Researchers who have claimed this convict
There are currently 7 researchers who have claimed Edmund Moore
- Researcher (1130)
- Researcher (Donna Boyanton)
- Researcher (1957)
- Researcher (4207)
- Researcher (Michael Downey)
- Researcher (Karen Kelly Strange)
- Researcher (8736)
Edmund Moore was tried in August 1814 at Co Kerry Ireland for breaking a curfew and was sentenced to Life transportation to New South Wales. He arrived per 'Canada'(3) to Port Jackson 5 August 1815. Edmund was born about 1792 in Co Kerry. He married 10 September 1820 Mary Ann Connolly (1803-1835) daughter of convicts James Connolly (1796 'Marquis of Cornwallis' and Sarah Maloney (1800 'Minerva' and had six children with her. A conditional pardon was issued to him 25 June 1831 (CP No. 1119).
Submitted by Researcher (1957) on 28 January 2018
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There are currently no research notes attached to this convict. |