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Details for the convict John Lewis (1825)

Convict Name:John Lewis
Trial Place:Middlesex Gaol Delivery
Trial Date:22 October 1823
Arrival Details
Ship:Asia III
Arrival Year:1825
Claim John Lewis as yours

Researchers who have claimed this convict

There are currently 2 researchers who have claimed John Lewis

  • Researcher (Brian & Toni )
  • Researcher (Gayle O'Mara)
Claimed convict


There are currently no biographies attached to this convict.

Research notes

John was born about 1804 Middlesex
Submitted by Researcher (Brian & Toni ) on 9 June 2014
John was tried and convicted at Middlesex Gaol Delivery on 22 October 1823 and sentenced to life transportation
Submitted by Researcher (Brian & Toni ) on 9 June 2014
John arrived Sydney aged about 21 aboard Asia 3 on 22 April 1825 with his Indent showing trade as "coachman". He is evidenced 1828 Census assigned to William Oglivie of Merton Hunter River
Submitted by Researcher (Brian & Toni ) on 9 June 2014
John had Tickets of Leave 33/786 dated 24 August 1833 & 37/0598 both issued Merton also TOL Passport 39/158 dated 14 June 1839 issued Merton NSW
Submitted by Researcher (Brian & Toni ) on 9 June 2014
John applied to marry Elizabeth Wiggins (Surrey 1840) on 24 February 1842
Submitted by Researcher (Brian & Toni ) on 9 June 2014
With the consent of the Governor John married Elizabeth Wiggins (Surry) on 4 March 1842 at Christ Church Newcastle NSW
Submitted by Researcher (Brian & Toni ) on 9 June 2014
John and Elizabeth had ten known children; John 1842, Ellen 1845, Elizabeth 1847, Celia 1851, Frederick 1852,,William 1856, Rosebella 1858, Joan 1860, Edward 1861 & Frank 1868
Submitted by Researcher (Brian & Toni ) on 9 June 2014

Disclaimer: The information has not been verified by Claim a Convict. As this information is contributed, it is the responsibility of those who use the data to verify its accuracy.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/5, p.200

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