List of convict passengers
Adshead, John | Gabriel, William | Lockwood, Richard | Shackleton, John |
Affleck, George | Giffin, Joseph | Lowndes, James | Short, Thomas |
Appleby, John | Gladman, William | Lyons, Lawrence | Simpson, Isaac |
Arnold, William | Glover, William | MacGinnies, Christopher | Slater, John |
Arnold, William | Goodwin, James | Mackenzie, Donald | Smith, George |
Ashton, Thomas | Green, John | Marshall, Jonathan | Smith, James |
Astbury, William | Green, Thomas | Martin, Benjamin | Smith, James |
Austin, Charles | Grew, Robert | Martin, Charles | Smith, John |
Ballinger, Thomas | Gutteridge, George | Mason, Thomas | Smith, Thomas |
Barratt, Francis | Hannah, John | McArthur, Charles | Smith, William |
Beck, Thomas | Hardy, John | McCann, Thomas | Smith, William |
Beenham, William | Hardy, Philip | McFarlane, Joseph | South, James |
Bentley, William | Hargrave, Joseph | McManus, Terence | Spong, John Newen |
Birch, Thomas | Harris, Henry | McVilley, William | Stafford, Francis |
Booker, James | Hartnell, Thomas | Mercer, John | Stanning, John |
Booth, Vincent | Haslar, Samuel | Mitchell, William | Steers, John |
Boxall, John | Heathcote, Samuel | Mitford, Richard | Stimson, Joseph |
Brierley, Luke | Henry, George William | Moring, John James | Stone, Frederick |
Brixly, James | Hetley, James | Murdock, Thomas | Storey, Samuel |
Brockhurst, Thomas | Higgins, Martin | Murphy, Edward | Strange, John |
Brown, Charles | Hill, James | Newman, Charles | Tabor, Joseph |
Brown, John | Hillman, William | O'Neale, John | Tapp, John |
Brown, John | Hillyer, William | Odell, William | Taylor, John |
Burnett, William | Hoddy, John | Oliver, John | Taylor, Thomas |
Burt, John | Hodge, David | Parr, John | Thackray, Peter |
Butcher, William | Holden, John | Pearce, William | Thompson, Alexander |
Cadman, William | Holmes, James | Pell, Richard | Tibbs, William |
Cam, Martin | Hubbard, John | Pendlebury, Thomas | Tickner, George |
Campbell, George | Hutton, John | Perring, George | Tomlinson, Abraham |
Carswell, Allan | Huyton, William | Perry, John | Trinder, Thomas |
Castledine, Samuel | Hyatt, William | Perryman, John | Tufnel, James |
Cecil, John | Illsley, George Edward | Pickburn, William | Turner, Frederick |
Chantler, Jesse | Jarrett, John | Poole, Edward | Turner, Samuel |
Chilton, William | Jeffkins, George | Potter, William | Tyrrell, Richard |
Collett, John | Johnson, David | Poultney, William | Waite, Benjamin |
Connor, Francis | Johnson, Henry | Randell, William | Ward, John |
Cooper, James | Johnson, William | Raven, Thomas | Warner, George |
Crane, John | Jones, Aaron | Rayner, Robert | Watson, William |
Crosland, William | Jones, John | Rayner, William | Watts, Robert |
Davison, Charles | Jones, John | Redgrove, John | Webber, Michael |
Dick, John | Jones, Thomas | Richards, William | Welch, James |
Donahow, Michael | Kain, Edward | Robertson, Robert | Wellings, Charles |
Donovan, Dennis | Keys, Charles | Rooke, John James | Weston, Henry |
Douglas, Neil | Keys, Richard | Rowland, James | Widdows, Joseph |
Dowsett, Samuel | Kinchett, John | Rue, Robert | Wilkins, Charles |
Drake, William | Knight, William | Rutherford, David | Williams, Robert |
Dutton, William | Laverty, James | Ryley, Patrick | Wilson, John |
Ferguson, John | Layhe, Edward | Saggs, Henry | Wilson, Matthew |
Figg, William | Lees, Thomas | Salmon, John | Wilson, Thomas |
Finch, John | Lenoy, Abraham | Salter, George | Wilson, Thomas |
Flood, Thomas | Leonard, William | Samels, John | Wilson, William |
Foreman, William | Levett, Thomas | Sawyer, William | Witton, John |
Foster, William | Lewis, Charles | Scholes, Thomas | Wright, William |
Furlow, John | Lewis, Daniel | Senior, Thomas | Young, John |
Gable, Joseph | Linton, Moses | Sewell, John | |
Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Commodore Hayes is 219 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.
- The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/5, pp.23-34
- Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.358-359, 384