonan, Michael | McEvoy, Arthur | Rielley, Owen |
Callaghan, Daniel | Gorman, John | McEvoy, Patrick | Rodgers, Robert |
Callaghan, Owen | Green, Patrick | McGloughlin, Edward | Rogan, William |
Callaghan, Thomas | Grumley, Mathew | McGough, John | Rogers, Michael |
Calley, John | Hanly, Thomas | McGuilian, James | Ryden, Peter |
Carr, Patrick | Harvey, Robert | McGuiness, Joseph | Shaw, Daniel |
Carson, John | Henry, James | McInnery, Thomas | Skerret, James |
Cavanagh, Thomas | Heyburn, John | McJ'lise, John | Slavin, John |
Cochlan, Edward | Higgans, Daniel | McKeown, James | Sloane, William |
Collane, John | Hincks, James | McLoughlin, John | Small, James |
Connelly, Michael | Howard, William | McMahon, James | Smith , Hugh |
Connolly, Michael | Hughes, William | McMahon, Michael | Sperim, William |
Connolly, Patrick | Hull, John | McMinomy, Richard | Stokes, John |
Connor, Daniel | James, Donnelly | McNamara, Denis | Sullivan, Thomas |
Corcoran, Mark | Jones , Perrot | McNamara, James | Tallant, John |
Costello, William | Kalpin, James | McNeill, Robert | Thornton, Patrick |
Cronan, Patrick | Kearns, Michael | McNutty, James John | Timmon, Francis |
Cully, Michael | Keegan, Martin | Monaghan, Thomas | Timmon, John |
Cunningham, John | Kelihe, Cornelius | Mooney, William | Troy, John |
Cunningham, Michael | Kelly, John | Moore, Adam | Tully, James |
Curneen, Charles | Kelly , John | Moran, John | Walpole, George |
Curran, James | Kelly, Patrick | Morrisson, Patrick | Walsh, Christopher |
Daniel, Dominick | Kelly, Thomas | Morrisson, Thomas | Walsh, James |
Densmore, William | Kennedy, Martin | Murphy, James | Walsh, John |
Devine, Patrick | Kilroy, Michael | Murphy, Jeremiah | Walsh , Thomas |
Devnish, John | Kingsmill, John | Murray, John | Whelan, Edward |
Dogherty, Dominick | Kinselagh, Thomas | Murray, Thomas | White, Michael |
Donnelly, Michael | Lindsay, Thomas | Naughan, Hugh | White, William |
Donnelly, Patrick | Lloyd, William | Nealy, Thomas | Williams, James Johnston |
Doyle, James | Lyland, Mark | Neil, William | Wilson, William |
Doyle, John | Lynch, Davis | Nicholson, James | Wolfe, James |
Drum, James | Lynch, Edward | Nicholson, John | |
Duignan, Nicholas | Lynch, James | Nolan, Edward | |
Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Asia I (3) is 190 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.
- State Records NSW (SRNSW) : NRS 1156, [X30], 1824, Asia, pp.1-7
- Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.346-347, 384