Researchers who have claimed this convict
There is currently one researcher who has claimed Henry Davenport
Henry Davenport (17941881) was born in Priors Marston Warwickshire England.He was married to Mary and had 7 children. He was tried and found guilty of stealing beans, at Warwick Assizes on 23rd March 1886. Transferred to Woolwich and transported for 7 years on the Blenheim on 15 March 1837. Arrived Van Diemensland 21 July 1837. During his time there he was assigned to work at Ross post office, and to work building the New Norfolk bridge, along with several punishments for drunkenness and neglecting duties. He was released in 1843, and made his way back to England at some point before the 1851 census, where was back with Mary living at Leamington Priors. He died in 1881 aged 87. He was my great great great grandfather, and I would love to know more about his time in Tasmania, and how he funded his passage home.
Submitted by Researcher (12100) on 1 March 2020
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There are currently no research notes attached to this convict. Sources
- The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/11, p.8