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Details for the convict John Kenny (1793)

Convict Name:John Kenny
Trial Place:Carlow
Trial Date:1791
Arrival Details
Arrival Year:1793
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Researchers who have claimed this convict

There are currently 2 researchers who have claimed John Kenny

  • Researcher (Brian & Toni )
  • Researcher (Dianne Stocks)
Claimed convict


John and James Kenny were teachers in Ireland. They were convicted pf theft in 1791 in Carlow.
They were granted land at Field of Mars in 1795. They set up a school in the Rocks (Harrington Street) in 1805 - advertisement in the Sydney Gazette and NSW Advertiser (Sunday 6th October, 1805).

They later established a school in Wilberforce in the Hawkesbury. This school was later rebuilt and enlarged by Governor Macquarie and still stands today. There is a report of John Kenny dying of a snake bite in 1814 at Wilberforce - again the Sydney Gazette and NSW Advertiser ( Saturday 12 February, 1814).

The list of early burials in the Wilberforce Cemetery records James Kenny as the 12 burial - this, I believe should be John Kenny. James died in 1843 at Glen Kenny, near Lake George and is buried in Appin.

There is an account of a John Kenny being hanged and gibbeted for theft and murder in 1807. This is most likely to be another person - the name is quite a common one.
Submitted by Researcher (Dianne Stocks) on 12 February 2016

Disclaimer: The information has not been verified by Claim a Convict. As this information is contributed, it is the responsibility of those who use the data to verify its accuracy.

Research notes

John was born about 1770 Ireland and was convicted at Carlow County Ireland in 1791 and sentenced to 7 years transportation
Submitted by Researcher (Brian & Toni ) on 2 July 2014
John arrived Sydney aged about 23 aboard Boddingtons on 7 August 1793 with his Indent showing trade "baker & teacher" ;
Submitted by Researcher (Brian & Toni ) on 2 July 2014
John was convicted on 22 January 1807 of murder Mary Smith on 11 January 1807 at Parramatta and sentenced to death. Source; Sydney Gazette NSW Advertiser 18 Jan 1807 p1 & 25 Jan 1807 p2
Submitted by Researcher (Brian & Toni ) on 3 July 2014
John Kenny was hanged and Gibbeted on 24 January 1807 at Parramatta NSW. Source; Sydney Gazette NSW Advertiser 25 January 1807 page 2 & Maybury Irish Convicts to NSW.
Submitted by Researcher (Brian & Toni ) on 3 July 2014

Disclaimer: The information has not been verified by Claim a Convict. As this information is contributed, it is the responsibility of those who use the data to verify its accuracy.

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