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Details for the convict Joseph Smith (1790)

Convict Name:Joseph Smith
Trial Place:Middlesex
Trial Date:1788
Arrival Details
Arrival Year:1790
Claim Joseph Smith as yours

Researchers who have claimed this convict

There are currently 15 researchers who have claimed Joseph Smith

  • Researcher (1329)
  • Researcher (1553)
  • Researcher (1732)
  • Researcher (2407)
  • Researcher (Lorraine Atkinson)
  • Researcher (Pam Collard)
  • Researcher (Linda Tite)
  • Researcher (8501)
  • Researcher (11123)
  • Researcher (14076)
  • Researcher (Izel
  • Researcher (David Kannane)
  • Researcher (15925)
  • Researcher (Trudy Boan)
  • Researcher (Judy Rayner)
Claimed convict


There are currently no biographies attached to this convict.

Research notes

There are currently no research notes attached to this convict.

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