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Details for the convict John Lysaught (1831)

Convict Name:John Lysaught
Trial Place:Ennis
Trial Date:1831
Arrival Details
Ship:Asia V (2)
Arrival Year:1831
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Researchers who have claimed this convict

There are currently 3 researchers who have claimed John Lysaught

  • Researcher (846)
  • Researcher (4301)
  • Researcher (4354)
Claimed convict


1807. Born. Killard, County Clare, Ireland

2 June 1831. Trial and Conviction. Ennis, County Clare.
Convicted and sentenced to death for "assaulting a dwelling house". John's attorney, Mr O'Donnell applied for liberty to alter his plea to guilty and the sentence was changed to transportation to the colonies for "the term of his natural life".

John was a known agitator against the English oppressors.
The following excerpt was taken from notes researched and compiled by Tom Clark and Olive Clark nee Thomas.
.... John fell foul of the English penal code which had been imposed on Ireland. He became involved in "whiteboy" and other "agrarian agitator" groups which protested against the resulting social and economic injustices. In joining such a group, the protesters would swear an oath of solidarity and loyalty to the group. Such swearing was illegal and sufficient in its own right to warrant conviction and consequent transportation to one of the colonies.

6 Aug 1831. Departed Cork, Ireland.

2 Dec 1831. Arrived on convict ship Asia V at Port Jackson (Sydney), New South Wales, Australia.
On arrival John was described as 5 feet 8 1/2 inches tall with hazel eyes, fair hair and "fresh" appearance. His conduct during the voyage was noted as "good".

Dec 1831. "Disposed of" to employer (name illegible) at Cowpastures, Camden, New South Wales.

9 Sep 1845. Marriage Bann. Rev. Thomas Hassall of Denbigh approved the application for marriage of Mary Funnell (a native of the Colony) to John Lysaight. (note spelling)

6 Oct 1845. Marriage to Mary Funnell at Cobbitty, Narellan, New South Wales.
Note 1. On the marriage registration John's name is spelt Lysiet
Note 2. On John's convict documents he is listed as being married with 1 child. (back in Ireland)
Note 3. Mary Funnell was the daughter of James Funnell (1796-1839) and Sarah Wright (1799-1881) who were both convicts.

1846-1868. John and Mary had 13 children while residing in the Camden area.
James (1846-1888)
Jane (1847-1931)
John (1848-1861)
Mary (1850-1897)
Michael (1852-1940)
Elizabeth Phoebe (1854-1932)
Catherine (Kate) (1855-1898)
George (1857-1934)
Thomas (1858-1930)
Bridget Sarah (1863-)
William (1865-1933)
Daniel (1866-1948)
Susannah (1868-1945)

6 Jun 1877. Death. Registered at Camden, New South Wales.
John's name was spelt Lysiat.

Submitted by Researcher (4354) on 20 January 2020

Disclaimer: The information has not been verified by Claim a Convict. As this information is contributed, it is the responsibility of those who use the data to verify its accuracy.

Research notes

Year of Birth Source. New South Wales, Australia, Convict Registers of Conditional and Absolute Pardons, 1788-1870. State Records Authority of NSW; Kingswood, NSW, Aus. Reel 788. Roll number 1250.
Submitted by Researcher (4354) on 20 January 2020
Trial and Punishment Source. Notes for John Lysaught: taken from notes researched and compiled by Tom Clark and Olive Clark nee Thomas. nancheryl2311 shared this in 2012 on Martin Family Ancestry tree
Submitted by Researcher (4354) on 20 January 2020
Arrival Source. New South Wales, Australia, Convict Indents, 1788-1842 for John Lysaght. State Archives NSW; Series NRS 12189; item [X633] Microfiche:698
Submitted by Researcher (4354) on 20 January 2020
Marriage Source. New South Wales, Australia, Registers of Convicts' Applications to Marry, 1826-1851. State Archives NSW; Series: 12212; Item: 4/4514; Page: 103
Submitted by Researcher (4354) on 20 January 2020
Birth of Children Source. Australia, Birth Index, 1788-1922.
Submitted by Researcher (4354) on 20 January 2020
Marriage Source. Australia, Marriage Index, 1788-1950 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010. Original data: Compiled from publicly available sources.
Submitted by Researcher (4354) on 20 January 2020
Death Source. Australia, Death Index, 1787-1985 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010. Original data: Compiled from publicly available sources.
Submitted by Researcher (4354) on 20 January 2020
Departure and Voyage Source. Free Settler or Felon site. Convict Ship Asia V 1831.
Submitted by Researcher (4354) on 20 January 2020
Political Unrest in Ireland Source. Free Settler or Felon site. Political Prisoners.
Submitted by Researcher (4354) on 20 January 2020

Disclaimer: The information has not been verified by Claim a Convict. As this information is contributed, it is the responsibility of those who use the data to verify its accuracy.

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