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Details for the convict Catherine Hatch (1809)

Convict Name:Catherine Hatch
Trial Place:Dublin
Trial Date:1807
Arrival Details
Ship:Experiment II
Arrival Year:1809
Claim Catherine Hatch as yours

Researchers who have claimed this convict

There are currently 6 researchers who have claimed Catherine Hatch

  • Researcher (2241)
  • Researcher (521)
  • Researcher (7668)
  • Researcher (10334)
  • Researcher (12833)
  • Researcher (Wayne Morris)
Claimed convict


From Dublin Ireland.
Convicted January 1807 of robbery and sentenced to seven years transportation.
Arrived Port Jackson per "Experiment" in 1809 and assigned to the Hawkesbury area.
Had children with Patrick Hand (per "Rolla" 1803)and lived in the Hawkesbury area.
Involved in several court cases including being charged with the murder of Isaac Cornwall in 1811.
Died 1825 after birth of a daughter and buried at Richmond where the headstone is still standing.
Cited in two books on early Hawkesbury settlers..

Submitted by Researcher (521) on 4 September 2016

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Research notes

There are currently no research notes attached to this convict.

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