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Details for the convict John Cantwell (1826)

Convict Name:John Cantwell
Trial Place:Oxford Assizes
Trial Date:5 March 1823
Arrival Details
Ship:Earl St. Vincent (4)
Arrival Year:1826
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Researchers who have claimed this convict

There is currently one researcher who has claimed John Cantwell

  • Researcher (Tanya Mackay)
Claimed convict


John Cantwell born 1804 in Oxfordshire England to parents Stephen Cantwell born 1765 in England, married 23rd July 1791 to Mary Harris, born 1766 in England. John being the 4th child born married in Launceston, Tasmania on 6th April 1829 to Mary Anne Cook, born 1805. John died 25th February 1862. Mary died 29th May 1890. They both died in Hobart. John and Mary's children were, Elizabeth Charlotte, born 17th February 1826, died 18th July 1849, Hobart. Charles born 1829, Launceston, married Sarah Priest, 6th March 1856, Hobart. Charles died 28th October 1904, New Norfolk, Tasmania. Samuel born 1830, Launceston, married Susan Davey, on 19th April 1855 in Hobart. Samuel died, 15th June 1912, Hobart. Eliza born 22nd May 1832, Launceston, married Henry J Warner, on 29th May 1849, Hobart. Eliza died 3rd April 1910, Hobart.
Submitted by Researcher (Tanya Mackay) on 1 November 2017

Disclaimer: The information has not been verified by Claim a Convict. As this information is contributed, it is the responsibility of those who use the data to verify its accuracy.

Research notes

There are currently no research notes attached to this convict.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/6, p.12

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