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Details for the ship Malabar (2) (1821)

Ship Name:Malabar (2)  
Rig Type:S.
Build Year:1804
Size (tons):525
Voyage Details
Master:William Ascough
Surgeon:John Thompson
Sailed:22 June 1821
Arrived:21 October 1821
Days Travel:121
Convicts Landed:171 males & 0 female convicts

List of convict passengers

Allways, JohnFieldhouse, SamuelLewis, WilliamRobinson, William
Arnett, JosephFiney, RichardLewis, WilliamScarborough, Robert
Arthur, ThomasFudge, RichardLudlow, WilliamSearle, James
Ashbee, WilliamGodliman, JohnMackram, JohnSearle, John
Ayres, WilliamGoodchild, Richard SextonMarshall, WilliamShaw, John
Baker, WilliamGreen, JohnMartin, AndrewSmith, Charles
Baldwin, ThomasGreen, ThomasMason, RobertSmith, Daniel
Barker, ThomasGregory, RobertMaund, WilliamSmith, Edward
Barton, John (the elder)Groves, WilliamMcDonald, JohnSmith, James
Barton, John (the younger)Guinea, JohnMcGinnity, DanielSmith, Joshua
Best, JohnHadfield, JosephMcLockland, AndrewSpencer, John
Bigg, JosephHall, DanielMessenger, WilliamSpencer, Stephen
Boon, JohnHammill, HughMills, GeorgeStanley, Joseph
Bourke, JohnHammond, WilliamMitchell, ThomasStinchcombe, George
Bowler, RichardHarris, GeorgeMorand, GeorgeStone, Joseph
Brightman, JosiahHarris, JohnMorgan, JamesSutcliffe, Samuel
Brown, HenryHarvey, ThomasMorgan, WilliamTaylor, Isaac
Brown, RalphHayes, WilliamMorgan, WilliamTaylor, John
Brownhill, WilliamHeather, JohnMorris, WilliamThirkill, Thomas
Burk, WilliamHeming, ThomasMortimer, WilliamThomas, John
Caldwell, RobertHiggins, RobertNoon, JohnThornton, James
Cambray, JosephHite, SamuelNugent, WilliamTomlinson, Peter
Chawner, RobertHolland, John JamesPainter, BenjaminTricklebank, Robert
Clayton, HenryHolman, JamesParish, CharlesTrotman, Thomas
Clayton, JohnHopgood, ThomasPartridge, ThomasVowles, Job
Clements, GeorgeHoward, EdmundPaynter, WilliamWalker, John
Clewes, WilliamHowarth, WilliamPerry, JohnWalker, Thomas
Cliffe, WilliamHubbard, Edward CarterPilkington, JohnWalker, William
Collins, JohnInnes, JamesPindard, JamesWatson, John
Colsell, ThomasJames, HenryPinkett, CharlesWebber, James
Cotterell, GeorgeJamieson, StewartPowell, WilliamWhite, James
Cox, JosephJenkins, WilliamPrince, JamesWhitehurst, David
Craggs, George (The younger)Johnson, JohnPrior, JonasWilkinson, John
Crossland, GeorgeJones, JohnPullen, JosephWilkinson, John
Crowther, JohnJones, WilliamPurton, WilliamWilliams, William
Cutler, ThomasKelly, JohnRalph, GeorgeWilson, Jeremiah
Easton, JohnKing, CharlesRamsden, WilliamWilson, John
Eaton, JohnKing, GeorgeRichards, GeorgeWing, George
England, JohnKirby, JohnRichmond, John (the younger)Wolff, William
Entwisle, ThomasKnight, JohnRidings, RichardWooding, Joel
Falkner, SamuelLamb, JohnRix, GeorgeYeomans, Richard
Falkner, ThomasLamb, JohnRoberts, ThomasYoung, Samuel
Fearnley, SimriLangford, JosephRobinson, John

Note: The number of convicts recorded on this site that are associated with the ship Malabar (2) is 171 .This figure may not correlate with the full listing of convicts recorded in official documents.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/4, pp.41-50
  • Bateson, Charles & Library of Australian History (1983). The convict ships, 1787-1868 (Australian ed). Library of Australian History, Sydney : pp.358-359, 383

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