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Details for the convict John Everett (1822)

Convict Name:John Everett
Trial Place:Middlesex Gaol Delivery
Trial Date:11 April 1821
Sentence:14 years
Arrival Details
Arrival Year:1822
Claim John Everett as yours

Researchers who have claimed this convict

There are currently 3 researchers who have claimed John Everett

  • Researcher (Brian & Toni )
  • Researcher (14124)
  • Researcher (Lee Cranwell)
Claimed convict


John partnered Joseph Broadhead (Caledonia 1822) and William Buckley (Claudine 1821) in robbery.
Source; Hobart Town Gazette 12 August 1825 page 3
Submitted by Researcher (Brian & Toni ) on 20 July 2014

Disclaimer: The information has not been verified by Claim a Convict. As this information is contributed, it is the responsibility of those who use the data to verify its accuracy.

Research notes

John was convicted at Middlesex Gaol Delivery on 11 April 1821 and sentenced to 14 years transportation, he arrived Tasmania aboard Richmond in 1822.
Submitted by Researcher (Brian & Toni ) on 20 July 2014
John &'Joseph Broadhead (Caledonia) & William Buckley (Claudine) were convicted 20 Aug 1825 Hobart of robbery Samuel Haywood and sentenced to death. Source; Hobart Town Gazette 27 Aug 1825 p4
Submitted by Researcher (Brian & Toni ) on 22 July 2014
John Everett, Joseph Broadhead & William Buckley were hanged 31 Aug 1825 Hobart Gaol. Source; Hobart Town Gazette 12 Aug 1825p3 & 13 Aug 1825 p2 & 3 Sept 1825,p2 and Colonial Times 2 Sept 1825 p1
Submitted by Researcher (Brian & Toni ) on 22 July 2014

Disclaimer: The information has not been verified by Claim a Convict. As this information is contributed, it is the responsibility of those who use the data to verify its accuracy.


  • The National Archives (TNA) : HO 11/4, p.124

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