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Details for the convict Benjamin Chuter (1836)

Convict Name:Benjamin Chuter
Trial Place:Southampton Quarter Session
Trial Date:20 October 1835
Arrival Details
Ship:Moffatt (2)
Arrival Year:1836
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Researchers who have claimed this convict

There is currently one researcher who has claimed Benjamin Chuter

  • Researcher (Steve Priestley)
Claimed convict


He was born at Frensham, Surrey, on 8 March 1817 to Stephen (see separate biography) and Sarah and baptised, also at Frensham, on 31 August.
He was convicted at Southampton on 20 October 1835 of stealing a wether (a castrated ram) from a field at Rank's Hill (on the South-West corner of the present day sand pit near Trottsford Farm SU812388) on 16 September. On 30 October, he was transferred to the prison hulk Hardy at Portsmouth. Transported to Australia on the Moffatt (dep 6 May 1836); arrived in Port Jackson on 30 August 1836. Ticket of Leave: 8 August 1845. Conditional Pardon: 20 March 1850.
The NSW convicts list describes him on his arrival as follows: Height 5' 7''; complexion dark sallow; hair black; eyes light brown. Eyebrows meeting, nose inclining a little to the right side, scar back of right hand, scar back of left hand near the wrist, two scars back of middle, and one back of third fingers of same.
In 1861, he appears to have been digging in the Rocky River goldfield, near Armidale. In August, the Armidale Express reported that "The various tunnelling parties here are prosecuting their labours with a vigour of energy which deserves, and will ensure success. Messrs. Parker, Chuter and Co., whose tunnel enters Mount Walsh, on the Northern side, are how 150 feet in, the whole of which has been driven through hard granite. They expect some four or five hundred feet of the same kind of driving before payable ground is reached."
He was declared insolvent in 1865. Armidale Express 8 July 1865: New Insolvents:-Benjamin Chuter, of Saumarez, late of Rocky River, labourer. Liabilities, £88 8s 1d. Assets, £16 15s. Mr. Sempill, official assignee. Meetings of creditors were held at Armidale on 20 July and on 4 August. On 12 August, the Armidale Express reported that "On Wednesday last a single meeting was held at Armidale, before the local Commissioner, in the insolvent estate of Benjamin Chuter. Insolvent did not appear, nor did any of his creditors. A claim for £58 14s 5d had been lodged by Mr Wm. Greghorn, and admitted by the Commissioner." Later that year, the same newspaper reported that Benjamin had won £1 5s at quoits at the Boxing Day sports meeting held at Saumarez Bridge. However, on 30 June 1866 it reported that a Mr Payne intended to apply to Uralla Police Court for "a certificate for the insolvent Benjamin Chuter of Saumarez."
In a will dated November 1872 he left all his estate to his wife, Amelia, whom he had married earlier that year (he was her fourth husband).
In February 1875, the Armidale Express reported on a court case in which Benjamin sued two contractors for breach of contract to move 'stuff' (felled timber) to locations from where it could be transported. The contractors claimed that he had failed to show them the correct location of the stuff and that if he had they would have charged more to move it. Benjamin wanted £50 but the court awarded him £10.
In May 1879, the following announcement was published in the Armidale Express and New England General Advertiser: THURSDAY, Jane 5th, 1879. VALUABLE CONDITIONAL PURCHASE Of 372 Acres, County of Sandon, Parish of Elton, with PRE-LEASE of 1100 Acres, granted. To Farmers and Others.THOS. C. SMITH has received instructions from Mr. Benjamin Chuter to sell, by public auction, on the Premises, on the above date, at 12 o'clock (Noon), sharp, All his VALUABLE C.P. of 372 Acres, known as the SURRY HILL FARM, near Mount Butler, situated about Seven Miles from Armidale, on the Saumarez Run, in the County of Sandon, parish of Elton, with Pre-Lease of 1100 Acres, granted. [a full description follows]
His death notice in the Armidale Express of 3 August 1883 read "At Mount Butler, on the 28th of July, Benjamin Chuter, who departed this life after four days' illness. He leaves a beloved wife and a large circle of relations and friends to mourn their loss."
After his death, his estate was valued at £298.
Submitted by Researcher (Steve Priestley) on 15 October 2019

Disclaimer: The information has not been verified by Claim a Convict. As this information is contributed, it is the responsibility of those who use the data to verify its accuracy.

Research notes

There are currently no research notes attached to this convict.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/10, p.271

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